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Dec 19 2006 10:25am
Congrats on the sticky, it's a great guide. smile.gif
I remember when you had like 2fg and I sent you some to help out, now look at you!
Proof this guide works.
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Dec 19 2006 02:09pm
Quote (natester17 @ Thu, Dec 14 2006, 01:34pm)
Quote (interweb @ Wed, Dec 13 2006, 10:21am)


No , thank you for making a great guide that makes it possible for all jsp members to play Ladder Slasher and do well ! biggrin.gif

I agree tongue.gif Great job, I just read this guide and it's my official favourite guide to LS, and I liked the other guides tongue.gif
Way to look out for the little guys!
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Dec 21 2006 01:17pm
Quote (interweb @ Tue, Dec 5 2006, 08:25am)
I've kept all the text itself from my old guide the same - although I went crazy and used a bit of colour! (even though it made me spell it color). Hopefully it should be a little bit more redable, I'll keep editing it till it stops me.

here it is - includes guides for vita melee/caster melee/dex melee (ideally fighter for last one)

I recently got to the master quest, I failed, but that's not the point - SHHHHHHH :-), and I managed to do it starting on 0 fg, I thought I would purchase a bold title, (Thank MaryJuana for the donation he gave me, it's gone towards this) and make a re-vamped version of the guide I made on my 5th day of playing Ladder Slasher, in this guide you should find everything you need to start, learn, complete the master quest (hopefully ; )) and make profit on it, even if you start from nothing

I'm going to keep editing it untill it's as close to perfect as it can get, feel free to make any suggestions to me, post your opinions, or thanks if you feel it's appropriate, Pm me if you ever need help, that's what I'm here for C-:.

First thing's first, thx to njaguar for making this game, he rocks :-D

I have made this guide as simple as I can, most of it should be self explanatory[b]

Right guys, so I started LS maybe 4 or 5 days ago, and a few guys have been really helpfull, first of of all I would like to thank everyone who gave me advice, especially
Immortalwombat - god of knowledge
i370HSSV-0773H - gave me a very kind donation of 51.11 fg : )

My barb just hit 25, and is still winning every single battle he starts on full health, and can usually go for about 3-6 in a row, before I have to wait to replenish.

to start here's a load of links that should be read before anyone starts LS
If you read these you will get a really good basic idea of what LS is about, how it works, and how to play it well, the guys who wrote these understand it waaaaay better than me, so read their stuff first ideally

http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=3770403&f=272 <-njaguars Game mechanics explained

<- ragnaroks' Item mechanics explained

I particuarly found this VERY usefull when wanting to know what stats items i could find :

thx to him again.

and last but not least : http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?showtopic=3927233&f=272
<- Immortalwombats guide to LS.

Thx to all those guys.

[b]Right now to my bit

(Before we start I must say that this build can just as well work on a fighter :-), but i am going to say barb all the way through, because that's what my char was, and I can't be botherd to change, as I only just thought of this point)

Cheap and easy tank barb build:
Stats: ALL origionally go into vita (including starting 10) - There has been some conflict in advice given as where to stop, but I think that anywhere from 80-100 base vita gives very helpful bonuses every level up of huge life, also remember the more vita, the more defense.

Once you have reached the point where you wish to stop (or like me get impatient :-) ) Start statting DEX, and dex only, this will give you a HUGE boost in damage once you have a few in it, giving a lot more critical hits, and a lot more damage on critical hits when you do. (For explanations of crits, check above links).

The other option can be strength, this may work out better for the VERY poor LS player, as dex is helped greatly by dex bonuses from items, which can be expensive, however strength will always add dmg, and is nice and dependable

The choice between str and dex is a hard one, dex is a bit of a gamble, but can pay of nicely, str is a slightly weaker(dependign on items greatly) but dependable choice, it's your call

Items: Right, so your main need in items on your Barb, there are a few ways you can go,

Weapons: Useful stats
EE - Enhanced effect = More damage, and as you know, more damage = more killing.

DEX - More chance of crits (explained above) - basically more % chance of more damage.

STR - Works like more damage (remember it won't show it's effect on weapons damage till you equip)

VIT - Will give you more defence - NOT MORE LIFE, you only get that from spending the stats, when you will recieve bonus for lvl up.

Max life - Obvious here - (gives more life ^^) **remember** Life should never really be a problem, theonly real problem will be replenishing/waiting for it to replenish :-)


SAME as the above but for the EE = More defence, which is greater chance of enemies doing less, or 0 damage.


and same as on weapons

Other stats, -
Life per combat round, - works like replenish life in mid battle.

Replenish life, - Speeds up waits between battles, on top of your 1 extra per every level 5/10/15/20/25/30, you get the picture.

Critical strike - Like dex, ish - read guides up above

Life after battle (x-x) - helpful in the same way as per combat round, works like after fight potion :_)

Life steal - best explained through example, I think it works like this.
10% Life steal, when you do 100 % damage = 10 life back.

I Have found often that it is much cheaper, (especially over lvl 10) To buy items in the boundry under the one you are in, with better stats, here is an example.

At level 25,
Stonewood Club
Level Req: 25
Damage: 16 to 72 This = 25 fg
+35 Strength

Rare fine alloy sword
Level Req: 20
Damage: 7 to 70 This = 10 fg
+46 Strength
+1% Life Steal

The damage on these is very similar, I think the lvl 20 has a little more avg actually. - And there is a huge price difference.

1 - 5
. Fight lots biggrin.gif, any nice items you get that you don't want to use yourself, place on market place, if you are not sure if they are nice or not, put up a price check in trade forum.

. If you have managed to make some fg (even if it's just 1) - buy the best looking weapon you can, I bought 1 for 3 fg, and used it untill level 17 or something.

. Fight even more :0, now you may find some better items, all items with bad stats, keep to use like potions in the shrine, others place on market.

. If your weapon is still serving you well, keep hold of it, and buy the highest defence armour you can for 1 fg, there's usually loads about, if your weapon isn't doing the damage, consider buying a new one.
If you are lucky enough to have earnt fg for a charm, but one with adds like dex/str/maxlife/life per combat round.

10 - 15
. You should notice finding nicer items now, start to transmute if you wern't already (fingers crossed )

15 - 20
. Prices start to increase a little here, but keep your Eyes out for bargains on the market place, the most profiable thing I did here was to sell my lvl 5 weapon which I Bought for 3 fg for 7, one good way to get a good idea of value of items is to search for one of same level tier, same stats on market, and then price yours accordingly (a littlecheaper makes it more likely to sell, and is kinder to those out there without millions of fg)

. Buy A good weapon, with stats like the ones I listed above, if you have spare funds I bought a 3 life regen charm for 1 fg here, switched it for replenishing.

20 - 25
. Battles starting to last for AGGGES now smile.gif, don't be upset, that's what they are like on vita builds when you don't have really expensive items :-).

. Searching Market place for new items, I am using 1 fg high defence arm, bet stats i could find for 1, and I splashed out on a +46 str lvl 20 sword, for 10 fg, using a +dex charm.

25-30 depending on items you should be regenning every 1-5 monsters around here, a regen charm gets really usefull +3s are usually only about 1 fg on market biggrin.gif

. Search Mp for new items, remembering to also search for nice stat cheap lvl 20/25s, - my lvl 36 is still using an EE club for lvl 20, and he can kill any non well monster

30 - 35
. Getting a bit harder now, 1-3 monsters per regen, 4 if lucky, but this should be counteracted by nice items dropping, I started finding nice oness about lvl 33-35 - EE seems to come up more around this lvl also biggrin.gif

. Looking at the market place at this level can be a bit shocking, a good way to get better items is to buy the 2 cheapest of the same type you can, transmute, and cross your fingers biggrin.gif

35- 40
. This is where I am now, getting close to having to run from monsters even when I start on full health, but my +90life per lvl bonus really speaks for itself, very useful, thankfully dex is getting quite good, and critical its are more common and do good damage. Monsters will start getting tougher here, and you may do a few +0dmg hits, don't be too phased, these are bound to happen as oponents defence does.
That's about it for now, I will update the guide as I level, make sure to check last posts for updated I put in.

##############################Latest Edit#################################

. -----OUCH, this is where any players with low fg really start to appreciate the vita barb build, it may be slow regenning all that life, but you will be on waaaaaaaaaay over 3k life around now, try for a nice new wep (I bought a 1 useless stat magical lvl 40 axe, that got me 1 or 2 kills per regen to lvl 45 easily)

. This is where a weapon becomes really important, and defence on armours, however if you have the option of buying a nice +str/dex armour rather than defence then it may work out well, str gives a looot more dmg, and dex owns crits, try to compromise with a nice def lvl 35-45 req +stats arm (On mp for about 10 fg normally)

. Here YOu start finding good enough items to be selling on market place Vs about 10fg+ (sometimes a lot more if lucky), the monsters are hard, and you'll have to run a lot more, it's just a fact of life, however with so much life you are guaranteed to be able to kill some of them (even if this is only the monsters who will give between 8-25k exp, it's slow, but it's enough to lvl up gradually.

. The great thing about this build is that you won't need a weapon with mass EE to kill, just one that's the highest you can use for your lvl, however at 55 they are pretty usefull, and this is where i started needing mine.


If you have any thoughts on my guide, or help or suggestions, feel free to add them : D.

A few last things, if you are having real problems on your char, re-roll it, this works out well at the start, because it's a great way to get items, then go back, and kill fast, and get more items biggrin.gif, also it means if you find a really nice weapon you can't use, you can switch to another type of char and build around that

Just to prove you have to be using elite items Here's a look at what I was using at lvl 55, and still killing fine

Angelic diamond axe
Level Req: 40
Damage: 86 to 103
+57% Enhanced Effect
+7 Life Regen
+1 to 90 Life per Kill
+1% Armor Pierce Cost me 50 fg (most expensive thing I bought, but lvl 40-61 with it, so i got a lot of use for my 50 fg)

Mythical tempered diamond chain mail
Level Req: 45
Defense: 24 to 60
+35 Strength
+9 Vitality
+1 to 67 Life per Kill
+1% Life Steal
+5% Physical Damage Reduction Cost me 12 fg - up untill then I used a +38 str lvl 30 arm, which i bought for 10, and sold for 10 when I got this)

Magical ice I
Spell Damage: 5 to 6
Magic Cost: 5
+24 Strength Cost me 2 fg happy.gif I switched between this ad a 20dex charm for a while, but i liekd this the most - the 20 dexer cost me 1 fg

that's a 67 fg total, and i made that from the items i found easily.

Also, please remember guys, ifyou start getting high level, don't over price your items, unless they are elite, and will enter a bidding war between rich players, keeping items cheap will help other players starting out low, especially considering the completely ridiculous prices you start seeing for weapons with no good stats at lvl 20+.


Feel free to Pm me, and ask me to keep a look out for shitty magical weps with no EE, one of my friends sold me lvl 40 clean/low magic stats axes for 1 fg that he would have thrown away when I hit 40, because I was still using a level 20 38% EE club, they were fine for dmg)

I Like to help people out, so if you have ANY questions/queries at all, just PM me, or post in this thread

My clan rule :-)
Byron rules
MaryJuana rules
Eba. rules
ImmortalWombat rules
i370HSSV-0773H rules
Hkiko rules
jmbjmbjmb rules

Don't you forget it


Here's my pocket caster barb/fighter guide[color]

This is one of the cheapest builds after vita barb, but still requires a small amount of initial fg to start - it's main advantage is it makes use of very cheap items, and ends up making a strong char.
Thanks to all the guys who gave me advice on this.
It's only a small guide - so feel free to pm me any additional questions.

1.) Here you decide if you want to make a fighter or a baba
baba = more life, less dex, less int
fighter = a little more int, more dex, a little less life

2.) Items.

weapons = Intelligence/max life/life per combat round/mana per combat round/max mana/regen
armours = same as weapons, but EE can be usefull aswell INTELLIGENCE ALONE CAN BE FINE, AND INTELLIGENCE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT
Charms = EE(Most important) Int (second most important) - and any of the other stats above are useful ofc.

Regen = Regen - both life and mana is very useful on this build, be on the lookout for cheap regen items always!

Remember to be on the lookout for good deals above your level, for future use!

3.) Strategy = At low level levelling can be slow, I would reccomend using melee Items (rememberring not to use melee stats) for levels 1-15 if you can spend soem fg on them, as mana regen can get boring, but another good strategy is to buy +mana Items, or a nice regen item - my char served fine on a type III + 250 mana charm which I bought for 1 fg.

All other levels, click, kill, regen - look for High INT weps/armours, and charms with as high EE as you can afford.

4.) Stats - EASY!
100% Intelligence

5.) Go kill - it's an amazing build, and the price on EE charms under 90% has dropped dramatically recently, make the most of heavy armours with int, and weapons mages can't use with int - items up to +35 stats (especially armours) are pretty cheap to buy.

6.) Enjoy


o.k. - so once you've reached mq (if you've passed then good for you! - just realise that there will be certian changes to which Items you can use - so anything I say about weps, change to fir your char)

Why this char rules

1.) - Life! The high vit that fighters start with means that you'll still have great life, and higher defence on armours a.k.a you can take more hits!

2.) - Dex! You will always get the option to run from normal monsters before they get a last hit on this char (maybe not well ones if you're VERY unlucky) - It also means you'll get LOADS of crits, and that the chance of an enemy doing a crit towards you is much lower.

3.) It can still be a pretty cheap build, although it is more than a vita barb

4.) It is quite similar to a vita barb, so there's not lots of new stuff to learn! - All needs on Items are similar, and it uses all the same types of items.

5.) Fighters start with pretty high str - this means that the crits you do get will be higher, and also that your average non crit damage will be high.


this bit is quite easy...

100% in dex.


this bit is quite easy...

same as vita barb! (although you may want to choose to use more offensive items - i.e. str/dex arms rather than EE - both work well though!)


I am going to assume anyone using this build hjas a little bit of fg, if you have none then it will be a lot harder, and I would reccomend a vita barb.

. All you need here really is a type III wep - it doesn;t even need nice stats!
. Maybe look around for cheap armours with EE/dex/str/life per kill/combat round/life leach/max life armours.
. Any charms with the stats I listed on armour are usefull too - dex/str ones at this level are very useful, and one with 15-25 stats shouldn't be too expensive.

. Grab the best level 5 weapon you can here - usual mods are good, if you find a cheap EE one grab it!!!!!! But I find at this level EE weapons are usually overpriced.
. Armour/charm - if you're going along fien with the ones you have (if you have them) stick with them - at low lvls weapons make the real difference.
. If you havn't got some - look for ones with the same stats I listed for lvl 1

. Same at levels 5-10!

. 1 Change here - a nice wep with either high str/dex/EE becomes pretty essential - Ideally with EE
. Maybe it's time to invest in some nice regen items to speed up the waiting time between battles.

. Same as levels 15-20

. EE weapons are completely ESSENTIAL 35+ - Unless you have managed to find some weapon with 40+str 40+ dex and life per combat round or something like that.
. Ways of gaining life are usefull here, but not essential - they are also pretty expensive in items with nice stats - e.g. life leach+dex.
. At these levelsI would reccomend dex rather than str in items, because being able to run away first is very useful.

Things to remember.

. Look ahead of your level for bargains on the market! - Some of the best deals I got were because I looked and planned ahead, means you get the best prices a lot more often.
. This is an offensive build - unless you have a high EE armour, or mass life per combat round, you will take pretty high damage - but your life should be enough to cope with this - I go for the strategy kill them before they kill you.
. The weapon is an amazingly important part of this build, you're pretty much guaranteed to find levelling very easy upgrading to a weapon of about 80+EE every 10 levels, but it's not completely essential.

anything : how to make my guide look better, opinions on it, ANYTHING as long as it is well thought out and isn;t soemthing like "You have posted this guide already noob" or something like that.

If you want to know who rules on d2jsp, look in my profile, a small list is there of all(I may have forgotten some, I'll remember them soon) who have made a good impression on me.

this really helps me alot since im poor happy.gif nice guide really like biggrin.gif
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Jan 1 2007 08:32am
the guide really helps me out

thx interweb smile.gif
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Jan 7 2007 10:18am
Thanks for this awesome guide!! Vita barbs ftw smile.gif
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Jan 26 2007 02:04pm
Wow, these builds are awesome! I've spent like 5 fg (making it back then spending it again) on the vita barb, now im trying the dex fighter, and i've already gotten to level 17! Thank you so much for these guides!
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Jan 26 2007 02:09pm
you went 20 days back to find this??
it's in the stickies now!
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Jan 26 2007 02:14pm
oh, no, i found it linked somewhere and bookmarked it... didn't realize it was stickied haha.
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