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May 13 2014 08:02am

I wanted to try Jungle Poppy, as I watched my cousin "Puddleglum" many games playing Poppy ( he's an only poppy player)
She seems a fun character to play even in bad games or when you're losing especially with the new jungle item "Feral Flare"

In the early game I pretty much camped top lane, I tried to gank Jax twice and then as Master Yi showed up I counterganked him and our diamond Xin Zhao got first blood plus double buffs,
that pretty much rolled the game for us

This post was edited by mattuk on May 13 2014 08:03am
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May 14 2014 04:41am

duoqueue 3v3 with Puddleglum
the random in our team was a Vel'koz who went like 0/3/0 pretty early
he got constantly ganked and was so squishy that he died so fast we couldn't even countergank or teamfight 3v3
I don't think Vel'koz is a good pick in 3v3 escpecially not when you keep pushing the wave towards the enemy tower when u play a 1v2 lane

duoqueue 3v3 with Puddleglum
the random in our team was a really bad Leblanc player, almost lost us the game

duoqueue 3v3 with Puddleglum
I played Syndra vs Braum and Twitch in a 1v2 lane bot
I really struggled and went 0/2 but then we made a few kills and I got back into the game and finally turned it around
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May 14 2014 05:20am

Duoqueue 5v5 normal with Puddleglum
I played Vi who is actually my jungle main at the moment
it was a really strange game in which we almost no teamfight at all, all the time someone fought, outnumbered or not,
and we gave away a lot of unnecessary kills, I honestly don't know how we won that game

This post was edited by mattuk on May 14 2014 05:34am
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May 14 2014 05:56am

Soloqueue 5v5 Normal
I played my first game with the new Tank Support Braum
he feels good to play and as far as I can tell he is a strong Support/Tank
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May 14 2014 08:47am

Champions/Builds I want to play:

any position: Braum, Leesin
top: Olaf, Garen, Malphite
jungle: Shyvana, Malphite, Fiddlesticks, Kayle, Poppy
mid: Brand, Zilean, Katarina, Kogmaw (ap), Lux, Vel'koz, Ziggs, Kayle
adc: Graves, Quinn, Varus
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May 15 2014 07:23am

Top: Soraka vs Riven
Mid: Zed vs Orianna
Jungle: Fiddlesticks vs Dr.Mundo
Bot: Twitch Braum vs Vayne Braum

I picked Fiddlesticks because our midlaner picked Zed and we didn't really have much magic damage , except for Soraka

It started off really bad as our diamond top soraka got ganked by Dr.Mundo and gave firstblood to him
I tried to gank top lane after that and the enemy Riven went so low that we decided to dive her, which was a really bad idea because at the moment we walked into the tower
Dr.Mundo counterganked and we both died and I gave away the doublebuff,
double buff, especially when playing fiddlesticks, is really essential for early ganks and jungling

but we kind of came back from that miserable earlygame and I landed a few good Ultimates ,
first at top for a doublekill for Soraka and then I ultied behind the outer turret in bot lane and we killed Vayne and Braum
finally we managed to win because Soraka carried us and Twitch got also really strong
Ap Soraka seems like the flavor of the month to me, I already read in the Pbe updates that she will be nerfed:

Starcall ( Q ) damage lowered to 50/75/100/125/150 40/65/90/115/140 from 60/95/130/165/200
[Context: Second patch lowered the values to 40/65/90/115/140 from 50/75/100/125/150 ]
Starcall ( Q ) Astral Blessing Cooldown reduction on champion hit increased to 5/8/11/14/17% 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 from 5/6.5/7.5/8.75/10
[Conext: Second patch lowered the values to 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% from 5/8/11/14/17%
Infuse ( E ) tooltip now states enemy cast costs 50 mana.

This post was edited by mattuk on May 15 2014 07:30am
Posts: 9,241
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May 15 2014 07:41am

Top: Urgot vs Fizz
Mid: Ziggs vs Velkoz
Jungle: Leesin vs Twisted Fate
Bot: Ashe Braum vs Graves Thresh

We dominated Lane after a good gank from Lee Sin, but struggled in the midgame
I feel like I am not able to carry my team (or not yet) with Braum
I tried my best in supporting them but in the late game they made really dumb mistakes and we lost 2 teamfights in a row and a baron, wich made us lose
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May 21 2014 07:14am

Soloqueue, mid was taken so I played Olaf Top

Top: Olaf vs Khazix
Mid: Kennen vs Annie
Jungle: Evelynn vs Pantheon
Bot: Alistar Vayne vs Braum Miss Fortune

I dominated Kha'zix in lane but they had better map control, grouping and teamplay

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 07:34am
Posts: 9,241
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May 21 2014 07:28am

wanted to practice some more Syndra mechanics in Soloqueue

game #1:
Mid: Syndra vs Talon
Top: Mundo vs Yasuo
Jungle: Pantheon vs Mundo
Bot: Jinx Sona vs Draven Miss Fortune

Mid: Syndra vs Orianna
Top: Leesin vs Nasus
Jungle: Pantheon vs Mundo
Bot: Varus Thresh vs Lucian Blitzcrank

Mid: Syndra vs Malzahar
Top: Mundo vs Darius
Jungle: Master Yi vs Pantheon
Bot: Vayne Vel'koz vs Taric Twitch

games didn't go so well, the laning is always pretty good, as long as the jungler doesn't take the second blue buff or enemy Jungler consitently ganks me and mine never shows up
mainly lost the games due to weak map control, grouping and teamplay, I would say this is also the main reason for losses in soloqueue

This post was edited by mattuk on May 21 2014 07:33am
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May 21 2014 07:39am

I waited for a friend so I just played an aram in the meantime
I originally got Ashe but I switched with another player for Alistar
I really like him in aram, I also do play him as support but at the moment I rarely play Support at all and when I do play Support then I pick Braum/Thresh/Leona/Morgana
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