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Apr 22 2011 08:54pm
Quote (ANGEL0 @ Apr 22 2011 05:10pm)
I Was thinking about using Dbol, what are your reccomendations on it? Alot of people tell me its good to use with low/minimal side effects ?


If you are referring to dianabol, the anabolic steroid, I can not answer your question for obvious legal reasons. Steroids are currently illegal in the united states unless prescribed by a physician. Sorry!
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Apr 22 2011 08:58pm
Quote (KramerFtw @ Apr 22 2011 07:11pm)
Hey raynor, dont know if youre an expert on this topic but...

I was wondering if there were any foods/vitamins that I could take to stop balding?/hairloss

My dad was bald, and I think my hair is thinning a bit

im only 20, and it would suck to go bald this early.. lol

any ideas for this?

Hey there.

try these:

1. Special Shampoo (use it once a day and follow the directions) http://www.amazon.com/Hobe-Marketing-Energizer-Treatment-Shampoo/dp/B000GUKTK0

2. Take ZMA before bed (use NOW! ZMA capsules - take 3 before bed).

3. Maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water (at least 1.5 gal per day)

4. Avoid excessive sun on your scalp, and also avoid using any hair gels/waxes/other products on your hair.

5. Try making a mixture of olive oil and egg yolks, massage it into your hair after washing it, and let it dry on it's own and sleep with it overnight at least 2 nights a week. This can help repair and rebuild damaged hair.

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Apr 22 2011 09:03pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Apr 22 2011 07:24pm)
hey raynor, whats the maintenance calories/macro ratio for someone thats 5' 8'' and 170 pounds and whats to gain muscle. I heard that gaining muscle itself will burn off fat over a long period of time. I think I want to do that instead of cutting

Muscle itself doesn't exactly work that way. The more muscle you have, yes, the more calories your body requires, but it doesn't necessarily burn additional fat.

If you are on maintenance and want to build muscle, as you build more muscle, your calorie requirements also go up in order to build MORE muscle. So it's a slippery slope.

Anyway, if you'd rather do that, follow this:

Bulking / Cutting / Body Types / Caloric Needs

and assume that for 5'8 170 lbs maintenance, you would require around 2,200 cals per day and around 200g protein (for building).

6 meals as usual and so forth.
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Apr 22 2011 09:07pm
Quote (Vicc @ Apr 22 2011 07:27pm)
Thanks for all the tips. I just read through all of them.
How much weight do you think I will gain in about 3 months if I do everything as it is stated in those posts?
Also, which routine should I choose? The 5x5 or the one in the Hypertrophy Plan? The 5x5 would suit me better cause I go to a gym near work on weekdays and I take the weekend off. It would be harder to follow the workout in the hypertrophy plan. Would there be any benefits if I chose the other workout instead of the 5x5?

Til now I've been doing
Chest/triceps Monday
Back/biceps Tuesday
Wedensday rest
Thursday repeat Monday
Friday repeat Tuesday
Weekend off

I do a bit of either legs or abs each day.

depending on your body, you can gain 1-2 lbs a week, which in time will start slowing down. However you can probably see a good 30 lbs in 1 year of solid training. After you get that initial foundation built, it will take you longer to gain muscle further.

Keep me posted on your progress, I would like to know how well you do.

Secondly, do the 5x5 plan, it is best for pure strength and size.
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Apr 22 2011 09:08pm
Quote (Honestly @ Apr 22 2011 09:03pm)
is it possible that i'm not eating enough on a cut?

could be...but not likely...why do you ask?
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Apr 22 2011 09:09pm
Quote (IDUTCIH @ Apr 22 2011 09:44pm)
Making a order on BB this is all that's necessary correct?

Whey Protein

Looking good?

get rid of that NO explode. That stuff is total garbage. Mostly magnesium (laxative), artificial sweetener (laxative), and a ton of caffeine (gives you energy). To do the same thing just drink a few cups of black coffee or take 3 GAT Jet Fuel before a workout.
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Apr 22 2011 09:13pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 22 2011 09:08pm)
could be...but not likely...why do you ask?

just not noticing any difference on the scale

my routine is as follows

3 whole eggs (just upped to 4) and one white
2 slices whole grain 100 cal each

500 cal^

1.5 scoop myofusion
1.5 c 1% milk

375 cal ^

1c brown rice
3-5 oz pork/chicken/beef

500 cal ^

porkchop/85/15 6oz burger on WG/chicken breast
1.5-2c spring mix with light dressing

400-500 cal ^

1 scoop casein

probably getting 18-1900 calories not counting fish oils and snacking on peanuts/cashews (250 cals here together MAX)

i dunno, its only been a week or so and my bw is 230 probably 40 lbs to lose

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Apr 22 2011 09:49pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ 22 Apr 2011 23:07)
depending on your body, you can gain 1-2 lbs a week, which in time will start slowing down. However you can probably see a good 30 lbs in 1 year of solid training. After you get that initial foundation built, it will take you longer to gain muscle further.

Keep me posted on your progress, I would like to know how well you do.

Secondly, do the 5x5 plan, it is best for pure strength and size.

Okay thanks. I've skipped gym for two weeks cause I got sick and I've been recovering til now. I'll get my muscles working again next week and the following week I'll start the new routine. :]
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Apr 22 2011 10:16pm
I skimmed through your sticky for about the first 30 pages but didn't see anything resembling what i needed.

Body Info

245 lbs
21 yrs old

I've always been a big guy ever since i was a kid, but never been able to loose weight and keep it off. I eat fairly healthy ( I think ). And am fairly active. Just dont seem to loose weight. There is no gym around for about an hours drive. So that is out of the question. I do have free weights and a tredmil, aswell as a heavy bag that I use quite regularly. So what I'm asking from you is what should I do for a meal plan and a strict workout regiment to maximize my fat loss results. Its obvious that I am doing something wrong, would be nice to get this extra 100 pounds of jolly fat off.

I'm curious about supplements, but not sure what will work for what I need.
Also curious about that Keto diet or whatever its called.

My average mealplan right now is like this.

Breaky / Lunch: (I get up around 10:30 - 11:00)

Omelette consisting of, 3 whole eggs / chopped green pepper / chopped mushroom / cheedar cheese / A slice of chopped up ham or turkey.

Dinner: (the last few days)

Salmon chunk
Baked Potatoe

Pork chops
Corn on the cob

Baked Potatoe

Any adivce would be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 22 2011 10:58pm
Quote (Honestly @ Apr 22 2011 11:13pm)
just not noticing any difference on the scale

my routine is as follows

3 whole eggs (just upped to 4) and one white
2 slices whole grain 100 cal each

500 cal^

1.5 scoop myofusion
1.5 c 1% milk

375 cal ^

1c brown rice
3-5 oz pork/chicken/beef

500 cal ^

porkchop/85/15 6oz burger on WG/chicken breast
1.5-2c spring mix with light dressing

400-500 cal ^

1 scoop casein

probably getting 18-1900 calories not counting fish oils and snacking on peanuts/cashews (250 cals here together MAX)

i dunno, its only been a week or so and my bw is 230 probably 40 lbs to lose

body weight is bad to go by...you need to go by measurements.

What is your water intake currently?

also what is your sodium intake?

Lastly, if you weigh 230 and you're trying to get to drop lbs, you should be taking in around 2,000ish calories a day, and doing at least 1 hour of strength training and another 30-45 mins of aggressive HIIT. Also are you doing HIIT in the morning on an empty stomach?

You may need to increase overall exercise levels.

Let me know your current routine.
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