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Posts: 9,441
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Jun 20 2009 10:38am
Hi there, i have been looking for gambling guides on the internet and so far, didnt find a good one yet.
This is why i decided to make a gambling guide based upon my gambling experience.

I think the question-answer style allows me to explain as much as possible about gambling.

What is good about gambling?

- you are able to choose the items, filtering out all the crap ones.
- gambling is the easiest way to obtain rare items. (with a yellow name)

What is bad about gambling?

- the chance of getting a unique item is so small that you could say there is no chance at all.
Do not try and get unique items through gambling.

What do i need to gamble in an effective way?

- First off, you need to be able to collect large amounts of gamegold in a fast way.
Id reccomend a goldbarb, this is simply the only way to obtain large amounts of gamegold quickly.
Selling armors and class-specific items might help too, armors and items with +skills sell nicely.
- You need a gheed's fortuneand a "edge" bow, this will reduce vendor costs (also gambling costs)
by 30% wich is a very big difference.

What effects gambling?

- Only your character levelmatters. the item lvl is dependant on your character lvl. The item lvl will be -5
to +4 your character lvl
. This means that if you are lvl 90, the item lvl will be varying between 85 and 94.
Please note that there is a difference btween item lvl and required lvl.
The mods possible to spawn on the item depends on the item lvl. An item lvl cannot be seen in the game.

So.. what lvl should i be before i start gambling?

- This depends on what you are looking for ofcourse.
http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/magic/pre.shtml for the prefixes
http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/magic/suf.shtml for the suffixes
As you can see, the item lvl has to be 90 in order to obtain an amulet with +2 to all skills.
But, notice that tiaras and such are exceptions, meaning that this mod will spawn at a much lower
character lvl. around lvl 80 you already have a decent chance to obtain this mod.
If you want the maximum chance on the best mods avalible on amulets you should be at least lvl 95.

What are the odds?

- 10% to get a rare item and 89.85% to get a magic item. the remaining percentage is divided over set items
and unique items. the chance on a unique is 0.05% ... (forget it.)

Where do i gamble?

- Any vendor that provides the gambling option. difficulty or act does not affect gambling.
Important: it is best to gamble at hell difficulty, simply because when you sell the worthless
items oyu have gambled, you will be able to get a maximum amount of money back wich is equal
to 35.000. At nightmare and normal difficulty this is much lower. For example, a +2 skill tiara would
sell for 35.000 but because you are in nightmare difficulty, you only get 30.000.

Now the most frequently asked question, WHAT do i gamble?!

- In order to optimize your winnings, gamble for Coronets, Circlets, Rings and Amulets.
I reccomend coronets/circlets either rings, since these days crafted amulets are alot better
most of the time, decreasing the values on rare amulets.
Rings are the easiest to gamble, you should aim for rings with:
>dual stats (str/dex) and adds.
> fcr rings with adds like life/mana/stats/resist
> dual leech rings with adds. (mana leech and life leech)
Because rings are not so expensive to gamble and always spawn, you can quickly
burn your cash by gambling for them. Since you can gamble alot more compared to
coronets, you will get more rares. So, i reccomend gambling rings.
sometimes it is hard to decide if the ring is worth anything or not, therefore save them up
and post them in the pricecheck forum when you are not sure about it.

Coronets etc are a bit harder because they cost more and spawn less frequently,
but on the other hand they sell for more.
Aim for coronets with:
skills / (fcr/frw) / sockets / stats / resist / life / mana / visionary mod.
Because coronets and such can be good even if it's magic, and because
rare ones sell very nicely, i reccomend gambing these.
Not all of these mods ofcourse, but a combination of some can be valuable.
For more info about coronets and such, check out the pricelist.

Gambling for amulets is also popular, but in my opinion and out of my experience,
i do not reccomend this. Simply because crafted amulets have crushed the prices
on rare amulets. Also, lots of amulets simply won't beat the uniques or crafteds.
You must get a very good amulet in order to be able to sell it.
If you compare this with rings, alot of classes need fcr rings. Best fcr rings are
rare rings. The demand for rare rings is therefore alot bigger then rare amulets.
Same story for Coronets and such. Think like this: if it beats the stats of a shako,
it must be worth something.

A few more things:

- Try gambling only when you have at least over 1M. this makes it alot more fun ;)

- You can try gambling other stuff like blade talons, they can result in a fool's mod,
trapclaw or precast claw. Some prefer to gamble these because you are after magic
claws, not rares. On the other hand, you must get lucky with the +skills, prefix and suffix.

- Do not waste your time on gambling JMODS. this is very difficult since the ONLY combination
wich makes a kite shield nice is it being: elite (monarch) with the jeweller's - of deflecting mods.
The chance on that is very small.

- Burn your gold on one specific item. (rings for ex.)

- Do not cube rings to amulets, it is better to sell them to get more cash for gambling. using the
cube will never result in rare items.

I hope this has been useful, good luck gambling everyone ;) feel free to comment.

This post was edited by Aphexus on Jun 20 2009 10:55am
Posts: 10,975
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Jun 20 2009 11:08am
tnx mate, very useful !
now i only need the same guide but about CRAFTING
Posts: 7,799
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Jun 20 2009 11:15am
nice guide :)
Posts: 127,924
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Jun 20 2009 11:40am
Quote (MechaKruv @ Sat, 20 Jun 2009, 20:08)
now i only need the same guide but about CRAFTING

Crafting Handbook --> http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=30598890
Posts: 7,251
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Jun 20 2009 11:44am
gambled 12k circlets/coronets the last 2-3 days and i got one griffon :P
goldpala>goldbarb btw.
Posts: 10,785
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Jun 20 2009 11:50am
Quote (Dola @ Sat, Jun 20 2009, 01:44pm)
gambled 12k circlets/coronets the last 2-3 days and i got one griffon :P
goldpala>goldbarb btw.

gold sorc >
neither gold pala or gold barb can do travincal AND durance level 3 in less than 3 min
Posts: 9,441
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Gold: 220.00
Jun 20 2009 11:56am
Quote (Dola @ Sat, Jun 20 2009, 07:44pm)
gambled 12k circlets/coronets the last 2-3 days and i got one griffon :P
goldpala>goldbarb btw.

ure right, goldpala is also effective. less eg but kills quicker.
depends on what kind of goldbarb. singer or melee barbs arent as effective ar fully-eg-equipped barbs with a strong merc.
my merc does hell-travincal in about 1 - 2 minutes with an eth LW / eth forti / CoT. amount of gold varies between 500K and 1M sometimes more ;)
all i do is leap around to keep them stunned. works very well, never fails ;)

heres the leaper build:



i pref a5 merc tho :) with the gear i use: lifetap + fade + chilling armor procs.
that'll do ;)

thx for reply :D
Posts: 3,618
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Jun 20 2009 12:01pm
sry for noob question :
if gambling coronets and circlets will tiaras and diadems also spawn or are they something else to gamble ?
Posts: 9,441
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Gold: 220.00
Jun 20 2009 12:02pm
Quote (1337h4x0rz @ Sat, Jun 20 2009, 07:50pm)
gold sorc >
neither gold pala or gold barb can do travincal AND durance level 3 in less than 3 min

I prefer travi only. simply because time = money when it comes to EG-chars. goes quickest.

Posts: 9,441
Joined: Nov 23 2006
Gold: 220.00
Jun 20 2009 12:03pm
Quote (JuLwITZIG @ Sat, Jun 20 2009, 08:01pm)
sry for noob question :
if gambling coronets and circlets will tiaras and diadems also spawn or are they something else to gamble ?

only coronets can result in triaras or diadems :)
circlets will always be circlets.

its not a noob question :P my mistake i forgot to mention that.
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