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Nov 7 2010 11:12am
Quote (spfraiders1 @ Nov 7 2010 12:05am)
What about doing a light tri/bi following chest/back respectively? Then still having an arm day? I already do 12-15 light tri/bi sets following.

that would be fine as long as there is at least a 24 hour rest period between those days and the arms days.
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Nov 7 2010 11:14am
Quote (Balla @ Nov 7 2010 04:03am)
j/w how much muscle do you think i will/could lose during this time? i'm really not sure :/

basketball is about to start the 15th, then practices will start, 2-3 hour practices 6 days a week until march. of course not running the whole time but it's alot of running during that and games of course..but yeah...say ill be soo busy during this time i won't be able to lift AT ALL..if maybe once a week max.
how much muscle do you think i'll lose during that time? or if i even ate at around maintenance and then let the cardio do that how much fat do you think could be dropped off in that time period as well?

You will need to be eating slightly above maintenance and strength training your WHOLE BODY once per week to maintain muscle mass. If you do this, you stand to lose 1-2 lbs of fat per week and maybe not lose very much strength at all as long as you train at least once a week with weights and hit all muscle groups.
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Nov 7 2010 11:18am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 7 2010 12:14pm)
You will need to be eating slightly above maintenance and strength training your WHOLE BODY once per week to maintain muscle mass. If you do this, you stand to lose 1-2 lbs of fat per week and maybe not lose very much strength at all as long as you train at least once a week with weights and hit all muscle groups.

hmm alright
cause see i was gonna use this as a cut while im here...just came off a pretty long bulk of eating w/e and i think im around 17-18% bf, so i def wanna take this opportunity to get down to at least 10ish% so afterward i can clean bulk effectively
also alright so as long as i can lift once per week i won't lose much strength/muscle? that doesn't sound too bad then i can try to squeeze that in on a saturday or sunday
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Nov 7 2010 11:33am
Quote (Balla @ Nov 7 2010 01:18pm)
hmm alright
cause see i was gonna use this as a cut while im here...just came off a pretty long bulk of eating w/e and i think im around 17-18% bf, so i def wanna take this opportunity to get down to at least 10ish% so afterward i can clean bulk effectively
also alright so as long as i can lift once per week i won't lose much strength/muscle? that doesn't sound too bad then i can try to squeeze that in on a saturday or sunday

This STILL will be a cut, don't get me wrong. If you pair this up with the keto diet I posted you will lose a LOT of fat....just work out at least once a week to try and retain some of your muscle mass.
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Nov 7 2010 02:04pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Nov 7 2010 12:33pm)
This STILL will be a cut, don't get me wrong. If you pair this up with the keto diet I posted you will lose a LOT of fat....just work out at least once a week to try and retain some of your muscle mass.

i would try a keto with it, but i think during basketball i want some carbs for energy...alot of running and during games etc i don't wanna just die out..plus im sure during this many months of straight alot of running etc even with carbs ill lose alot of fat
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Nov 7 2010 08:07pm
Quote (Balla @ Nov 7 2010 04:04pm)
i would try a keto with it, but i think during basketball i want some carbs for energy...alot of running and during games etc i don't wanna just die out..plus im sure during this many months of straight alot of running etc even with carbs ill lose alot of fat

indeed you will. keto still provides a LOT of energy...don't be mislead by the lack of carbs. Energy comes from fats instead of carbs, so pre-workout or pre-game you would be eating a very fat rich meal...like alfredo sauce covered chicken breast with melted cheese for example. You also have longer and more sustained energy levels because after food energy is depleted, your body uses body fat as energy because it's the preferred source of energy during keto.
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Nov 7 2010 08:35pm
whats the best hgh supplement??

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Nov 7 2010 08:51pm
Quote (burton_clash @ Nov 7 2010 10:35pm)
whats the best hgh supplement??

The actual stuff lol.

But for natural production of GH, I recommend a properly pre-bedtime stack consisting of:

NOW! GHB (1 capsule)
NOW! Arginine + Ornithine (4 capsules)
NOW! DOPA Mucuna (2 capsules)
Optimum Nutrition Melatonin (1 tablet)
Optimum Nutrition BCAA-1000 (4 capsules)
NOW! Vitamin C-1000 (1 capsule)
Optimum Glutamine Capsules (4 capsules)

Take all of these with approximately 12 oz water right before bed.

In addition, you will want to do lots of compound exercises at the gym including squats, clean and press, and deadlifts. These exercises accentuate your GH levels tremendously.
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Nov 7 2010 09:50pm
Ive just been offered a one month job working with a Magic show traveling New Zealand. Basically im going to be doing a lot of lifting and such but i will not be able to go to the gym at all. is there anything i can do to keep my muscle mass as it is or at least keep deterioration as low as possible?
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Nov 8 2010 02:23am
Quote (zeebot9 @ Nov 7 2010 11:50pm)
Ive just been offered a one month job working with a Magic show traveling New Zealand. Basically im going to be doing a lot of lifting and such but i will not be able to go to the gym at all. is there anything i can do to keep my muscle mass as it is or at least keep deterioration as low as possible?

yes, do some bodyweight exercises.

Pushups - try many different hand positions such as close, medium, wide, low, high, etc; as well as clap pushups, incline/decline pushups, and staggered pushups.

Pullups - try underhand, overhand, wide-grip, close grip, hands facing each other grip, one-armed (if you can), etc.

Situps - Try full situps (put your feet under something), side-to-side oblique situps, crunches to all angles, hanging situps (from a bar), incline situps and decline situps.

Squats - deep squats (ass to ground) while holding something moderately heavy (get creative!!), also try lunges, one legged squats, and calf raises.

Practical exercises - deadlifting heavy objects, curling things with handles, overhead lift of heavy objects, laying floor press of heavy objects, pushing a vehicle in neutral gear, swimming, biking, or climbing stairs.
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