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Posts: 3,756
Joined: Jul 27 2007
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Jan 14 2017 09:25am
ya dude, it's such a casual game yet ur not GM and furthermore ur not even remotely close to me in skill

Because you can play 8h+ a day when you work and earn several times more than those e-sport noobs in HotS.

It shows timeinvestment not skill.

who brags about being a cheater?

Apparently you in D2. So it's okay to cheat in D2 but not in other games fucking hypocrite.
You are a random not being able to cheat in different games.

no one is good at pvp in D2 from EU in both BM and GM, it's all west/east

You mean those big mouthed fools who lie that they were typing, bo ran out, getting bo by their bobarb after(merc got enched by enchsorc) and so on?

TBH I don't know which were east/west.

EU > East/West deal with it.

The best the US noobs could do is copy me while still being far inferior.
Post 1.13 TPPK, Auraflash, using eternity on a hammerdin.

And their deepest wish is stuff like instant switching, missile path detection, preventive attack detection+avoiding, projectile stacking to generate oneshot damage.

If those noobs had any skill they would go Nec against anything.

That's how missile stack looks like that's over 10k damage within 100ms.

no one good knows u from EU HCL, yet some know me and I don't even play on EU? must be sad when a person that doesn't even play on your realm is more well known than you

The only stuff on EU you still see are the jokes of the past.
UK Ghostbaalnoobs, Polskis , Russians, Bulgarians and the 2 jokes called Tobi+Rixos.

BTW nothing was better than to destroy the entire bot channel and blame the most clueless and worst EU player for it.
That UK idiot used an outdated version of SB where you could took over the control of the account if you create the same account WC3, which I did.

I took over the botchannel tppked every running bot. Banned every regular and unbanned every banned player and gave them adminaccess.
This was indeed Ghostbaal.

you don't decay in HOTS, it isn't LoL, just by you saying that I know you've never reached master/gm, ur literally proven trash at games LMFAO

Hahaha did you fail in math or are you illiterate or both?

Read some of the blizz posting explaining how the changes work.

First you need 50 games each season to have your MMR stabile. Then you have no idea what normalization is.
Your data gets smoothed every season.

Meaning if you skip seasons your rating will drop, meaning when Perseverance1 gets unsilenced again in some months he will end up in D5.
Check out the Ruski who got silenced for 4 months couldn't play 2 seasons and went to D5 straight from 3.7k MMR.
Blizzard read feedback about players returning believing Tychus+ Abathur is still meta.

So now guess what will happen if you end up being mass reported by me? Once you reach 4months and instantly 8months you will be somewhere in Gold Rating and after 16month silence your are literally irrelevant.

I can defeat you anytime in a wager TvT match in Hots because even if you would play better than us the result would be a loss for you because you are playing by the rules.

You are one of those big mouthed east brats who claim they will win in russian roulette when all chambers are filled and it's their turn.
And since you have a big mouth I am certain your appeal will be rejected.
Posts: 1,810
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Jan 14 2017 01:14pm
Ok, let's just address everything you said regarding me:

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
Because you can play 8h+ a day when you work and earn several times more than those e-sport noobs in HotS.

It shows timeinvestment not skill.

How does playing a game have anything to do with RL? Are you trying to use logical fallacies to compensate for your lack of ability to form a coherent retort? All you are doing is further exemplifying your stupidity.

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
Apparently you in D2. So it's okay to cheat in D2 but not in other games fucking hypocrite.
You are a random not being able to cheat in different games.

Nowhere in any of my messages in this thread do I mention that I cheat in D2, nor do I brag about it, are you projecting your insecurities onto me or do you just have down syndrome?

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
You mean those big mouthed fools who lie that they were typing, bo ran out, getting bo by their bobarb after(merc got enched by enchsorc) and so on?


TBH I don't know which were east/west.

EU > East/West deal with it.

If your attempt at an argument is posting random kills on random people then I think it is safe to say that you are desperate for attention, oh, and also retarded.
Already proven that West/East > EU in PvP.

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
The best the US noobs could do is copy me while still being far inferior.
Post 1.13 TPPK, Auraflash, using eternity on a hammerdin.

And their deepest wish is stuff like instant switching, missile path detection, preventive attack detection+avoiding, projectile stacking to generate oneshot damage.

If those noobs had any skill they would go Nec against anything.


I can't tell if you are serious right now, you are literally trying to take credit for Auraflashing when it was implemented by Andy in .Hack literally years and years ago back when I played, and so was ATX's farcast teleport and many other things but I don't even think you know what those are.
All I see in your screenshot is copy+paste code from bh/eon that you modified the UI of.
Eternity on Hdin has been around since early-mid 1.10, literally 0 point to attempt to take credit for something that you weren't even privy to.

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
The only stuff on EU you still see are the jokes of the past.
UK Ghostbaalnoobs, Polskis , Russians, Bulgarians and the 2 jokes called Tobi+Rixos.

I have 0 idea what you are talking about but I do know that what you wrote implies you still play this game when everyone has already moved on, let that sink in for a bit.

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
BTW nothing was better than to destroy the entire bot channel and blame the most clueless and worst EU player for it.
That UK idiot used an outdated version of SB where you could took over the control of the account if you create the same account WC3, which I did.


I took over the botchannel tppked every running bot. Banned every regular and unbanned every banned player and gave them adminaccess.

Again, posting random shit no one cares about. What I do find amusing though, is the fact that you literally have 0 people I recognize from EU HCL on your friend list like Sheppard, Leri, etc so in other words, you're insignificant.

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
Hahaha did you fail in math or are you illiterate or both?
Read some of the blizz posting explaining how the changes work.

First you need 50 games each season to have your MMR stabile. Then you have no idea what normalization is.
Your data gets smoothed every season.

Meaning if you skip seasons your rating will drop, meaning when Perseverance1 gets unsilenced again in some months he will end up in D5.
Check out the Ruski who got silenced for 4 months couldn't play 2 seasons and went to D5 straight from 3.7k MMR.
Blizzard read feedback about players returning believing Tychus+ Abathur is still meta.

How can I fail at math when there is nothing relating to math in any of your posts? How can I be illiterate when you don't even understand what decay is?
Your rating doesn't decay, if I'm at 5k pts and I get GM and I don't play for the rest of the season, I will still be 5k pts and get GM rewards at the end of the season, it doesn't decay. But I wouldn't expect you to know this because it is pretty much confirmed by this point you are trash at HOTS LMFAO.
You are literally talking about something completely different, and MMR dropping has no correlation with points decay because there isn't points decay in the game. Do you just trash talk for the reason of trash talking?
You literally have 0 arguments, all I see are irrelevant fallacies that don't address the original argument.

Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 03:25pm)
You are one of those big mouthed east brats who claim they will win in russian roulette when all chambers are filled and it's their turn.

I'm from West. I mean, just from all the false assumptions you have been making, it is safe to say you are prone to lying and bigotry because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Posts: 3,756
Joined: Jul 27 2007
Gold: 16,785.00
Jan 14 2017 04:37pm
How does playing a game have anything to do with RL? Are you trying to use logical fallacies to compensate for your lack of ability to form a coherent retort? All you are doing is further exemplifying your stupidity.

You call it free time and unless you are a complete loser your free time is limited but you cannot comprehend this.

Nowhere in any of my messages in this thread do I mention that I cheat in D2, nor do I brag about it, are you projecting your insecurities onto me or do you just have down syndrome?

You have a posting history there is you showing screenshots of dozen WTFPKrenames.

Also you played Path of Exile I can shove your several closed beta demis in your face including demis of the first seasons.

You lose in every aspect.

If your attempt at an argument is posting random kills on random people then I think it is safe to say that you are desperate for attention, oh, and also retarded.
Already proven that West/East > EU in PvP.

You realize real players play HC because they are good enough not do die in PVP. But all you PVP scrubs are jelly trashtalkers. All talk no action.
They are irrelevant in PVP and in cheating as well.

I can't tell if you are serious right now, you are literally trying to take credit for Auraflashing when it was implemented by Andy in .Hack literally years and years ago back when I played, and so was ATX's farcast teleport and many other things but I don't even think you know what those are.
All I see in your screenshot is copy+paste code from bh/eon that you modified the UI of.
Eternity on Hdin has been around since early-mid 1.10, literally 0 point to attempt to take credit for something that you weren't even privy to.

Hahahahaha you are so clueless. Your ANDY is an absolute noob. Your ATX is an absolute noob. Digging around in open source code and try to emulate stuff.

Do you know who discovered Auraflashing it was Maulei and you don't even know who that is because you are clueless.
If you pay 5 FG I will even find the posting that shows it has been implemented long before you noobs even knew about it. You only implemented it after getting your ass handed by Euro HC players.

Show me the code that's copy/pasted please you have literally no clue what you are talking about. It's original code you US noobs desperatly want to obtain.
I can name at least 100 features you have zero clue about how it's done neither why it's working.

Wrong. The only thing that has been used in 1.10 was Cresent Moon. I was the one who used eternity on a +3 Hammer +3 Conc +3 Foh Sceptre and revived Tombvipers with it.
Guess why. Tomb vipers generate invisible clouds of massive damage, hitting is a knockpack. That's just another theft of Scurbcore noobs who got killed in HC.

I have 0 idea what you are talking about but I do know that what you wrote implies you still play this game when everyone has already moved on, let that sink in for a bit.

I checked the HC Europe Trading forums and looked who is still playing but I know you are too stupid to comprehend that.

Again, posting random shit no one cares about. What I do find amusing though, is the fact that you literally have 0 people I recognize from EU HCL on your friend list like Sheppard, Leri, etc so in other words, you're insignificant.

You recognize crap who can't PVP.

Sheppard is town camper because he believed that he could fool anybody with equipment implying another element but guess what. Statehack revealed his real element. He was absolutly horrible. The only time he was successful in PVP was pking noobs with frozen orb after reset.

Then you name some polak noobs who only knew how to teleport on you die and then spam. I think there was somewannabe called Kamil who ripped 1 Hammerdin like every week and made itemshops rich. I think his accoutnname here was sonicci or like that.

Man you must be really bad to be impressed by such horrible PVPers.
The only thing those noobs were sucessful is create an iceblast sorc shoot their own tps and tppk randoms, in the end HC had only Trade and PVP games.

How can I fail at math when there is nothing relating to math in any of your posts? How can I be illiterate when you don't even understand what decay is?

You know what's smoothing a curve is or not? Then how is a peak looking compared to before?

The uncertainity allows you to win it all back in a short time but you must do it with absolutly horrible players that means your winrate will drop.

Your rating doesn't decay, if I'm at 5k pts and I get GM and I don't play for the rest of the season, I will still be 5k pts and get GM rewards at the end of the season, it doesn't decay. But I wouldn't expect you to know this because it is pretty much confirmed by this point you are trash at HOTS LMFAO.

No you will be silenced and I will make sure you can't play HL for several seasons. You won't seed at D3 anymore because the smoothing dropped you into the pits of shit players.
Now guess where your MMR goes.

I'm from West. I mean, just from all the false assumptions you have been making, it is safe to say you are prone to lying and bigotry because you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Don't care if you are West or East. You are a US trashtalker nothing else.

Just blablabla. Where is you accepting the challenge oh wait you won't do it because you know you gonna lose.

Oh and if anybody ever posts the suffix of your Btag you will be in Perseverancemode.
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Jan 15 2017 09:41am
Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 08:25am)
Because you can play 8h+ a day when you work and earn several times more than those e-sport noobs in HotS.

It shows timeinvestment not skill.

Apparently you in D2. So it's okay to cheat in D2 but not in other games fucking hypocrite.
You are a random not being able to cheat in different games.

You mean those big mouthed fools who lie that they were typing, bo ran out, getting bo by their bobarb after(merc got enched by enchsorc) and so on?


TBH I don't know which were east/west.

EU > East/West deal with it.

The best the US noobs could do is copy me while still being far inferior.
Post 1.13 TPPK, Auraflash, using eternity on a hammerdin.

And their deepest wish is stuff like instant switching, missile path detection, preventive attack detection+avoiding, projectile stacking to generate oneshot damage.

If those noobs had any skill they would go Nec against anything.


That's how missile stack looks like that's over 10k damage within 100ms.

The only stuff on EU you still see are the jokes of the past.
UK Ghostbaalnoobs, Polskis , Russians, Bulgarians and the 2 jokes called Tobi+Rixos.

BTW nothing was better than to destroy the entire bot channel and blame the most clueless and worst EU player for it.
That UK idiot used an outdated version of SB where you could took over the control of the account if you create the same account WC3, which I did.


I took over the botchannel tppked every running bot. Banned every regular and unbanned every banned player and gave them adminaccess.
This was indeed Ghostbaal.

Hahaha did you fail in math or are you illiterate or both?

Read some of the blizz posting explaining how the changes work.

First you need 50 games each season to have your MMR stabile. Then you have no idea what normalization is.
Your data gets smoothed every season.

Meaning if you skip seasons your rating will drop, meaning when Perseverance1 gets unsilenced again in some months he will end up in D5.
Check out the Ruski who got silenced for 4 months couldn't play 2 seasons and went to D5 straight from 3.7k MMR.
Blizzard read feedback about players returning believing Tychus+ Abathur is still meta.

So now guess what will happen if you end up being mass reported by me? Once you reach 4months and instantly 8months you will be somewhere in Gold Rating and after 16month silence your are literally irrelevant.

I can defeat you anytime in a wager TvT match in Hots because even if you would play better than us the result would be a loss for you because you are playing by the rules.

You are one of those big mouthed east brats who claim they will win in russian roulette when all chambers are filled and it's their turn.
And since you have a big mouth I am certain your appeal will be rejected.

posting pictures of cheating on a fucking hammerdin

doesn't get anymore retarded than that XD
Posts: 1,810
Joined: Sep 20 2007
Gold: 0.00
Jan 15 2017 07:11pm
Quote (Str1k3 @ Jan 14 2017 10:37pm)
You call it free time and unless you are a complete loser your free time is limited but you cannot comprehend this.

You have a posting history there is you showing screenshots of dozen WTFPKrenames.

Also you played Path of Exile I can shove your several closed beta demis in your face including demis of the first seasons.

You lose in every aspect.

You realize real players play HC because they are good enough not do die in PVP. But all you PVP scrubs are jelly trashtalkers. All talk no action.
They are irrelevant in PVP and in cheating as well.

Hahahahaha you are so clueless. Your ANDY is an absolute noob. Your ATX is an absolute noob. Digging around in open source code and try to emulate stuff.

Do you know who discovered Auraflashing it was Maulei and you don't even know who that is because you are clueless.
If you pay 5 FG I will even find the posting that shows it has been implemented long before you noobs even knew about it. You only implemented it after getting your ass handed by Euro HC players.

Show me the code that's copy/pasted please you have literally no clue what you are talking about. It's original code you US noobs desperatly want to obtain.
I can name at least 100 features you have zero clue about how it's done neither why it's working.

Wrong. The only thing that has been used in 1.10 was Cresent Moon. I was the one who used eternity on a +3 Hammer +3 Conc +3 Foh Sceptre and revived Tombvipers with it.
Guess why. Tomb vipers generate invisible clouds of massive damage, hitting is a knockpack. That's just another theft of Scurbcore noobs who got killed in HC.

I checked the HC Europe Trading forums and looked who is still playing but I know you are too stupid to comprehend that.

You recognize crap who can't PVP.

Sheppard is town camper because he believed that he could fool anybody with equipment implying another element but guess what. Statehack revealed his real element. He was absolutly horrible. The only time he was successful in PVP was pking noobs with frozen orb after reset.

Then you name some polak noobs who only knew how to teleport on you die and then spam. I think there was somewannabe called Kamil who ripped 1 Hammerdin like every week and made itemshops rich. I think his accoutnname here was sonicci or like that.

Man you must be really bad to be impressed by such horrible PVPers.
The only thing those noobs were sucessful is create an iceblast sorc shoot their own tps and tppk randoms, in the end HC had only Trade and PVP games.

You know what's smoothing a curve is or not? Then how is a peak looking compared to before?

The uncertainity allows you to win it all back in a short time but you must do it with absolutly horrible players that means your winrate will drop.

No you will be silenced and I will make sure you can't play HL for several seasons. You won't seed at D3 anymore because the smoothing dropped you into the pits of shit players.
Now guess where your MMR goes.

Don't care if you are West or East. You are a US trashtalker nothing else.

Just blablabla. Where is you accepting the challenge oh wait you won't do it because you know you gonna lose.

Oh and if anybody ever posts the suffix of your Btag you will be in Perseverancemode.

too lazy to read anything more from you, you're already confirmed shit/insignificant @ hots, shit/insignificant @ d2, also shit @ making an argument. You literally fail at everything.
Posts: 3,756
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Jan 16 2017 03:30am
Post your suffix or do a wager you nolife coward. Show how good you and your team are.

Not so confident? I don't expect anything else from a trashtalker.

No wonder you got Trump for President when there are so many barking dogs as you.

You dodge because you suck at such a basic game and are afraid of enjoying the silence cause appeal will be rejected.

You lost.
Posts: 6,668
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Jan 17 2017 12:27am
I came here for heroes discussion, and all I see is people bickering about d2, move on
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Jan 17 2017 01:10am
Quote (liverowns @ Jan 16 2017 11:27pm)
I came here for heroes discussion, and all I see is people bickering about d2, move on

do u got a boner for valeera?

looks gud 2 me fam
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Jan 17 2017 03:08am
There is HotS discussion but that "GM because no life player" is nothing but a coward with a big mouth.
Posts: 11,025
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Jan 17 2017 07:23pm
16 day silence is over.

That was fun
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