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Nov 13 2012 11:44am
Duping occurs period, rollbacks and what not. Also there is very likely a new unid exploit out too. Check out this:

( reminder ) its still @ this point not possible to predict the affixes ATM )
but this should be possible in no time again
just getting the attention out there :)

Was watching the trade channel today on the asian severs and someone linked the item code.
After hours of messing around with a couple of unid items, i can reproduce the results of the item code.
What I did was open the auction house, sell tab, open chat, then used the Korean character ( censored )
then linked the unid item ( censored ) times. press enter. open chat again pressed the cursor key up, then enter again and poof
the item code shows up. Not sure if it is able to read like the previous patch but still just a find.

simple steps-
1. Get an unid item
2. Open auction house > sell tab
3. ( censored )
4. Press enter > Yellow jiberish > Press enter, then UP cursor key, press enter one more time.
5. Voila! out comes the item code.
(ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ [저승궁] [저승궁] [저승궁] |HItem:2,-2091501889:-1463154545:1055553278:-1:0:-1:-1:-1:8:507:507:0:0:6:0:1809927670:|h[저승궁)

are my results. but it doesn't seem to show all the attributes. maybe there is a loophole around this like the previous patch. etc: in game vs Auction house.
forgive my bad grammar and english

original thread post 11/09/2012 here: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5300251455

So if it can be done Asian servers, there is absolutely no reason anyone here can give me thatll make me believe it cant be done on US servers, and the recent outbreak of unid sales lead suggest it is happening, just kept under tight wraps right now and not public yet. Same goes for dupes.

This post was edited by SorrowsWind on Nov 13 2012 11:45am
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Nov 13 2012 11:44am
Quote (Neutral @ Nov 13 2012 10:40am)
good maybe now I can get some of the items I fking want

Sadly enough, 95% of jsp users like yourselves probably think the same way.
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Nov 13 2012 11:44am
Dupes are good :) They help ruin the economy!
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Nov 13 2012 11:54am
Before the item ended I was already aware that I had purchased two duped items in the last few days when a fellow barb noticed the same pieces I was wearing on the AH and I'm generally careful about the items I upgrade into because there are soo many dupes running around so it was in the back of my mind already.

I had discussions with other barbs about this mace in question that there was a good chance someone is going to overpay 3-4x what's its worth with intentions of duping it because it was very similar to the other duped Mace I'm currently owning, where the stats are itemized correctly to be worth a lot of gold and will sell pretty much instantly.

High Weapon Damage Range (although low dps)
High Str
Critical Hit Damage
Life Steal

Would I pay 500m for this mace if it was listed on AH? Yes in a heartbeat and so would countless other people, goes the same for the RMAH, lots of people looking to flip or even use would instantly buy this for $250 since it's such an easy profit (If the item was actually rare and not duped).

The whole mace issue is based off a hunch that it went to dupers and could be wrong, but can't deny the fact these Lacunis (Which have near perfect stats for barbs) were duped and recently started being released slowly into the market one at a time.
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Nov 13 2012 12:00pm
Quote (mannercookie @ Nov 13 2012 05:54pm)
Before the item ended I was already aware that I had purchased two duped items in the last few days when a fellow barb noticed the same pieces I was wearing on the AH and I'm generally careful about the items I upgrade into because there are soo many dupes running around so it was in the back of my mind already.

I had discussions with other barbs about this mace in question that there was a good chance someone is going to overpay 3-4x what's its worth with intentions of duping it because it was very similar to the other duped Mace I'm currently owning, where the stats are itemized correctly to be worth a lot of gold and will sell pretty much instantly.

High Weapon Damage Range (although low dps)
High Str
Critical Hit Damage
Life Steal

Would I pay 500m for this mace if it was listed on AH? Yes in a heartbeat and so would countless other people, goes the same for the RMAH, lots of people looking to flip or even use would instantly buy this for $250 since it's such an easy profit (If the item was actually rare and not duped).

The whole mace issue is based off a hunch that it went to dupers and could be wrong, but can't deny the fact these Lacunis (Which have near perfect stats for barbs) were duped and recently started being released slowly into the market one at a time.

If I was duping that's exactly what I would do.

What's your point here your screen shots clearly prove this and there is nothing more to gain.
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Nov 13 2012 12:04pm
Quote (heyyous @ Nov 13 2012 11:00am)
If I was duping that's exactly what I would do.

What's your point here your screen shots clearly prove this and there is nothing more to gain.

This is the problem.

Most people would prefer that items were duped so that top-tier items would be readily available for everyone, which is why no one cares.

In the long-term this will just make diablo 3 worse than it already is.
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Nov 13 2012 12:06pm
Quote (mannercookie @ Nov 13 2012 02:04pm)
This is the problem.

Most people would prefer that items were duped so that top-tier items would be readily available for everyone, which is why no one cares.

In the long-term this will just make diablo 3 worse than it already is.

That's exactly the problem. I'm not saying the majority of players here are bad, but the new drop rates were directly influenced by those who complained about not being able to keep up with great players. Now they are complaining that items are worthless. It's just a vicious cycle of ignorance.
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Nov 13 2012 12:10pm
Funny how all duped claims use the same website as proof. Surely it couldn't be the website messing up...
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Nov 13 2012 12:10pm
"great players"

why do people talk about diablo as if people can be better than others at the game? its 99% luck, success is based on the gear you have which is determined by two factors, neither of which require personal skill as a player: what drops you get, and/or if you are dual weilding visas
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Nov 13 2012 12:12pm
Quote (drpussyfart @ Nov 13 2012 02:10pm)
"great players"

why do people talk about diablo as if people can be better than others at the game? its 99% luck, success is based on the gear you have which is determined by two factors, neither of which require personal skill as a player: what drops you get, and/or if you are dual weilding visas

Most players don't know how to build a character other than in basic structure. I'd say that makes great players great players for knowing how to gear. Skill isn't exclusive to the in-game arena.
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