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May 8 2010 05:44pm
Quote (Honestly @ May 8 2010 06:35pm)
ok it seems like i didnt kick  the flu so easily

i think symptons started coming on thursday night. still have fever, dry cough, head pain when i cough, i recently got the squirts and an urge to vomit
my friends dad just brought some tamiflu (i just took one 75 mg cap of phosphate) and  i have yet to take some nyquil

how should i regimen these drugs? famiflu im supposed to take 2x a day i took my first at ~6:15 should i take one before i sleep? what about the nyquil should/can i mix?
should i continue the vitamin C regimen?
What should i be eating?
should i down orange juice all day?

I know I am not the expert here but I don't suggest downing orange juice all day. I know with me too much citric acid makes me stomach even more upset.
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May 8 2010 07:17pm
hey there,
i have been cutting and losing weight rather rapidly i've been running 2.5-3 miles 4-6 days a week around my neighborhood. the 2.5 miles take about 24 minutes its a nice pace jog. today i decided to jst run 1.25 mile which took me 7:52sec which was basicaly a sprint considering the up hills of the road.

if my goal was to cut fat with minimal muscle loss for bodybuilding is the sprint bad for me?
is it a good idea to switch it up somtimes?
is 8 min of sprinting really not long enough for fat loss?
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May 8 2010 07:25pm
Quote (TheOak @ May 8 2010 09:17pm)
hey there,
i have been cutting and losing weight rather rapidly i've been running 2.5-3 miles 4-6 days a week around my neighborhood. the 2.5 miles take about 24 minutes its a nice pace jog. today i decided to jst run 1.25 mile which took me 7:52sec which was basicaly a sprint considering the up hills of the road.

if my goal was to cut fat with minimal muscle loss for bodybuilding is the sprint bad for me?
is it a good idea to switch it up somtimes?
is 8 min of sprinting really not long enough for fat loss?

interval training is #1
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May 8 2010 09:13pm
Quote (Osirislives @ May 8 2010 05:24pm)
in my experience, pimples were caused by excessive stress and/or carbs

same but prob with hormones too for me
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May 8 2010 09:35pm
Quote (baboli @ May 9 2010 03:13am)
same  but prob with hormones too for me

My stress level is low...I don't stress out with anything, so it can't be that

And I barely eat carbs on my new diet, about 100-125g
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May 8 2010 09:55pm
You probably already answered some questions like these, but 400 pages of posts is too much for me to check sorry :D. I am a hard gainer, 5'11/6'' and about 160 lbs. I am trying to bulk, basically eating as much as i can of the right foods. I eat relatively healthy and I get my vegetables and fruits in, but how many calories should I realistically aim for if I'm trying to pack on some serious muscle, upwards of 5000?

edit: dont take supplements really except omega-3, flax seed oil, multivitamin and whey protein shake which has added bcaa's/glutamine/creatine monohydrate

Also, as far as lifting routines go I have tried many such as the 5x5 setup, regular chest/tri back/bi leg/shoulder split, total body training lifts etc. but which would you recommend for someone like myself? I know which exercises to go for, but I don't know what rep scheme would be best really. Should i go for volume, or just heavy low reps? I care more about getting bigger than stronger per say.

This post was edited by Parakleet on May 8 2010 10:05pm
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May 9 2010 01:24am
which track is better for running? the stadium track or the ground with grass? cuz i tried ground with grass today and my feet likes it better :)
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May 9 2010 02:25am
Pm'd you, sorry if I came across ignorant
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May 9 2010 02:50am
Quote (serennia @ May 8 2010 02:08pm)
Since I changed my diet, i'm getting so much pimples...I was not getting any before

My previous shitty (yes) diet

meal 1 :
2 eggs
4 white
1 cup oatmeal

meal 2 :
Meat sammich with veggies/fruit

meal 3:
Pasta or lean protein/veggies/rice

meal 4:
1 cup peanut/almonds
Slice of cheese

Meal 5 :
2 scoop whey
1 1/2 scoop dextrose

meal 6 :
Pasta or lean protein/veggies/rice

meal 7 :
2 scoop whey or 1 can of tuna

meal 8 :
1 cup cottage cheese

Now I'm eating

meal 1 :
8 egg white
2 slice of bread
2 tbsp pb

meal 2 :
2 scoop whey
10 almonds

meal 3:
350gr lean protein / 2 cup veggies

meal 4:
1 can of tuna
2 tbsp mayo
1 cup rice or 2 potato
10 almond

Meal 5 :
2 scoop whey
1 scoop waxy maize
1 fruit

meal 6 :
350gr lean protein
2 cup veggies
1/2 cup of rice or 1 potato

meal 7 :
1 cup cottage cheese

I started cooking my lean protein with olive oil and I added 1 or 2 diet soda /day

From my supplement stack, I dropped creatine/beta alanine/dextrose and added waxy maize

What could be the cause of my pimples? I was getting a few there and there before but since I started my diet ( 1 -2 week after ) I'm getting pimples on my chest/back and face

any of the following things:

1. Poor hygiene habits
2. Stress
3. Inadequate water intake
4. Inadequate Vitamin A intake
5. Inadequate time spent in the sun (you need about 20-30 mins a day for proper vitamin D production)
6. Sensitivity to one or more of the foods you are eating

make changes accordingly and play around with those 6 things until you can pinpoint the issue.
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May 9 2010 02:53am
Quote (Honestly @ May 8 2010 07:35pm)
ok it seems like i didnt kick  the flu so easily

i think symptons started coming on thursday night. still have fever, dry cough, head pain when i cough, i recently got the squirts and an urge to vomit
my friends dad just brought some tamiflu (i just took one 75 mg cap of phosphate) and  i have yet to take some nyquil

how should i regimen these drugs? famiflu im supposed to take 2x a day i took my first at ~6:15 should i take one before i sleep? what about the nyquil should/can i mix?
should i continue the vitamin C regimen?
What should i be eating?
should i down orange juice all day?

I would completely avoid tamiflu and/or nyquil as both of these will not treat a virus or infection of any variety.

I am worried when you said the symptoms returned and now you have a DRY COUGH and THE URGE TO VOMIT - these are two very ominous signs of a bacterial respiratory infection. You need to see a doctor asap - you might need to be prescribed Zithromax Z-Pak or similar.

Continue drinking as much fluid as possible...but don't overdo the OJ because of its acidity. Stick to water, hot tea, and OJ.

Listen up though, seriously...get to the urgent care clinic or the primary care physician, stat.
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