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Poll > Self-moderation System > To Eliminate The Amount Of Trolling
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Posts: 1,492
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Sep 7 2012 09:23am
This self moderation system is something I saw another member of d2jsp post in a topic, and I thought it was a great idea.

It's obvious to anyone that browses through the Diablo 3 section of the forums, and many others I'm sure, you get the same group of people that post the same, irrelevant posts in others topics.

Most of the time, these spam posts include pictures, inane comments, and sluggish responses. I could reference a dozen in a matter of minutes, if requested.

For some reason, even with the warn system in place, these types of comments are not being handled properly! Almost as if it is promoted behavior.

Why should people put up with such individuals when posting a topic? The solution of this new system would mean they don't have to.

So, here's how it would work.

A block list that disables people from posting in your topics.

Most of the time, people troll because they have nothing better to do. If someone spams another persons topic, the author has the ability to BLOCK that person from posting in any of his/her topics for ___ amount of days.

This user will still be able to read and see what is going on, but he will not be able to put his 'two cents' in.

Something like this might make people more refusing to spam topics, because when they do come across a topic they are interested in posting in, they won't be allowed to because for whatever reason, they are blocked.


What this will cause:

In the long run, authors will not block people who post related responses.

For those who spam in everyones topic, they will be locked out of posting in many topics, and will eventually stop spamming peoples topic for no reason whatsoever.

This will cut down the amount of time moderators have to clean up the forums. Less posts will be reported, and posters will be more critical when deciding to submit a post.

**While I understand this may not be the best solution, it certainly is a solution.

I considered a Like/Dislike option similar to what Blizzard has on the fourms, but with the community on our Diablo Forums here, a system like that would be abused, and spam posts would probably get as much, if not more likes, than the more relevant posts.

Any ideas?
Posts: 9,121
Joined: Mar 14 2006
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Sep 7 2012 11:45am
So when someone disagrees with you they can't post? Move to another country and stop crying here.
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