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Dec 28 2010 11:17pm
Quote (Zellers @ Dec 28 2010 10:38am)
That diet is pretty much the same as the one I've whipped up, so I feel good about being on track with that. I can't afford creatine if I'm buying whey powder, however.

creatine is suprisingly cheap.


2,000 grams is $35.

you use 5 grams per day.

so that's basically a YEAR supply for $35....which works out to about what...9 cents per day so thats approx $3 / month...I'm sure you can afford that =)
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Dec 28 2010 11:19pm
Quote (TheOak @ Dec 28 2010 02:43pm)
Hey Raynor

first off, Merry Christmas and Happy new years!

Alright iirc you told someone that the multi vit "centrum" was a bad multi...  but its still better than nothing correct?

Orange triad - Says to take 6 pills a day, what would you recommend? (can i take less? to save $)

and what are some other multis that u recommend?


Hey there. Yes centrum is useless and honestly, taking it vs not taking anything...I'd say dont take anything because it's a waste of money to take centrum to begin with.

as far as other types go, here are my favorites besides CEL Orange Triad:

NOW! Adam (for men) or NOW! Eve (for women)
Optimum Nutrition Multi
AST 32x multi
Universal Animal Pak (pain in the ass and not the greatest, but certainly top 5)
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Dec 28 2010 11:24pm
Quote (EverNineAfter @ Dec 28 2010 04:36pm)
hey raynor glad to see your back, hope you enjoyed your holidays.

i have questions, so you've probably seen this workout/diet that im going to show you but might have forgot it so ill post it again just as reference, not really relevant but what the hell.

CHEST/BACK - Flat Bench / Incline DB bench / Decline DB bench / Barbell Deadlift / Lat Pulldown / Barbell Row / Seated Cable Row - 5x5 3x8-12 (on the other workouts)

SHOULDERS/LEGS - Military DB Press / DB Shoulder Shrugs / Seated Arnold Press / Shoulder Raises / Barbell Squats / Laying Leg curls / DB lunges / DB Calf Raises - 5x5

ARMS !!! - EZ-Bar Curls / DB concentration Curls / Seated Hammer Curls / Dips / Tricep Cable Pulldowns / DB Tricep Kickbacks - 5x5

Breakfast (eat within the first 15 minutes of waking up!) - 3/4 cup oatmeal, 3 scrambled eggs, ice water (drink ice water to raise your metabolism)
Meal 2 - 1 can of tuna fish made w/ veggies + mustard/mayo + 1 slice whole grain bread (or half a baked potato or 3/4 cup cooked brown rice)
Meal 3 - Salad with grilled chicken (use 100% extra virgin olive oil and vinegar as the dressing, all veggies and chicken, no croutons or any carb)
Meal 4 - 3 hard boiled eggs + 2 oz cheese + veggies or salad
Meal 5 - 40 gram Protein shake (drink this right after workout)[make sure to get a good protein shake like Optimum Nutrition 100% natural whey from bodybuilding.com]
Meal 6 - 1 cup 2% cottage cheese with mixed nuts and cinnamon

what im doing to "cut"

anyways heres my questions

You've heard of P90x i presume, i was just wondering, would it be better to do things like "cardio x" , "ab ripper x" on my days im not working out ? would that suffice for my cardiovascular workouts and ab workouts ? rather then doing Cardio and Abs : Do 45 minutes of cardio (teadmill, bike, power walking, swimming, etc) and do 100-200 reps of good ab work (crunches, situps, leg raises, etc)

also , for when im doing sets and reps like 5x5 should i be lifting heavy ?

i think thats it for now, let me know thanks take care !

Hey there. For the post-workout shake, also be sure to throw in 20-30g of simple sugar and another 20-30g of complex carbs with that shake.

for non-workout days...you can do 30-45 mins of HIIT cardio (that means walk for 2 mins, jog for 2 mins, then sprint for 30 seconds, and repeat until you reach your time goal) I prefer that over all other training methods for optimal fat loss.

for 5x5 you need to be lifting as heavy as you can for 5 reps...so basically 80-85% of your 1 rep maximum
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Dec 28 2010 11:29pm
Quote (MyAddiction @ Dec 28 2010 07:37pm)
Hey Raynor

I'm looking for a few exercises to add to both my traps and abs day. Also do you think there is a chest workout that is absolutely necessary to building an aesthetic chest besides flat bench/incline?

My current traps/abs:

Traps: Upright Rows, Shrugs
Abs: decline situps

[edit] hope your holidays were relaxing m9

Hey there.

for abs:

Abs Workout Routine

For traps:

Barbell shrugs (overhand grip and underhand grip) - make sure to pull your shoulders forward and tilt your head back slightly and force those traps up without rolling your shoulders in a circle)
DB shrugs (you can superset these with BB shrugs - keep hands at your side and use the same form as above)
Shrug machine (if available)

for shrugs, FORM IS KING!! do not cheat on shrugs!!! they might make you stronger in that particular exercise, but they will NOT be as effective at building the traps.

flat bench is essential. incline bench is debatable...

here is the list of NECESSARY chest exercises for the best asthetics in my opinion:

1.BB Bench press
2. DB bench press
3. Incline or Flat DB Flies
4. Cable Flies
5. Wide Grip Dips
6. DB Pullovers
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Dec 28 2010 11:32pm
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 29 2010 01:14am)
Hey what spices do u put on ur chicken breast?

and how do u cook them? fry in olive oil? how long do u fry them?

Hey there.

there are a LOT of ways to prepare chicken...here are some easy ones:

1. Olive oil + garlic pan cooked in a fry pan at medium-high heat

2. Olive oil + kalamata olives + feta cheese + onions cooked in a fry pan at medium-high heat

3. Olive oil + oregano + basil + rosemary + black pepper + garlic powder baked in the oven (top it with some lemon when serving)

4. Sesame Oil + no sugar and low sodium teriyaki + garlic cooked in a wok with veggies

5. Olive Oil + curry + cayenne pepper cooked in either the oven or fry pan
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Dec 28 2010 11:48pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 28 2010 11:32pm)
Hey there.

there are a LOT of ways to prepare chicken...here are some easy ones:

1. Olive oil + garlic pan cooked in a fry pan at medium-high heat

2. Olive oil + kalamata olives + feta cheese + onions cooked in a fry pan at medium-high heat

3. Olive oil + oregano + basil + rosemary + black pepper + garlic powder baked in the oven (top it with some lemon when serving)

4. Sesame Oil + no sugar and low sodium teriyaki + garlic cooked in a wok with veggies

5. Olive Oil + curry + cayenne pepper cooked in either the oven or fry pan

Would chicken breast taste better if i soaked it in lemon juice water overnight, along with some peppers, salt, and garlic, then cooked it in olive oil?
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Dec 29 2010 01:08am
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 28 2010 11:48pm)
Would chicken breast taste better if i soaked it in lemon juice water overnight, along with some peppers, salt, and garlic, then cooked it in olive oil?

what kind of heat you turn it to? low or medium? and how long do u cook it?
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Dec 29 2010 01:29am
Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 29 2010 01:48am)
Would chicken breast taste better if i soaked it in lemon juice water overnight, along with some peppers, salt, and garlic, then cooked it in olive oil?

dont soak it in lemon juice or else it will cook the chicken without heat...this is called seviche i believe.

but marinating it in olive oil and spices does make it taste much better

Quote (MegaVovaN @ Dec 29 2010 03:08am)
what kind of heat you turn it to? low or medium? and how long do u cook it?

always cook chicken at medium to medium-high heat. Also cook until it is white throughout with no more pink visible

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on Dec 29 2010 01:29am
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Dec 29 2010 09:20am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 29 2010 12:19am)
Hey there. Yes centrum is useless and honestly, taking it vs not taking anything...I'd say dont take anything because it's a waste of money to take centrum to begin with.

as far as other types go, here are my favorites besides CEL Orange Triad:

NOW! Adam (for men) or NOW! Eve (for women)
Optimum Nutrition Multi
AST 32x multi
Universal Animal Pak (pain in the ass and not the greatest, but certainly top 5)

thank you sir

alright now i got a different question on another topic..

Do you no if there is anything i can take or do to help "reduce" gyno? i believe the right term is gynecomastia or something lol

anyways i have it (from puberty) started when i was like 15, and still there now that im 18. I've looked into surgery but ofc thats out of my price range atm.

I also heard that fat loss helps but i figure that jst makes it "look" better and does not actually reduce the "bud" inside the pec/nipple?

This post was edited by TheOak on Dec 29 2010 09:20am
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Dec 29 2010 12:01pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Dec 28 2010 11:17pm)
creatine is suprisingly cheap.


2,000 grams is $35.

you use 5 grams per day.

so that's basically a YEAR supply for $35....which works out to about what...9 cents per day so thats approx $3 / month...I'm sure you can afford that =)

Ahh.. that sure beats paying $60 for a medium sized container at the health place next to the gym.
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