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May 2 2010 02:46pm
Quote (drewsiez_3 @ May 2 2010 04:18pm)
play moar halo :P

lol more Halo does not seem to help imo

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May 2 2010 10:30pm
Quote (LordOfDoom @ May 2 2010 02:58pm)
Ok I am an 18 year old male who just finished first year university and want to get back into shape and lose some weight.

All of my weight accumulates in my stomach and chest area and I was wondering what is the best way to get rid of my access fat?

I know I need to change my diet by eating healthier foods and doing more cardio but do you have any tips like what foods I should start eating and what kind of cardio I should do?

I currently play pick up volleyball for sports.

Hey there.

This is a very commonly asked and answered question here. To minimize me repeating myself, please read the last 10 pages of the thread...once you have done that you will see MANY sample cutting routines as well as the do's and dont's for fat loss.

Once you have studied up on the last 10 pages, come back and post to me and I'll be glad to assist.
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May 2 2010 10:31pm
Quote (ChinaWhite @ May 2 2010 03:54pm)
hey, i have always had a super fast metabolism causing me to be skinny my whole life no matter how much i eat...
im tired of being skinny and i really need some tips on how i can put on some weight...im starting off at home, i went to the grocery store last night and bought a bunch of food that has a lot of protein (meats, eggs, beans, etc.) and also bought some of that whey protein shake mix and some protein bars...
once i know what im doing im going to get a gym membership and have a strong commitment to buffing up and gaining some muscle...

i need some good advice on some good ways to put on weight with a fast metabolism and maybe some recomended excersize routines that i can do at my house and also good ones for when i get to the gym.

Hey there.

First of all, get yourself on a solid meal routine. Eat every 3 hours and eat a LOT. Give me your height and weight in order for me to give you specifics.

Also, try buying Cytosport Cytogainer. Drink 2 of those shakes a day in ADDITION to your regular meal plan.
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May 3 2010 05:14am
Hello :)
I decided to start training (at home, I dont have the money to go to gym now) and I saw your thread.
And i have a question. What are the steps to develop abs and pecs? Because i'm confused, my friends who told me to start training does not seem to know alot of thing about that :/
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May 3 2010 08:24am
SKC, sup, havent asked for any advice from you in like... fuck over a year. But now, i need some advice, so i come to the big man (you) for advice.

I have been bodybuilding for 3 years now, i know what im doing for the most part, dont have any questions there. But this summer, i want to start up strongman stuff and powerlifting to see if i can blast through some plateaus, gain some serious strength in general, but i dont know how. Like, I know how to squat, i know how to bench, i know all that shit, but what do powerlifters do differently that makes them powerlifters, and me just a bodybuilder? I mean i push to the max, i go till failure, i give 110% every chance i can, what do they do that gets them those huge lifts? Im well aware im going to have to go onto some sort of bulking diet this summer, which is fine. I plan on stocking up on supplements with my tax return, and eating like a beast (complex carbs, good fats, lots of protein, eat every 2-3 hours, i know the deal)

Also, strongman stuff, ive been interested in that kinda shit for awhile. What can i do for that kinda stuff? I mean i dont have 80 lb bags of sand to throw over my shoulder to do squats with, or tractor tires to push around, laying around in my back yard. Only think i could really think of is putting my roomates car in neutral and pushing it around an empty parking lot.

So yeah, help me out with what you can. Im going to school to an athletic trainer myself, so ive always kinda looked up to you, since ur doing what i want to do, but to an entirely another level (being a doctor and all)

I appreciate it in advance, and thank you!

This post was edited by Hockeygod9911 on May 3 2010 08:25am
Posts: 19,881
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May 3 2010 09:14am
I just wandered into the Health & Fitness sub-forum recently to see what
it's all about here. I'd like to ask your advice.

Currently 5'5/132 lbs.

I'm looking for a diet and workout that could help me increase muscle mass.

I don't have any weights or anything like that, and can't afford them. The closest thing I have
to weights around here is firewood and a lot of stone. :-/ If you need anymore information, just let me know.
Any help you can give me will be INFINITELY appreciated.

Thank you!
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May 3 2010 01:12pm
Quote (OldGamer @ May 3 2010 07:14am)
Hello :)
I decided to start training (at home, I dont have the money to go to gym now) and I saw your thread.
And i have a question. What are the steps to develop abs and pecs? Because i'm confused, my friends who told me to start training does not seem to know alot of thing about that :/

Hey there. First of all I would truly recommend training and developing everything - not just the abs and pecs.

However good at-home exercises for abs and pecs include:

Pecs - Pushups (try various hand placement from wide-narrow-medium) and make sure you go until failure for at least 5 sets every third day, if you have dumbbells try doing dumbbell flies, if not you can do chair dips with medium/wide grip. (also hits the triceps ofc)

Abs - hanging leg raises, standing knee raises, alternating crunches, full situps, laying bicycles, planks, and shoulder stands + lowering legs slowly.
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May 3 2010 01:20pm
Quote (Hockeygod9911 @ May 3 2010 10:24am)
SKC, sup, havent asked for any advice from you in like... fuck over a year. But now, i need some advice, so i come to the big man (you) for advice.

I have been bodybuilding for 3 years now, i know what im doing for the most part, dont have any questions there. But this summer, i want to start up strongman stuff and powerlifting to see if i can blast through some plateaus, gain some serious strength in general, but i dont know how. Like, I know how to squat, i know how to bench, i know all that shit, but what do powerlifters do differently that makes them powerlifters, and me just a bodybuilder? I mean i push to the max, i go till failure, i give 110% every chance i can, what do they do that gets them those huge lifts? Im well aware im going to have to go onto some sort of bulking diet this summer, which is fine. I plan on stocking up on supplements with my tax return, and eating like a beast (complex carbs, good fats, lots of protein, eat every 2-3 hours, i know the deal)

Also, strongman stuff, ive been interested in that kinda shit for awhile. What can i do for that kinda stuff? I mean i dont have 80 lb bags of sand to throw over my shoulder to do squats with, or tractor tires to push around, laying around in my back yard. Only think i could really think of is putting my roomates car in neutral and pushing it around an empty parking lot.

So yeah, help me out with what you can. Im going to school to an athletic trainer myself, so ive always kinda looked up to you, since ur doing what i want to do, but to an entirely another level (being a doctor and all)

I appreciate it in advance, and thank you!

Hey there, thanks for the nice comments.

The primary difference in training for powerlifter/strongman and bodybuilder is in the weight/rep/set scheme, and the types of exercises that you perform.

Going until failure is actually bodybuilder training - for pure strength, going until failure is not recommended.

Here is a good look of how to be a proper powerlifter:

1. Eat a ton of food (you already know this) you will have to hold on to some excess fat to be truly successful (unless you have some absolutely cyborgian genetics lol).
2. Get to lifting heavy...very very heavy....we're talking no more than 5 reps of ANYTHING at any time. The 5x5 plan works exceptionally well in between maxing out and doing negatives.
3. Stick to basic core exercises - Bench, Deadlift, Clean and Press/Jerk, Squats, Neutral-Car Push (this is actually really good), snatches, weighted pullups and weighted dips. (you can do regular exercises to, but to a lesser degree)
4. Lift VERY heavy for at least 1 exercise per day - so on chest day, you are going to go do bench press and max it out (with a spotter) TWICE. After doing that, you are going to load up an additional 15-20% weight and do a few negative reps.
5. Get TONS of sleep...10 hours a night is not an overstatement.

the key to powerlifting is short and very intense bursts of energy unleashed on ONE exercise for ONE maybe TWO solid reps. The key is just pure brutality. Multiple reps is something that is used for muscular development (in shape and dimension) whereas true powerlifting training is for developing inhuman strength in a particular area.

Lastly...for strongman training you really do need all the equipment available (giant tires, boat anchors, barrels, etc. - because these are the types of equipment used in strongman competitions. However there are some strongman gyms in the U.S. you just have to seek them out)

Hope this helps!
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May 3 2010 01:30pm
Quote (Carpe_Diem @ May 3 2010 11:14am)
I just wandered into the Health & Fitness sub-forum recently to see what
it's all about here. I'd like to ask your advice.

Currently 5'5/132 lbs.

I'm looking for a diet and workout that could help me increase muscle mass.

I don't have any weights or anything like that, and can't afford them. The closest thing I have
to weights around here is firewood and a lot of stone. :-/ If you need anymore information, just let me know.
Any help you can give me will be INFINITELY appreciated.

Thank you!

Hey there. This is certainly one of the more challenging questions I've received primarily because of your lack of funding.

For bulking - stick to cheap but healthy and fulfilling foods like: Eggs, Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Pasta, Whole Grain Bread, Peanut Butter, and Oatmeal. You need to eat at least 1.5g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Eat every 2-3 hours and eat big meals! You can eat other foods too, but these are the cheapest and most nutrient rich for your goals (make sure to get protein with every meal...that means lean meats, eggs, fish, etc)

Next, for at home exercises:

Try this:

Monday - 5 sets of close grip pushups, 5 sets of wide grip pushups, 5 sets of underhand pullups, 5 sets of overhand pullups, 5 sets of situps, 5 sets of alternating crunches. Do 8-20 reps of each of these exercises (per set) or until failure, whichever comes first.

Tuesday - Lifting Firewood or Stone and walking with it - bend at the knees, grab the item, stand up using only your legs and keeping a straight back, walk a very short distance, place the item down and repeat 5 times. Deadlifting wood or stone (find the heaviest amount of wood or stone you can lift for 8-10 reps and deadlift it!

Weds - 5 sets of wide grip dips, 5 sets of close grip dips (use 2 chairs for these), Close grip firewood curls, wide grip firewood curls (5 sets of each) - do 8-20 reps of each or until failure - whichever comes first

Thurs - Squats while holding stone or firewood (10 total sets) - standing calf raises while holding stone or firewood (5 total sets), Lunges while holding stone or firewood (5 total sets) - do 8-20 reps of these or until failure whichever comes first.

fri/sat/sun = REST

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May 3 2010 01:48pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ May 3 2010 01:30am)
Hey there.

This is a very commonly asked and answered question here. To minimize me repeating myself, please read the last 10 pages of the thread...once you have done that you will see MANY sample cutting routines as well as the do's and dont's for fat loss.

Once you have studied up on the last 10 pages, come back and post to me and I'll be glad to assist.

Ya I went through 10-20 pages last night and most is about building muscle mass so I could not find too much for beginners in those pages anyways.

Like I am just trying to lose some fat over the summer and then start building some muscle hopefully.
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