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Sep 28 2011 04:56pm

Crying because everyone sorbs your Cs? Go get a Kleenex or start reading.

This is my guide to a Tele Cs/Plague zon. Beware, it's not cheap.

This guide is very similar to a Damach zon, but without a bow. Personally I find the almost doubled life from Bo switch a lot more important: Double life = Double Tanking / Double duel time survivability / Double damage able to be delt.

Some Damach Zons carry a Cube in their inventory with a Cta in it. I personally find this extremely frustrating having to town every time you need to BO.

I use to just use a Cta Mat bow on switch and have 1 point in guided, but personally I find the extra 4 skill points saved and the 2+ to bo from spirit more beneficial than a weak and slow guided that I only every really used vs super defensive trapers and killing peeps on 1hp.
It's also really handy having a Spirit Mon at hand to easily switch over to hit the 99fcr bp vs those pesky necs and sorcys.


I'm far too lazy to constantly run to stash to switch gear so all my chars only use one vs ALL setup.

-Helm: 2zon/30frw/20fcr/20res/20str/2os Rare circ. soc with 2x 15/15's ****

-Wep: Preferably 4/40/300+ed eth/rep Mats. Rare 4/40 reps are your next best bet, +ed is a bonus. But in all reality 5/40's or 6/40's will work fine.

-Shield: SS. 15/15'd

-Armor: Nigma. Dusk looks best on zons imo

-Belt: 24fhr/25+str/50+life/res belt. Or Arach if you want to use Maras / Cats

-Boots: Dancers. 25dex and 30fhr is hard to beat imo. Also, bitches love black metal boots.

-Gloves: 2zon/20ias/KB/res. KB is your best friend coupled with 9fpa Furys to interrupt Paldins charge, giving you time for a quick Cs poke.

Ring 1: Raven

Ring 2: 10fcr / Stats / mana / res (Basically any decent caster ring)

Amy: 2zon / 18+fcr / Str / res ect...

Switch: Cta + Bo Spirit.




-3x Fhr Javs skillers, 6x Jav Lifers.

-6x 20/5's

-4x 20/11 Light res scs. I find the extra stack vs light is more helpful than all-res stack, since fire dmg is more effected by max res and you need around 400 cold stack to negate bliz. Plus there are millions of light based chars with -res gear.

**** Choosing a Rare Circ over Grifs:

To achieve the 95ias bp for Cs using Grifs, you would need to use Cats Eye or Highlords (Cats being far superior for this build).

Using a 2os Rare circ we are able to use a fcr amy and Rare belt.

When it comes down to stats, Grif + Cats Vs. Rare Circ and Fcr Amy after eliminating all common denominators:

Grif + Cats = 1 all skills, 20% Light Damage, -15% Enemy Light Damage

Rare Circ + Fcr Amy = 20fcr, 4 Zon skills, 55 res, 15str

I would choose mobility, massive boost to Plague/Poison/Dodges, added stats and most importantly 55res > a little extra added Cs damage.

Aims: @lvl 94.

- 43% Dr
- 48 / 68fcr bp (Rare belt / Arach)
- 86 fhr
- 110+ Frw minimum at all times.
- 3.5k+ life (Depending on charm selection)
- Stacked res

CS route: 20-Cs, 20-Fury, 20-Plague, 13-Poison Jav, 1-D/E/A, Rest into Cs synergies, 1-Crit (ONLY if your rare javs have some ED% on them. With gear you should have 59% crit)

- 60k Plague over 21sec
- 5.9k Charged Strike @ lvl46 releasing 12 bolts @9fpa (With BO)
- 2.7k Light Fury / Throw @9fpa hitting the 89ias bp with Mats Javs. Not including the possibly physical damage your rare javs may have.

Plague route: 20-Cs, 20-Fury, 20-Plague, 20-Poison Jav, 1-D/E/A, Rest into Cs synergies, 1-Crit (ONLY if your rare javs have some ED% on them. With gear you should have 59% crit)

- 79k Plague over 21sec
- 5.1k Charged Strike @ lvl46 releasing 12 bolts @9fpa (With BO)
- 2.6k Light Fury / Throw @9fpa hitting the 89ias bp with Mats Javs. Not including the possibly physical damage your rare javs may have.

OPTIONAL: Some people like Decoy / Valk for audio desync detectors and ibs tanks, personal preference.

Stash: Doomz, Bramble, -15req'd SS. Nothing funnier than casually walking around with Doomz out in a Plague cloud watching bm smiters repeatedly fail to land a charge on you and then get kill by Holy Freeze on 1hp :P

This guide is in it's Beta stage, so helpful comments / suggestions are much appreciated. I want to make this clear; I am not stating that this is the top GM ZvA build or any such nonesence, it's simple a build that I have a lot of fun dueling with and can be very effective verses a wide veriety of characters.

After I get sufficient feedback, with some possible gear changes (if they're convincing enough), I'll rewrite it with added dueling strategies and tables :)



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Sep 28 2011 09:58pm
I suggest you try putting a CTA in your inventory instead of in a cube, and trying that for a change- its what I've always used on my damach zon.
You lose 2 skillers instead of 1, but it makes swapping in your CTA essentially inconsequential.

I hotkeyed BC -> BO -> (left click) CS
all in a row, so that while switching, it would reset my hotkeys to keep left click CS every time.

If you're doing that, theres no problem to using an inventory CTA, and by extension, a bow.
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Sep 28 2011 10:02pm
CTA bow?
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Sep 28 2011 10:24pm
Quote (AtreyuRocks @ Sep 28 2011 10:02pm)
CTA bow?

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Sep 28 2011 10:40pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Sep 28 2011 10:24pm)

This guide is very similar to a Damach zon, but without a bow. Personally I find the almost doubled life from Bo switch a lot more important: Double life = Double Tanking / Double duel time survivability / Double damage able to be delt.

Why not? 40% ias, only lose 2 levels of bo, and almost 300% ed....seems reasonable to me.
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Sep 28 2011 11:58pm
Quote (AtreyuRocks @ Sep 29 2011 04:40am)
This guide is very similar to a Damach zon, but without a bow. Personally I find the almost doubled life from Bo switch a lot more important: Double life = Double Tanking / Double duel time survivability / Double damage able to be delt.

Why not?  40% ias, only lose 2 levels of bo, and almost 300% ed....seems reasonable to me.

I mentioned using a cta bow:
" I use to just use a Cta Mat bow on switch and have 1 point in guided, but personally I find the extra 4 skill points saved and the 2+ to bo from spirit more beneficial than a weak and slow guided that I only every really used vs super defensive trapers and killing peeps on 1hp.
It's also really handy having a Spirit Mon at hand to easily switch over to hit the 99fcr bp vs those pesky necs and sorcys. "

Quote (Goomshill @ Sep 29 2011 03:58am)
I suggest you try putting a CTA in your inventory instead of in a cube, and trying that for a change- its what I've always used on my damach zon.
You lose 2 skillers instead of 1, but it makes swapping in your CTA essentially inconsequential.

I hotkeyed BC -> BO -> (left click) CS
all in a row, so that while switching, it would reset my hotkeys to keep left click CS every time.

If you're doing that, theres no problem to using an inventory CTA, and by extension, a bow.

Nice idea with the hotkeying.

Having cta in inventory does make it marginally less tiresome to BO, but then you're loosing another skill GC in doing so, on top of the extra 2+all skills to bo, being able to quickly switch over to spirit for more fcr/fhr and the possibility of keeping arach / cats / sorb in cube aswell.

After a few years of dueling with my Damach zon "You_Tube" Eastl / nl. (I quit in 2010 btw), I began to use my bow less and less and found poison jav / throwing furys at walls more effective for the last hp killers. But like I said, personal preference. I'm super lazy so will always take to hassle-free road :P

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Sep 29 2011 08:36am
lol no bow comedy :lol:
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Sep 29 2011 08:43am
well, no bow certainly works better than cta bow
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Sep 29 2011 11:59am
Quote (Goomshill @ Sep 29 2011 02:43pm)
well, no bow certainly works better than cta bow

What duels would you say having a bow is vital? Just wondering... (And you didn't mention what type of bow you use? I use to use a mat faith simply because 7fpa coupled with kb is pretty darn handy
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Oct 1 2011 02:29pm
Undecided: Belt.

1) Arach. 1+ all skills / Slow / 20fcr. Lets me hit the 68fcr bp. Or still maintain the 48fcr bp and gives Amy flexibility (aka maras / cats ect...)

2) Tgods. Very helpful in pubs since Light is the most commonly used element. Lets me out-cs noobie pure cs zons :P

3) Dungos. Great life, some fhr and hits my Dr up to 58%, giving me the option to switch out Nigma with Enigma of Peace of another hybrid since the Dr on nig wont be needed, granting me more fhr / res from the hybrid version.

4) Rare 24fhr/25+str/50+life/ cold / light res belt. The str bonus means I wouldn't be able to switch out my belt for tgods/arach if needed, but every other stat is exactly what this zon needs. Would only be able to hit the 48fcr bp with this belt.

5) Crafted Blood belt. Some reasoning with #4 but without the res. Not too sure if the added OW would make enough of a dif to make up for the res loss. The mass life is awesome though. Super expensive for a viable one however.

6) Crafted caster belt. 10fcr will give me the option to free up my fcr ring... probably not worth it though.

So far I'm leaning to #4 for sex appeal. Though #1/2 are far cheaper and probably more effective...

Iso opinions from people with experience in this matter.
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