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Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 07:45am

Duoqueue with Dumbolino
I played Braum Support and Dumbolino played Warwick Jungle

Top: Leesin vs Darius
Mid: Katarina vs Ziggs
Jungle: Warwick vs Rammus
Bot: Braum Varus vs Alistar Jinx

I think my best Braum game so far

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 07:57am
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May 21 2014 07:54am

premade with Puddleglum, Rx500, hL bluèwàrd

Top: Olaf vs Rumble
Mid: Fizz vs Syndra
Jungle: Poppy vs Jarvan
Bot: Alistar Vayne vs Braum Caitlyn

I dominated Rumble until, he went low many times like 100-200 hp , I got greedy and dived him and he killed me and I didn't kill him
then the enemy Jungler ganked me and I didn't get away
from that moment on I had no chance anymore, really bad game for me but I kept farming and through teamplay we managed to win it

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 07:54am
Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 07:56am

we continued to play our goldV 3v3 ranked Team "Behold Our Glory"

still unbeaten we went up to 9 wins with 0 losses followed by the promotion

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 08:22am
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May 21 2014 08:21am

we played our 3v3 ranked team promotion
unfortunatly just won the first of 3

the first team included two gold/platin players and a platin/diamond player with their platin 3v3 ranked team
the second team included three platin players in a platin 3v3 team
the third team included 3 soloqueue diamond players who played their gold 3v3 team, one of them Diamond II

I don't know if we would have qualified straight for platin or for gold I, but if the promo was for gold IV or gold III I find it way too hard to beat these teams just to move to another gold league
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May 21 2014 08:27am

Top: Yasuo vs Darius
Mid: Fizz vs Lissandra
Jungle: Fiddlesticks vs Leesin
Bot: Leona Pantheon vs Ezreal Teemo

Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 08:43am

I played Syndra Mid

Top: Nidalee vs Jax
Mid: Syndra vs Zed
Jungle: Sion vs Sona
Bot: Lucian Braum vs Anivia Kennen

real troll game when you look at the champions and positions in the enemy team
I won lane vs Zed, but I really couldn't carry the game with a completely useless Jungler who connected late and then claimed he has lags all game and a really bad nidalee that fed enemy platin Jax
Jax then hardcarried the game

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 09:01am
Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 08:50am

I played Braum Support

Top: Pantheon vs Gragas
Mid: Zed vs Ziggs
Jungle: Twitch vs Twitch
Bot: Braum Varus vs Miss Fortune Thresh

tested a build with the item "static Shiv"
really fun game with two jungle Twitch's and much trashtalk^^
and I got honored :p

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 09:00am
Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 08:59am

Duoqueue with Puddleglum
I played Leesin top and Puddleglum played Poppy jungle

Top: Lee Sin vs Trundle
Mid: Katarina vs Xerath
Jungle: Poppy vs Lee Sin
Bot: Elise Wukong vs Lucian Nidalee

I beat Trundle in lane 1v1 and won lane
I really like the new Lee Sin with this build: buy "sightstone" early and "hydra" rush
later upgrade sightstone and get more tanky, if already lategame buy "last whisper"

good game after all since our troll bot lane didn't feed too much
Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 09:05am

played Duoqueue 3v3 with Puddleglum, practicing some 3v3 for friday when we continue to play our gold ranked team

I played Lux, Puddleglum played (as always) Poppy
our Lee Sin had lags but still it was a really smooth and easy game
perfect KDA

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 09:06am
Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 09:30am

premade with Rockarollaman, Puddleglum and Scherom

Top: Rengar vs Riven
Mid: Syndra vs Malzahar
Jungle: Aatrox vs Hecarim
Bot: Poppy Sivir vs Ezreal Thresh

I killed Malzahar 1v1 early and got first blood, then I killed him with Level6 with my ultimate,
but then I got too greedy and tried to kill him again with "Shark", he survived with low hp and managed to kill me with his ult and survived with barely any hp
after that I had a really hard time 1v1-ing him and he pushed hard and got my tower first
I decided to roam, I went top and we made a double kill there, then we helped bot lane and made dragon
we always had the game in our hands, also the random Rengar in our team played really well

Top: Jax vs Cho'gath
Mid: Syndra vs Yasuo
Jungle: Kha'zix vs Xin Zhao
Bot: Braum Caitlyn vs Braum Caitlyn

fun game, although I had a hard time vs Yasuo mid, also Yasuo was premade with his jungler Xin Zhao and he baited me into my first death when Xin ganked

the Caitlyn "atuamaezinhade4" in my team is a portugese girl-gamer who has a new twitch stream, she's just silver III yet but she seems to be a really good Caitlyn player

Top: Wukong vs Soraka
Mid: Brand vs Katarina
Jungle: Udyr vs Xin Zhao
Bot: Jinx Gragas vs Twitch Nami

I couldn't really kill Katarina 1v1
we had a really useless jungle Udyr, the worst I've seen in a long time, Wukong lost top to Soraka
our bot lane wasn't so bad but it just wasn't enough to carry the game

this double heal meta with Soraka and Nami really seems to work, also it's really annoying, especially when you have an ultimate or passive like Brand

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 09:31am
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