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Jul 9 2009 12:45pm
Updated Common Terms Used On D2jsp and Battle.Net

d2jsp Related

D2jsp - Diablo 2 JavaScript Parser
Sig - Signature
Ava - Avatar
Pp - Personal Photo
AV - Avatar Violation
PV - Profile Violation
SV - Signature Violation
PPV - Personal Photo Violation
FG - Forum Gold
DF - Donor Forum :: Donor Forum Information
SA - Scammer Accusation :: Scammer Accusations
LS - Ladder Slasher
Bump - Bring Up My Post
Multi - User who has more than one account on the website :: Multi-Account Reports
dIM - d2jsp Instant Messenger :: d2jsp Instant Messenger Guide

d2jsp Staff List Terms

Tt - Trusted Tag
Med - Mediator
M++/++ - Members++
Ta - Trade Assistant
Tm - Trade Moderator
Jm - Junior Moderator
Mod - Moderator
Sm - Senior Moderator
Admin - Administrator
Rm - Retired Moderator

Forum/Internet Talk

Acc - Account
Pass/pw - Password
IGN - In Game Name
Afk - Away From Keyboard
Atm - At The Moment
Bin - Buy It Now
Res - Reserve, minimum price someone is willing to sell their product for
DL - Dead Line
S/s - Screenshot
H/o - Hold On
Brb - Be Right Back
Brt - Be Right There
Bbl - Be Back Later
Bs - Bullsh*t
Bg - Background
Btw - By The Way
N - Need
O - Offer
C/o - Current Offer
T/o - Top Offer
O/t - Off Topic
Diso - Desperately In Search Of
Gl - Good Luck
Hf - Have Fun
Gz - Congratulations
Yt - You There
Ls - Level Service
wtb - Want To Buy
wts - Want To Sell
Fyi - For Your Information
Idk - I don't know
Iirc - If I recall/remember correctly
afaik - As Far As I Know
Imo - In My Opinion
Imho - In My Honest Opinion
Iso - In Search Of
K - Ok
Lmao - Laughing My Ass Off
Lmfao - Laughing My Fu*king Ass Off
Lol - Laughing Out Loud
Cya - See You Around
Aka - Also Known As
Bka - Better Known As
Np - No Problem
Nr - No Reply
Nt - No Thanks
Nn - No Need
QQ - Two eyes with tears
PM - Private Message
OP - Original Poster
Ty - Thank You
Thx - Thanks
Nty - No Thank You
Omg - Oh My God
Omfg - Oh My Fu*king God
Pc - Price Check
PoS - Piece of Sh*t
Rofl - Rolling On Floor Laughing
Ttyl - Talk To You Later
W/e - Whatever
Wtf - What The Fu*k
Wth - What The Hell/Heck
Wug - What You Got?
Wuw - What You Want?
Tfi - Thanks For Information
Yw - You’re Welcome
tl;dr - Too Long; Didn’t Read
tft/t4t - Thanks For Trade/Thanks For That
Gtfo - Get the fu*k out
Stfu - Shut the fu*k up
Ctfu - Cracking the fu*k up/Cheer the fu*k up
Os - Operating System
I/O - Input/Output
Tc - Take Care/Thread Closed
Tfw/T4w - Thanks for warning
Tba - To Be Announced
Tbh - To Be Honest
dd - Done Deal
Op - Overprice/Orginal Poster
MTG - Magic: The Gathering
Ltb - Looking To Buy
Lts - Looking To Sell
1337 - "Leet", Elite
Lf - Looking For
Ft - For Trade/Fast Trade
Nft - Not For Trade
Fs - For Sale
Nfs - Not For Sale
Ofc - Of Course
Lmk - Let Me Know
Lyk - Let You Know
Ffs - For Fu*k's Sake
vn1 - Very Nice One
Ftw - For The Win
L2r/Ltr - Learn To Read
Tyvm - Thank You Very Much
Tysm - Thank You So Much
icwudt - I See What You Did There
Gfy/G4u - Good For You/Go Fu*k Yourself
Noob/Newb - A new user
Jw - Just Wondering
Nm - Nothing Much
Nvm - Nevermind
Spam - Unnecessary threads or posts
Vouch - To give personal assurances; give a guarantee "I vouch his item is permed"; vouches are considered spam on this site
Troll - One who posts a deliberately provocative message with the intention of causing disruption & argument
Trolling - Purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards
Idgaf - I Don't Give A Fu*k
Ppd - Posts Per Day
Y/n - Yes/No
Cnc - Comment & Criticize
Fml - Fu*k My Life
Mlia - My Life Is Average
+1/+ 1 - Increasing a user's post count by one; spam
Inb4 - "In Before" something happening; spam
Wb - Welcome Back
Ntb - Not Too Bad
U/f - Up Front
D/w - Don't Worry
Qft - Quoted For Truth
Ikr - I Know Right
Smd - Suck My Di*k
Csb - Cool Story Bro
PaRD - Political And Religious Discussion
Obo - Or Best Offer
Hbu - How About You
Hru - How Are You
Ltt - Looking To Trade

Diablo II Terms

Login Error (#) - Error message received when an account/cd-key has been banned. :: Login Error #’s explained
CD-Key issues for All Blizzard Games :: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=10863439033&sid=3000
Miscellaneous Battle.Net Commands Explained :: http://classic.battle.net/info/commands.shtml
Illy Account - Illegal Account; An account created before Battle.Net restricted previously allowed characters from being used in account names: http://i37.tinypic.com/2h5if53.png
Hc - Hardcore
Hcl - Hardcore Ladder
sc - Softcore
scl - Softcore Ladder
Ut - Über Tristram
Gubers/G-Ubers - "Glitched Ubers", getting a low level character massive experience via Über Tristram. Two hammer paladins and a necromancer with bone wall are required to do this. This has been patched with the release of patch 1.13c
Ul - Uber Level/Uber Leech
Gn - Game Name
Cs - Chaos Sanctuary
Closed - Closed realms, characters are stored on Battle.Net’s servers
Open - Players are stored on your computer, leaving you free to edit/hack them as seen fit.
Bugged Item - An item with mods that it shouldn't have, created by a server glitch or a hack.
Imported Item - An item brought onto Closed Battle.net from Open Battle.Net through some hacking method.
Popping - The loss of currently equipped items upon dying.
Mule - A character specifically made to hold spare items in his inventory and stash.
PI - Physical immune
Scam - Term referring to tricking other players, out of items, forum gold, account, etc.
Synergy - Passive bonuses received from points invested in certain skills.
Smiter - Paladin build based on the skill Smite.
Flashing - Benifiting from two auras simultaneously by switching at the right time.
Leacher/Leecher - Term used for a player who gains experience and possibly swipes items without actually contributing to the battle.
Spinner - A hammer paladin who uses his Blessed Hammer skill to “spin” in Über Tristram
Boner/Bwer/Bonewaller - Necromancer that uses his Bone Wall skill to make skeletons spawn in Über Tristram
Currency - The "money" of D2, most items are valued in currency.
Sp - Single player
Upd/Upped - An item that has been upgraded via cube recipe.
Char - Character
Lpl - Life Per Level
Mpl - Mana Per Level
Ctc - Chance To Cast

Bm - Bad Mannered
Gm - Good Mannered
Tanking - Getting up close to a monster, keeping it in place. Enduring many blows.
Exp - Experience
GFull/G-Full - "Glitched Full" a game on Battle.Net that the hosting server thinks is full when it really isn't, all you can do is wait it out and hope it fixes itself.
MF - Magic Find
GF - Gold Find
RW - Rune Word
Nox/Classic - Diablo 2 Non Expansion
Pvp - Player Versus Player
Pvm - Player Versus Monster
cbf - Cannot Be Frozen
Clvl - Character Level
Mlvl - Monster Level
Ilvl - Item Level
Bumper - A character that needs the Baal quest and is capable of entering the Worldstone Chamber to get a leecher the Baal quest and proceed onto the next difficulty.
Brush/B-Rush/Grush/G-Rush - “Bugged/Glitched Rush”, getting a new expansion character from normal act 1 difficulty to hell a4-5 difficulty.
Crush/C-Rush - “Classic Rush”, getting a new non-expansion character from normal act 1 difficulty to hell a3 difficulty, there is no act 5 on non expansion so this doesn’t require a bumper.
:: *Note* User’s convert to expansion when they’re physically standing in hell a3 and proceed to finish the rush on expansion, if you convert before this you’ll be pushed back into nightmare once on expansion.
TC - Treasure Class
ITD - Ignore target defense
HBT - Hit Blinds Target
Psn - Poison
Clean - An item with a socket that is still available to use.
Dirty - An item that has been socketed with something, usually something not wanted.
Andy - Andariel
Duri - Duriel
Meph - Mephisto
D - Diablo
Dc - Diablo Clone :: Über Diablo Guide
Pindle - Pindleskin
Rad - Radament
Cain - Deckard Cain
Izzy - Izual

AR - Attack Rating
Baal Run - A game specified to kill Baal's minions and/or Baal himself.
Chaos Run - A game specified to do runs in the Chaos Sanctuary.
C/i - Connection Interrupted
EBug/E-Bug - "Ethereal Bug", an ethereal item that has been socketed using a cube recipe to give it 1.5x more defense than it originally had.
ZBug/Z-Bug - "Zod Bug", an ethereal item that was zodded in 1.09-early 1.10, when the zod was removed the indestructible mod stayed. This is not possible anymore.
Cube - Horadric cube
Igg - In Game Gold
Dmg - Damage
DR - Damage Reduce
ED - Enhanced Damage
CB - Crushing Blow
Ow - Open Wounds
DS - Deadly Strike
CS - Critical Strike
KB - Knock Back
Fhr - Faster Hit Recovery
Frw - Faster Run Walk
Fcr - Faster Cast Rate
Ias - Increased Attack Speed
Gg - Good Game
Gfg - Good Fu*king Game
Leg - Wirt's Leg
LLD - Low Level Dueling; 9 - 30
MLD - Mid Level Dueling; 31 - 49
HLD - High Level Dueling; 50 +
Mfsc - Magic Find Small Charm
Jj - Junk Jewels
Ml - Mana Leach
Ll - Life Leach
Ng - New Game
Nk - Naked Kill
Os - Open Sockets
Mb - Max Block
Wsg - Weapon Switch Glitch
Wsm - Weapon Speed Modifier
Fpa - Frames Per Attack
Ftj - Failed To Join
Ftjg - Failed To Join Game
Hole Puncher - A character used to supply a socket for another user's item with the socket quest in act 5.

PI - Physical immune
PnB - Poison and Bone
Pk - Player Killer
Pp - Party Please
Tppk - Town Portal Player Killer
R/d - Realm Down :: Realm Down Guide #1 - Realm Down Guide #2
Scam - Term referring to tricking other players, out of items, forum gold, accounts, etc.
Smiter - Paladin build based on the skill Smite.
Socs - Sockets
Sp - Single player
Res - Resistance
Res All - Resist All
Cr - Cold Resistance
Fr - Fire Resistance
Lr - Lightning Resistance
Pr - Poison Resistance
Spdc - Small Poison Damage Charm
Synergy - Passive bonuses received from points invested in certain skills.
Tanking - Getting up close to a monster, keeping it in place. Enduring many blows.
Dodging - Avoiding someone when they request something
Tg - Town Guarding
Th - Town Hugging
Tk - Town Kill
Tp - Town Portal
Unid - Unidentified
Id - Identified
Eq - Equipment
Legit - An item which is one of a kind, and has never been duplicated, based on its identification number.
Good/Perm - An item that has been duped prior to patch 1.10 and now has its own identification number.
Bad/Unperm - Two or more items with the same identification number.
UaP Unperm as Perm - Term used when a user sells an unpermed item as permed.
Staff - Staff of Kings
Viper - Claw Viper Temple
Wp - Waypoint/War Pike
Xpac - Diablo 2 Expansion Pack
Ft5 - First to five (First person to reach 5 wins in a duel)
Duped - An item that has copies of it either by a hack or server glitch :: USEast Softcore Non-Ladder Dupe List - USWest Softcore Non-Ladder Dupe List - Europe Softcore Non-Ladder Dupe List

Diablo II Forum Trading


arach - Arachnid Mesh Spiderweb Sash
anni - Annihilus Small Charm
torch - Hellfire Torch Large Charm
gheed’s - Gheed’s Fortune Grand Charm
Bb - Balrog Blade/Bug Belt [Europe Only]
Bk ring - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring
Botd - Breath of the Dying (runeword)
Exe - Executioner Sword
Cb - Colossus Blade
Cs - Colossus Sword/Crystal Sword
Ccb - Cruel Colossus Blade
Ccboe - Cruel Colossus Blade of Evisceration
Ccboq - Cruel Colossus Blade of Quickness
Chips - Chipped Gem(s)
CoA - Crown of Ages
CoH - Chains of Honor (runeword)
Cta - Call To Arms (runeword)
Fort - Fortitude (runeword)
Lw - Last Wish (runeword)
Doom - Doombringer/Runeword
Eagle - Eaglehorn
Deli - Delirium (runeword)
Eth - Ethereal / Eth Rune
BA - Berserker Axe
TM - Thunder Maul
CV - Colossus Voulge
CA - Cryptic Axe
HR - High Rune
Facets - Rainbow Facet Jewel
Rbf - Rainbow Facet
Fbb - Fury Balrog Blade
Ffk - Fury Fanged Knife
gaze - Vampire Gaze
SC - Small Charm
LG - Large Charm
GC - Grand charm
gf - Grandfather
gores - Gorerider Boots
andys - Andariel's Visage Helm
gris - Griswold's set pieces
HoJ - Hands Of Justice (runeword)
Eni/Nig/Nigma - Enigma (runeword)
homo/homu - Homunculus
DF - Dark Force/Death's Fathom
Hoto - Heart of the Oak (runeword)
Dm - Diamond Mail
Aa - Ancient Armor
Ds - Dusk Shroud
Rm - Ring Mail
Bp - Breast Plate
Gp - Gothic Plate
Op - Ornate Plate
Sa - Sacred Armor
LP - Light Plate
MP - Mage Plate
Ap - Archon Plate
Bw - Boneweave
FPM - Full Plate Mail

Hoz - Herald of Zakarum
Tits - Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin
TStroke/T-Stroke - Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin
Ik - Immortal King set pieces
Levi - Leviathan
Ls - Lightsabre
Maras - Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet
Mat bow - Matriarchal Bow
GMB - Grand Matron Bow
Pb - Phase Blade
Db - Dimensional Blade
Mavs - Mavina's set pieces
Nats - Natalya's set pieces
Occy - Oculus
Pgem - Perfect Gem(s)
Pt - Perfect Topaz
Juv - Rejuvenation Potion
Shaft - Shaftstop
Shako - Harlequin crest Shako
Silks - Silkweave Mesh Boots
Skiller - Grand charm with + to a certain skill tree
Soj - Stone of Jordan Ring
Strings - String of Ears Belt
SS - Stormshield
Tucs - Bartuc's Greater Talons
Tg/Tgods/T-gods - Thundergods vigor
Tals - Tal Rasha's set peices
Treks - Sandstorm Trek Boots
Trangs - Trang-Oul's set pieces
Sigs - Sigon's set pieces
Travs/wt - War Traveler Boots
Valor - Arkaine's Valor Balrog Skin
Ww/Waters - Waterwalk
CoT - Crown of Thieves
Hots - Hotspur's
Wf - Windforce/Wire Fleece
Widow - Widowmaker
Dw/Dweb/D-Web - Death's Web
Nw - Nightwing
Edc - Ethereal Death Cleaver
Dungos - Verdungo's Hearty Cord belt
v1.07 Valor - A poorly spawned 1.09 /1.10 valor, scammer's try to sell off as novelty 1.07 items. Which doesn’t exist.

Bmana | B-Mana | 70/15 - Bugged Mana ~ Small charm with +70 mana +15life
BTals/B-Tals - Bugged Tals ~ A bugged Tal Rasha's armor
20/5 - 20 life, 5 all resist small charm
20/17 - 20 life, 17 mana small charm
20/11 - 20 life, 11 resistance (any of the 4 resistances)
3/20/20 - 3 maximum damage, 20 attack rating, 20 life small charm
3/20/5 - 3 maximum damage, 20 attack rating, 5% faster hit recovery/5% faster run/walk small charm; 5% faster run/walk mod is only spawnable on charms found prior to 1.10
3/20/3 - 3 maximum damage, 20 attack rating, 3% faster run/walk small charm
3/20/2 - 3 maximum damage, 20 attack rating, 2 strength/dexterity small charm
20/15 - 20 life, 15 all resist jewel
15/15 - 15 increased attack speed, 15 all resist/-15% requirement jewel
15/9 - 15 all resist, 9 strength/dexterity jewel
15/7 - 15 all resist, 7% faster hit recovery jewel
40/9 - 40% enhanced damage 9 strength/dexterity jewel
40/15 ias - 40% enhanced damage, 15% increased attack speed jewel
40/15 max/min - 40% enhanced damage, 15 maximum/minimum damage
7/8/8/8 - 7 faster hit recovery, 8 strength, 8 dexterity, 8 all resist jewel
7/9/9/9 - 7 faster hit recovery, 9 strength, 9 dexterity, 9 all resist jewel
5/5 - +5%/-5% Rainbow Facet jewel
5/5 - 5 all resist, 5% faster hit recovery/5% faster run/walk small charm; 5% faster run/walk mod is only spawnable on charms found prior to 1.10
5/3 - 5 all resist, 3% faster run/walk small charm
290 - 290 poison damage small charm
313 - 313 poison damage small charm
451 - 451 poison damage small charm
JWoD - Jeweler's Ward of Deflecting
JWoB - Jeweler's Ward of Blocking
JWoM - Jeweler's Ward of the Mammoth
JWoS - Jeweler's Ward of Stability
JMoS - Jeweler's Monarch of Stability
JMoM - Jeweler's Monarch of the Mammoth
JMoC - Jeweler's Monarch of The Colossus
JMoD - Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting
JMoB - Jeweler's Monarch of Blocking
AToD - Artisan's Tower Shield of Deflecting
AGoD - Artisan's Gothic Shield of Deflecting
Ess/Essence - A horadric item used to create the Token of Absolution to reset your character's stat and skill points: http://i50.tinypic.com/fmsa3r.png
Tok/Token - "Token of Absolution" A horadric item used to reset your character's stat and skill points: http://i50.tinypic.com/fmsa3r.png


ww - whirlwind
bo - battle orders
fanat - fanaticism
ts - thunder storm
valk - valkyrie
multi - multiple shot
woi - wake of inferno
wof - wake of fire
amp - amplify damage
decrep - decrepify
vive - Revive
wc - warcry
fo - frozen orb
tele - teleport
bs - bone spear/bone spirit
bw - bone wall
foh - fist of heavens
hf - holy freeze
hs - Holy shield/Holy shock
ce - Corps Explosion
bc - Battle Command
bos - Burst of Speed
fb - Fireball
blizz - Blizzard, makers of D2, more commonly referred to the Sorceress skill.
conc - Concentrate
fa - Freezing arrow/Fire arrow
ga - Guided Arrow
es - Energy Shield
cb - Charged Bolt


Barb - Barbarian
Sorc - Sorceress
Zon - Amazon
Pally - Paladin
Ass/Asn/Azn - Assassin
Necro/Nek - Necromancer
Avenger - A Paladin build relying on the skills Vengeance, Conviction and sometimes Fanaticism
Zoomancer/summoner - Necromancer using summons as its main form of offense
Hammerdin/Hdin - A paladin that users the skill Blessed Hammer
Zookeeper - Druid using summons as part of its offense
FoH'er - Paladin build specifying in conviction + FoH in PvP.
Trapper - Assassin using traps as its main form of offense.
Shapeshifter/wolf druid - Druid relying on shapeshifting skills as its main form of offense
Bowazon - Zon using the bow as its main form of offense
BvA - Barbarian versus All
BvB - Barbarian versus Barbarian
BvC - Barbarian versus Caster
DvD - Druid versus Druid
SvS - Sorceress versus Sorceress
NvN - Necromancer versus Necromancer
Charger/chargadin - Paladin build that relies on charge in PvP.
Zeal bug - When a Paladin using the Zeal skills misses with his first strike, none of the others hit the target.
Zealot - Paladin using zeal as his main form of offense.
Cookie cutter - Common builds, such as blizzard sorceresses.
Ranger - Paladin build using a bow.
Martyr - Paladin build which relies on the use of Sacrifice.
V/T | T/V - Vindicator/Templar | Templar/Vindicator paladin.
Drop Barb - A barbarian that causes people to lose connection by freezing their Diablo II game. This has been fixed with the release of patch 1.13c

This post was edited by _Mork_ on Aug 7 2011 06:03am
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