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Apr 6 2010 01:29pm
Quote (kbk @ Apr 5 2010 10:29am)
Hey Raynor.
I've been doing my cut as well as your 3 day split/3 day cardio routine and I'm seeing pretty great results although I've slacked with my diet a bit this easter weekend :P

I was wondering in regards to training sport specifically for soccer, is this still a good routine? I also play soccer on top of this even if just like 20-30 minutes outside kicking around the ball.
Or if there is another routine you could suggest, I'm assuming heavily cardio based (I have a spin bike, treadmill and the outdoors, I would prefer treadmill/bike for time being just because it's more convenient) and as well as focus on legs, core and back?
Not to sure where I'm going for this, I guess I'm looking for a routine that will help me improve for soccer, explosiveness, speed and mainly endurance


yes this is definitely a good plan for soccer. For soccer, just make sure you are doing plenty of shuttle runs (sprints). Besides that, your regular routine + practice will be perfect for soccer conditioning.
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Apr 6 2010 03:33pm
Just wondering if you have any input on mass gainers or creatines.
I want to start a mass gainer and whey. I was wondering what your thoughts are and if you had any opinion on which ones are a good choice to start with.
I just want to gain some mass fast O.O, and are mass gainers water weight?
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Apr 6 2010 05:29pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Apr 6 2010 02:29pm)
yes this is definitely a good plan for soccer. For soccer, just make sure you are doing plenty of shuttle runs (sprints). Besides that, your regular routine + practice will be perfect for soccer conditioning.

With shuttle runs, should I do them in addition to my cardio days? Or how often/when would be best to do these?
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Apr 6 2010 05:49pm
Quote (bongtokess @ Apr 5 2010 12:10pm)
I stuck to my low-cal diet, and had more free time so I was able to visit the gym 6 times this week. I did about an hour of cardio each day.
At the end of the week I have not lost a single pound.
My fiance says it might be because I am gaining muscle, but what is your opinion?

Hey there.

First of all, weight can be deceiving - the mirror + bodyfat calipers are more accurate.

You can either be building muscle, holding onto water, or simply NOT losing fat...it depends.

However, I highly doubt you are not burning fat. Although after beginning a new diet routine, you might not see bodyfat losses for 1-2 weeks after starting for your body to accommodate to the new environment.

Best bet is to weigh yourself ONCE a week on the same scale at the same time under the same conditions.

my best advice to you is to do it monday morning first thing when you wake up on an empty stomach without clothes. Do this once per week and monitor your progress that way.

If after two weeks, no weight has been lost and you can not see a visible bodyfat difference, please contact me and we will go from there.
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Apr 6 2010 05:50pm
Quote (Powned @ Apr 5 2010 07:05pm)
i'm about 5'6, 125 lbs

Any tips on getting mass ?

Pm me please :)

besides the usual (5x5 plan for strength and size, eat properly (see my bulking diet plan), and avoiding cardio) try to take cytosport cytogainer 2x a day, once in the morning and once post workout. Do this in addition to eating full meals and working out as usual and you will see great mass gains!
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Apr 6 2010 07:26pm
Let me know what ya think about my reply SKCRaynor, thanks bro.
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Apr 6 2010 08:41pm
Quote (CuteKoala @ Apr 5 2010 09:55pm)
just out of curiosity;

what's in YOUR current supplement stack?

Hey there - I currently take approximately 100-120 pills a day + shakes/creatine/glutamine/etc

Here is my current stack:

With every meal - 3x omega 3-6-9 + 1x digestive enzyme (6 meals per day)

Morning - 3x Gat Jet Fuel, 1x vit C, 3x orange triad, 1x chromium, 2x vit B, 1x vit A, 1x vit E, 2x ginko, 2x antioxidants, 4x bcaa, 1x resveratol, 2x lycopene
Mid Morning - 4x Arg/Orn, 1x vit C, 1x vit D, 4x bcaa, 2x kre alkalyn, 1 packet universal animal flex (join support), 2x digestive enzymes
Noon - 4x Arg/Orn, 1x vit C, 2x vit B, 4x bcaa, 2x immune support, 1x ginko, 2x lycopene, 1x resveratol
Mid afternoon - 4x arg/orn, 1x vit C, 1x vit D, 1x vit A, 4x BCAA, 2x antioxidants, 2x kre alkalyn
Evening - 4x arg/orn, 1x vit C, 3x orange triad, 1x chromium, 2x vit b, 1x vit A, 1x vit E, 4x bcaa
Pre/Mid/Post workout - 8x arg/orn, 4x bcaa every 45 mins, 2x vit C
Pre-bedtime, 3x zma, 2x melatonin, 1x vit C, 4x arg/orn, 4x bcaa, 2x mucuna pruriens

+ 2 protein shakes a day w/ 5g glutamine + 5g creatine monohydrate
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Apr 6 2010 09:21pm
Quote (1nt0_3t3rn1ty @ Apr 5 2010 08:36pm)

I'm currently living a sedentary lifestyle and want to get out of it completely.
I'm 5'11 and underweight (120 pounds). I only work out in the evenings for about 10 to 30 mins. and I don't actually have a clue as to what I'm doing.
Would appreciate it if you could help me get started on how to get bigger and like what to eat, how often to train, what exercises/work outs to do, etc
I currently have like no time to go to gyms because I have school. At home I have a bench, a 15 lb bar with 45 lbs in weights, 2 dumbbells that are 10 lbs each and a weight vest that's about 40 lbs (20 kg).
I normally do all the usual workouts: squats, pushups, sit ups, curls, bench presses, etc but I don't do much cardiovascular...

So PM me please, I'll just lose this post.
Thanks :)

edit: I'm like really skinny too D:
But I've been trying to work out a lot and I can only see my ribs in my chest and not like everywhere like before.
And if I brace my abs enough, I can kinda see a 4-pack xD

hey there...please refer to my 5x5 plan for strength and size posted a few pages back...

also any mods on here able to make a new LOCKED sticky for me to post my workout/diet routines??
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Apr 6 2010 09:28pm
Quote (Destruct0 @ Apr 5 2010 11:43pm)
Goals as of now are to gain 10-15 pounds and gain more muscle mass, I'am currently 18,  6"0 155, cut and trim.

e;  After entering the gym last week(agian), so far I have done arms/tris every other day, chest/legs on days I don't do arms/tris and abs every other time. I think I'am putting to much strain on my musclse by doing arms/tris and sometimes chest on the same workout day.

this is absolutely right...please refer to the 5x5 plan for strength and size. you can find it within the last 10 pages of this thread...I will start making custom workout plans and posting them into a locked sticky the moment someone gives me the sticky and/or access to create one.
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Apr 6 2010 09:29pm
Quote (Kiston @ Apr 6 2010 01:00am)
'high carb work days/ low carb off days' vs ketogenic

on a ph (goal: recomp)

what do you suggest?

high/low for sure.

keto is for pure cutting...not recomp.

Quote (Kiston @ Apr 6 2010 12:52pm)
does fat usually store at the bottom of the chest?

also this depends on the human. Everybody had different areas of the body that store fat more than others, however in males it is more common to find fatty lower chests than upper chests.

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