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Apr 20 2010 12:42am
what can be done about loose skin at the bottom of your belly?
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Apr 20 2010 01:41am
Quote (Kiston @ Apr 20 2010 02:42am)
what can be done about loose skin at the bottom of your belly?

Is it truly loose skin? or is it fat?

If it is loose skin....there isn't much you can really do except strengthen the muscles there through following a solid ab routine 3-4x a week.

if its extra fat, then you just have to keep cutting.

if the extra skin is REALLY too much....then surgery is the only option at that point
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Apr 20 2010 12:06pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 19 2010 11:57pm)
its a bunch of bullshit.

protein shakes only is a terrible way to cut

eat clean whole foods instead - the body reacts better overall and you maintain your progress much better with it.

Haha I figured but I thought I would ask! Lol.
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Apr 20 2010 02:04pm
Why do I feel like I'm losing strength with cutting. I know I am.
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Apr 20 2010 04:08pm
Quote (str8rippinn @ Apr 20 2010 03:04pm)
Why do I feel like I'm losing strength with cutting. I know I am.

its common to lose strength when you cut, everyone does. Less mass = less strength.

for the most part that is how it works, of course their are exceptions. but you are fine, you will get it back when you bulk
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Apr 20 2010 07:27pm
I sent you a PM, I wish I had an outbox, I would copy it here. I figured it may be beneficial to the others if we discussed it publically.

To sum things up:

I'm 23yrs of age, 6'2", 175lbs.

I am bad a judging weights and fat etc, so unfortunately I cannot do that, but I will explain a bit:

My whole life I have had a natural look, visible 6 pack etc, lean, cut look. I'm not big or musclar...I am just thin, with some definition, I suppose.
I've always been active with sports etc etc...

During my undergrand, I was less active physically and drank more beers than the average person should drink in a life time!

Needless to say, I put on a few pounds of beer fat around the stomache.

I am hitting the BEACH, mid May.
Not only do I need to get back in shape for that vacation, but I need to make a life change (with regards to eating better and constantly exercising again).

I don't wanna be a fat slob, I want to be a fit machine.
(My buddy was doing a 3 month diet where he only ate: protein shake, almonds, and saltine crackers every 3 hours. We said "dude...what are you doing...Why would you do that?" He said "I want the girls to drool over me, bro." I want that mind state haha).

Anyways...I guess my question is. Cardio and Weights? Just cardio? Do I need to burn this fat completely before I start building the muscle a bit, or can I do it together. I have heard that working out before trimming the fat can just put muscle under the fat. I have also heard that cardio (fat burning) also burns muscle.

So I have about 3 1/2 - 4 weeks to burn some pounds.

I notice you put a lot of 2-3 hour snacks in your plans for people. I work all day. I eat breakfast (protein bar and orange juice - i know its a bad one) at 7:00a. Then I don't eat until around noon or 1. And I am hungry by then! So I eat a lot.

I might go to the store and get some chicken, veggies and pasta for my dinner after work.

I see you posting a lot about "chicken".

Just a simple, lean chicken? For instance, is something like Chicken French, or Chicken Marsala counter productive?

I know I have a lot of info here...touch on some, all or none.


Edit: Skimmed over it. Not sure if I made my objective clear: Burn stomache fat (that's really the only place I have it, stomache & sides), and then start building my muscle, in a dedicated, but not completely time consuming way--I was going to the gym M-F for about an hour and a half before I got sick).

This post was edited by illsonmedia on Apr 20 2010 07:29pm
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Apr 20 2010 09:42pm
Quote (str8rippinn @ Apr 20 2010 04:04pm)
Why do I feel like I'm losing strength with cutting. I know I am.

You probably are...during cutting you lose mild amounts of muscle as well as moderate amounts of strength. This changes when you go back to bulking. The only way to prevent (or reduce it) is with massive quantities of BCAA's throughout the day.
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Apr 21 2010 12:48am
Quote (illsonmedia @ Apr 20 2010 09:27pm)
I sent you a PM, I wish I had an outbox, I would copy it here. I figured it may be beneficial to the others if we discussed it publically.

To sum things up:

I'm 23yrs of age, 6'2", 175lbs.

I am bad a judging weights and fat etc, so unfortunately I cannot do that, but I will explain a bit:

My whole life I have had a natural look, visible 6 pack etc, lean, cut look. I'm not big or musclar...I am just thin, with some definition, I suppose.
I've always been active with sports etc etc...

During my undergrand, I was less active physically and drank more beers than the average person should drink in a life time!

Needless to say, I put on a few pounds of beer fat around the stomache.

I am hitting the BEACH, mid May.
Not only do I need to get back in shape for that vacation, but I need to make a life change (with regards to eating better and constantly exercising again).

I don't wanna be a fat slob, I want to be a fit machine.
(My buddy was doing a 3 month diet where he only ate: protein shake, almonds, and saltine crackers every 3 hours. We said "dude...what are you doing...Why would you do that?" He said "I want the girls to drool over me, bro." I want that mind state haha).

Anyways...I guess my question is. Cardio and Weights? Just cardio? Do I need to burn this fat completely before I start building the muscle a bit, or can I do it together. I have heard that working out before trimming the fat can just put muscle under the fat. I have also heard that cardio (fat burning) also burns muscle.

So I have about 3 1/2 - 4 weeks to burn some pounds.

I notice you put a lot of 2-3 hour snacks in your plans for people. I work all day. I eat breakfast (protein bar and orange juice - i know its a bad one) at 7:00a. Then I don't eat until around noon or 1. And I am hungry by then! So I eat a lot.

I might go to the store and get some chicken, veggies and pasta for my dinner after work.

I see you posting a lot about "chicken".

Just a simple, lean chicken? For instance, is something like Chicken French, or Chicken Marsala counter productive?

I know I have a lot of info here...touch on some, all or none.


Edit: Skimmed over it.  Not sure if I made my objective clear: Burn stomache fat (that's really the only place I have it, stomache & sides), and then start building my muscle, in a dedicated, but not completely time consuming way--I was going to the gym M-F for about an hour and a half before I got sick).

Hey there.

Lets fix you up properly with the right information - please see the list I have made you below (for ease of viewing)

In order to burn fat and tone up within 3-4 weeks you need to be able to utilize your willpower and follow my instructions

1. Eliminate sugar and simple carbs from your diet completely (white flour, white rice, anything with sugar, white bread, etc.)
2. Drink only water - 1 gal a day is sufficient
3. Eat every 2-3 hours without fail
4. 3 food meals + 3 protein shakes is acceptable and helps promote fat loss
5. Take in approx 2,000 cal a day (not up or down by any more than 100)
6. Eat carbs in only the first 3 meals of the day, the second 3 have NO carbs
7. Do at least 1 hour of strength training and 45 mins of cardio every day (do strength training first and follow up with cardio) - hit the gym 6 days a week and take 1 day off.
8. Do 20-30 minutes of cardio every morning on an empty stomach before breakfast (any cardio will do)
10. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Sample meal plan for you:

Meal 1 - protein shake + Grapefruit Juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 1 cup oatmeal
Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast + 1 whole grain bun w/ veggies
Meal 3 - protein shake + grapefruit juice or 1/2 grapefruit + 2 brown rice cakes
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna on a salad
Meal 5 - protein shake + handful mixed nuts
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon

follow this plan for 3-4 weeks and you will be shredded with your current metabolism, height, weight, etc.
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Apr 21 2010 02:04am
Hey SKC i've been workin out for about 7months now working hard too! and ive noticed im liftin alot more now and eating properly just wondering why i cant gain any weight... im 5'8" and 130lbs 19yrs old ive been that way for bout 1.5 years. my max bench went from 135-180 in the 7month period i was wondering if i should stop taking N.O. Xplode im sure u know of it, i know its big time fat burner and shit but ive gained lots of power just not much mass at all i look more cut but not bigger. Mainly just wanna know a way to gain more mass, power since i stopped gainin power after hittin 180 max(bench), also about the N.O. i guess its bad for me since im tryin to gain weight but love the extreme energy boost it gives i usually work out for 2-3 hours hittin everything i guess thats bad too, workin every body part in 1 day PM me or post here w/e works for u, u seem to know what ur talkin about THANKS!:D
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Apr 21 2010 05:22am
is it really necessary to have whole wheat/grain bread? i hate it :( whats so bad about white bread?

also why shouldnt i have my protein shake in milk in the morning?

This post was edited by ILoveMetal on Apr 21 2010 05:41am
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