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Apr 17 2024 03:50am
Ryan Holiday on Ego is the Enemy - EconTalk

Ryan Holiday, a prominent author and thinker, explores Stoicism in several of his books, including "The Obstacle Is the Way," "Ego Is the Enemy," and "The Daily Stoic." Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that emphasizes personal virtue, resilience, and self-awareness in the face of life's challenges.

The four Stoic virtues, as outlined by thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus, are:

Wisdom (or Prudence): This virtue involves the ability to perceive the true nature of things, to understand what is within our control, and to make sound judgments based on reason rather than emotion.

Courage (or Fortitude): Courage in Stoicism doesn't just refer to physical bravery, but also to the strength to endure hardship, face fear, and persevere in the pursuit of what is right and virtuous.

Justice: Justice entails treating others fairly, with kindness and respect, and acting in accordance with moral principles. It involves understanding our interconnectedness with humanity and society at large.

Temperance (or Self-Discipline): Temperance is about exercising self-control, moderation, and restraint. It involves managing desires and impulses, avoiding excess, and living in harmony with nature and reason.

Holiday's books often explore how these virtues can be applied in modern life, offering practical advice on how to cultivate them to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. His writings emphasize the importance of resilience, self-awareness, and personal growth, drawing on the wisdom of the Stoics to provide insights into how to thrive in the face of adversity.
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Apr 18 2024 05:58am
Abstraction and Analogy are the Keys to Robust AI - Melanie Mitchell

Melanie Mitchell, a prominent AI researcher, highlights the significance of abstractions and analogies in understanding and developing AI systems. She emphasizes that human cognition relies heavily on these concepts, as they enable us to make sense of complex information and solve problems effectively.

In the context of AI, Mitchell suggests that the ability to create and understand abstractions is crucial for developing intelligent systems. Abstractions allow AI models to generalize from specific examples to broader concepts, enabling them to perform tasks beyond their training data. Analogies, according to Mitchell, play a similar role by allowing AI systems to transfer knowledge from one domain to another, facilitating learning and problem-solving.

However, Mitchell also cautions against over-reliance on abstractions and analogies in AI development. While they can be powerful tools, they are not without limitations. AI systems may struggle with abstract reasoning and analogy-making tasks that come naturally to humans. Additionally, transferring knowledge through analogies can sometimes lead to errors or misunderstandings if the underlying similarities between domains are not properly understood.

Overall, Mitchell's perspective underscores the importance of incorporating abstractions and analogies into AI research and development while being mindful of their limitations and challenges.

Melanie Mitchell and Douglas Hofstadter collaborated on various projects exploring the nature of intelligence, creativity, and analogical reasoning. One of their notable collaborations was the development of Copycat, a computer model designed to simulate how analogical thinking works in human cognition.

Copycat, inspired by Hofstadter's ideas in his book "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid," aimed to mimic human-like problem-solving abilities through analogy. The model could generate solutions to simple letter-string manipulation tasks by identifying patterns and making analogies between different strings.

Their work emphasized the importance of analogy-making in human cognition and its potential relevance to artificial intelligence. They proposed that understanding analogical reasoning could lead to more effective AI systems capable of creative problem-solving and flexible adaptation to new situations.

Their collaboration highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of AI research, drawing insights from cognitive science, philosophy, and computer science. By integrating perspectives from these fields, Mitchell and Hofstadter contributed to advancing our understanding of intelligence and laid the groundwork for future research in AI and cognitive science.

This post was edited by x_h on Apr 18 2024 05:58am
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Apr 19 2024 05:39am
Transformative Experiences - A Conversation with L.A. Paul - Making Sense with Sam Harris


Sam speaks with philosopher and author L.A. Paul. They discuss how certain experiences change the self, the nature of regret, changing belief systems, conspiracy thinking, empathy, doing good in the world, our relationship to our future selves, changing our values, the nature of possibility, the ethics of punishment, moral luck, the moral landscape, consequentialism, and other topics.

L.A. Paul is the Millstone Family Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Cognitive Science at Yale University and leads the Self and Society Initiative for Yale’s Wu Tsai Institute. Her research explores questions about the nature of the self and decision-making, and the metaphysics and cognitive science of time, cause, and experience. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Humanities Center, and the Australian National University. She is also the author of three books, including Transformative Experience, and Causation: A User’s Guide, which was awarded the American Philosophical Association Sanders Book Prize.
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Apr 20 2024 05:05am
The Hidden Genius Behind Millionaires and World Champions / Polina Pompliano

What distinguishes the truly exceptional from the merely great?

After five years of writing The Profile, Polina Marinova Pompliano has studied thousands of the most successful and interesting people in the world and examined how they reason their way through problems, unleash their creativity, and perform under extreme pressure.

The highest performers don’t use tricks or hacks to achieve greatness. They use mental frameworks that fundamentally change the way they see the world. They’ve learned how to unlock their hidden genius in order to reach their full potential.

This book will help you do the same. After learning from the world’s most successful people featured inside, you will have a mental toolkit to help you tackle thorny problems, navigate relationships, and use creativity and resilience in times of uncertainty.
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Apr 21 2024 04:34am
religion is ridiculous Sam Harris

Sam Harris, a prominent neuroscientist, philosopher, and author, is known for his atheistic views and criticism of organized religion. He is particularly critical of the concept of God as depicted in various religious traditions, often arguing that belief in God is not supported by empirical evidence and can lead to harmful consequences.

Harris contends that religious beliefs, particularly those related to God, can be irrational and divisive, and he advocates for a secular approach to morality and ethics, grounded in reason and evidence rather than faith.

In his books, articles, and public talks, Harris has expressed his skepticism about the existence of a personal deity or supernatural force governing the universe. He often emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and secular humanism as alternatives to religious faith.

This post was edited by x_h on Apr 21 2024 04:34am
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Apr 21 2024 04:46am
Quote (x_h @ Apr 21 2024 10:34pm)
religion is ridiculous Sam Harris


Guys like Harris are good to use on Christian debates. I've come to the conclusion win the crowd win the debate. Most theists are immune to logic or rational debate so other means are needed. Besides we won, religion is dying off
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Apr 21 2024 05:02am

Was listening to this episode on the channel fall of civilizations..

This post was edited by TidsL on Apr 21 2024 05:03am
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Apr 22 2024 03:41pm
Quote (TidsL @ Apr 21 2024 08:02am)

Was listening to this episode on the channel fall of civilizations..

I'm looking forward to listening to these. I'll most likely end up listening to all 18 current episodes in the playlist.

Thanks for sharing.
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Apr 22 2024 03:43pm
Usually just rogan

Sometimes hawk vs wolf
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Apr 23 2024 04:27am
Science & Survival - A Conversation with Martin Rees - Making Sense with Sam Harris


Martin Rees, an esteemed cosmologist and astrophysicist, has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe's structure, evolution, and future. His work spans various areas, including cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and astrobiology. Rees has explored topics such as the origin of cosmic structure, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the potential for extraterrestrial life. He's also delved into the implications of advanced technology and the risks associated with it, particularly in his book "Our Final Hour," where he discusses existential threats to humanity. Additionally, Rees has been active in science communication, advocating for responsible use of scientific advancements and increased awareness of global challenges.

Some of his notable works include:

"Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe" (1999) - In this book, Rees examines the six fundamental constants of nature and their profound implications for the structure and existence of the universe.

"Our Cosmic Habitat" (2001) - Rees explores the remarkable harmony between the laws of physics and the conditions necessary for the emergence of life, discussing the concept of the "multiverse" and the anthropic principle.

"Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning: How Terror, Error, and Environmental Disaster Threaten Humankind's Future In This Century - On Earth and Beyond" (2003) - Rees discusses the existential risks facing humanity, including threats from advanced technology, climate change, and other global challenges.

"From Here to Infinity: Scientific Horizons" (2011) - In this book, Rees offers insights into the frontiers of scientific discovery, exploring topics such as the nature of time, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and the future of space exploration.

"On the Future: Prospects for Humanity" (2018) - Rees discusses the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for humanity, ranging from advancements in biotechnology and artificial intelligence to the need for sustainable development and global cooperation.

These books reflect Rees' wide-ranging interests and his efforts to communicate complex scientific concepts to a broader audience.
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