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Sep 19 2014 01:43pm
HLD GM Dueling Rules:

- No Mods/Hacks/Programs of any kind
- One member from each team must say Go to begin the round
- No Traps / Missiles / Curses / Attacks of any kind may be casted prior to your opponent saying 'Go'
- Towning or Teleporting passed Flavie and Bridges in case of a Bridge Map results in a loss (however being pushed in town via Mind Blast / Leap / Telekinesis is not just come back out)
- If you accidentally town, immediately come directly back out, otherwise this will result in a loss
- No consumables other than mana potions.
- No shrines or wells
- The moor is to be cleared before dueling. It is at the players digression to clear the moor completely to prevent any healing from life leech or life per kill affixes.
- Do not leave town once you die (Until round is finished)
- Do not cast anything or use any aura once you die (IE: Oak, Shadow, Golem, Mediation, etc)
- Ties are null duels
- Naked killing can result in suspension from channel
- You may stack Mana Potions in the Moor before starting a duel
- Refusal to GMOD Test or show gear / inventory / weapon swap can result in suspension from channel
- No prebuffing (Anything stored in your inventory, including cube is not considered prebuffing)
- Recasting is allowed
- Max resistance of any element is 85%
- Max absorb of any element is 20%
- When using combinations of items to absorb do not exceed 80 Maximum Resistances / 20 Absorb to any single element
- Life replenish is capped at 40, NOT including + Replenish from CTA. (Ie: 52 replenish with CTA equipped is allowed.)
- No casting charges from items (See exception below)
- If both players agree, the use of the following charges are allowed:Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine, Spirit of Barbs, and Summon Grizzly
- Only Cold Sorceress's may use the runeword Doom!
- A maximum of 10% slow from items is allowed (ie. Arach or Nos Coil)
- A maximum of one poison small charm per inventory
- No excessive use of houses
- Extremely defensive play is frowned upon and may result in suspension
- Only one item that grants % to cast life tap can be worn at a time
- When using the runeword Phoenix, all monsters must be Redemp’d before dueling.
- Refusing to leave FPK marked games on non-FPK chars, or an FPK character already being used by two other users can result in suspension from channel. (FPK Characters: Bone Nec, Lightning Trap Sin, BVC, Wind Druid)

Class Specific Rules:
Sorceress Specific Rules:
- No + Maximum Resistance to any element or absorb gear when using Energy Shield ( Nightwing is allowed )
- No more than 13 Bugged Mana Small Charms
- All damage reduced by integer (Magic Damage Reduce + Physical Damage Reduce) is capped at 40 (ES Sorc only)

Necromancer Specific Rules:
- Bone Wall is banned
- Bone Prison is allowed versus characters that can teleport (Any character with enigma equipped or Sorc's with teleport skilled)
- All Curses are allowed except Iron Maiden and Life Tap
- No corpse skills are allowed
- May use +15% Maximum Fire Resist (IE: Hotspur Boots, Infernostride Demonhide Boots + Vex, or Waterwalk Sharkskin Boots + 2x Vex) Exception: +10% Max Fire Resist vs. Fire Trappers

Druid Specific Rules:
- Thundergod's Vigor War Belt is allowed

Assassin Specific Rules:
- Dual Claw Assassins using traps for damage cannot use Absorb or + Maximum Resistance of any Element (This means NO Lo Rune)
- Assassins that do not use traps as a source of damage may use a single Wisp/Dwarf/Raven, OR may use +5% max res to each element. (Ie. Lo, Vex, or Ohm'd Valk)

Barbarian Specific Rules:
- 2x Raven Frosts allowed on non-stacking Barbarians (250+ cr)
- 2x Heart of the Oak swap Barbarians can use Verdungo's belt OR Angelic's Set

Amazon Specific Rules:
- Slow Missiles is allowed
- 2x Raven Frosts allowed on non-stacking amazons (250+ cr)
- Bowazons may use hotspurs

Paladin Specific Rules:
- Holy Freeze is allowed
- When skilling resistance auras do not pass the allowed absorb limit. (85% Max Res, or 80% Max Res and 20% Absorb)
- Use of a resistance aura during a duel is banned (Minus Salvation)
- Use of a resistance aura during a duel is banned
- Holy Bolt Is Banned
- Redemption is Banned
- The use of Prayer is not allowed.
- Meditation / Cleansing are not banned however using them other than purposes of removing curses or mana regeneration is banned.
- More than 1 base prayer is banned


LLD Rules ( These are teampk rules, all though 1v1 rules can be based off them )

- All Hybrid Runewords are banned
- No Mods/Hacks/Programs of any kind
- Both parties must say Go to begin the round
- No Traps / Missiles / Curses / Attacks of any kind may be casted prior to your opponent saying 'Go'
- Towning or Teleporting passed Flavie and Bridges in case of a Bridge Map results in a loss (however being pushed in town via Mind Blast / Leap / Telekinesis is not just come back out)
- If you accidentally town, immediately come directly back out, otherwise this will result in a loss
- Do not leave town once you die
- Do not cast anything or use any aura once you die (IE: Oak, Shadow, Golem, Mediation, etc)
- Ties are null duels
- naked killing will result in a disqualification!
- No consumables. Pots of any kind (life/juv/mana/thawing/antidote)
- Intentional life leeching monsters, or killing monsters for life per kill is banned.
- No +Max Res% (75 res all)
- No Holy Freeze or Slow of any kind
- Overly defensive playing/boxing can result in a disqualification
- No excessive use of houses
- No prebuffing
- No Poison Length Reduction gear is allowed unless it is on your normal gear. i.e. you can not stash to put on deaths gloves just because you're dueling a plague zon

Paladin Specific Rules:
- No Single Resistance Auras may be used or skilled ( Salvation is allowed )
- Holy Bolt Is Banned
- Redemption is Banned
- Meditation / Cleansing are not banned however using them other than purposes of removing curses or mana regeneration is banned
- More than 1 base prayer is banned

Zon Rules:
-No slow missiles.

Druid Rules:
-No recasting cyclone armor

Barbarian Specific Rules:
-Battle Orders may only be casted on yourself, unless both teams have a Barb, and both teams agree on being BO'd

Necro Rules:
-Bone prisons can be used on Sorcs only and characters with teleport charges
-Max amount of bone walls on a screen is 4
-No Recasting Bone Armor
-Only Amplify damage and Lower res curses allowed.

Sorc Rules:
-Es/Insight by default is allowed (if it is a major issue, teams may agree to prohibit it for the duels)

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