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Posts: 38,262
Joined: Feb 28 2007
Gold: 3,992.70
Dec 15 2007 05:09pm
Old Topic -- Thanks hedonism.

Donor Information:

Donor Forums:
- The donor forum is a place for those who have donated to njaguar. In the donor forums is a sub forum, where donors can make "real life" trades for forum gold. Donating to njaguar doesn't guarantee you access to the donor forums. Those who have donated at least $25 will be screened for entry by njaguar.
- Forum Gold purchases are not counted towards your donation amount if you want to be screened for access. Donating $5 and buying $20 worth of fg will not count.
- You may offer forum gold for someone to donate for you. If you are interested, there is a topic pinned in General Help titled "Donate For Me Please!". Please read these Instructions before posting.
- Donor Forum access may not always come at the same time as your star upgrade. njaguar may take a little more time screening you, this is perfectly normal.

Quote (njaguar @ Sun @ Jan 21 2007, 10:19pm)
Donor forum access still has the basic requirement of $25 donation to the site. However, that is not a guarentee to get in. Your account must then pass through a screening process to see if you are eligible (and worthy) to get into the donor forum.

This $100 to get in is just a rumor, and not true at all.


- Confidential? This means that your not allowed to ask anyone, how much they paid, or how much the star is. PERIOD.
- Priceless Stars? These are stars given to the highest people in power on the site. njaguar controls who gets these stars, do not ask for them.


Warn Removal Information:

Before Requesting:
- If your gold is Locked or you have a Scammer tag, your warns cannot be removed. Don't bother, it's not possible. If and when your tag/lock is lifted, you may start to request warn removals.
- Your warn will stay on for a minimum of 30 days. Unless told otherwise, you may PM the moderator who warned you after 30 days.
- To see who warned you, you can pull up your warn log by clicking on the warn %:
- Your most recent warns must be removed first. You must get your recent warns removed before requesting a removal for an old warning.
- If you just got a warn removed, you must wait at least 3 weeks before requesting another removal.
- Politely PM the moderator who warned you one time, asking for a removal.
- If the user who warned you is now retired, PM any of the active Moderators, requesting a removal. Retired Moderators cannot remove warns, so please do not PM them.
- If you do not get a response from the moderator within 72 hours of sending the request, PM zackaria_dki and he will look into it.
Flagged Users:
- If you are flagged, the moderator who warned you can no longer remove it, it must now be done by njaguar.
- If you have been told that you are a flagged user, to get future warns removed, PM any Moderator, and they will forward it for you.
No PM Access?:
- Users who have lost the privilege to use the PM system should post in General Help, requesting a warn removal.
- Explain that you do not have PM access, and you MUST list the following -- Who warned you and when you were warned + The date of your last warn removal.
- If the user who warned you is now retired, a Members ++ will forward it for you. Please do not ask someone to PM a moderator themselves, unless a member does it for you without you asking.
Remember, a moderator can override any of these. Do not expect or demand a removal, because they are not required to remove them.

-- I'd like to thank hedonism and others for help starting this guide. A lot of the information was pulled from them, i just added some, updated pictures, fixed some mis-spells etc.
-- Sam
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