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May 15 2010 07:15pm
The Dueling Firewall sorc

Faqs about firewall:

Does over 30k to 40k per second
60 yards long
Have 2 synergy, 1 mastery
Cant be blocked by weapon block (assassin claw block)
Perpendicular to character's vision line
Can be stacked
Can fhr stun people

I got the idea about firewall sorc some time ago, i posted it on jsp and nobody were interested really. So some time ago i made a fireball sorc, and respec into firewall, and it was owning, so i decided to make a char based on it, and i respec my sorc again into fb.
Many people doesn't take fw sorc seriously, when they see me in the game they joke around with my wall, until they die, than they rage because they got raped by a fw sorc.
You may as well still think this is a joke, just pm me, i'll show you ;) i am east softcore ladder, so no no-ladder will be used in build.

How is it done?

1.0 My char

2.0 Achievement

3.0 Stats

4.0 Skills
4.1 ES faqs

5.0 Gear

6.0 Overall Strategies
6.1 Specific Strategies

1.0 My char
So, lets start with my own char, because everthing else will be based on it!

First of all, here are her stats screen

She currently wear the main build, which is damage build, i also have a fcr/fhr build stashed.
She doesn't have Bmanas, since i'm ladder

2.0 Achievement

Fcr/Fhr build
Damage build

Break points


Frames 15........................................0
Frames 14........................................5
Frames 13........................................9
Frames 12.......................................14
Frames 11.......................................20
Frames 10.......................................30
Frames 9........................................42
Frames 8........................................60
Frames 7........................................86
Frames 6.......................................142
Frames 5.......................................280


Frames 13........................................0
Frames 12........................................9
Frames 11.......................................20
Frames 10.......................................37
Frames 9........................................63
Frames 8.......................................105
Frames 7.......................................200

As a firewall sorc, you run more than you teleport, so FCR isn't necessary as much as other kind of sorcs, also firewall is a slow attack like blizzard, so fcr wont matter much. FHR might be a problem though, but it will be explained into strategies, or you can use more FHR gcs.

3.0 Stats

Stats is an important section, but really easy to understand.

You want you sorc to have the following stats:

Strength - Enough for spirit
Dexterity - None, you wont be max block
Vitality - None
Energy - Everything else

Why all energy?
Because your ES will be at 95%

This is what make Firewall sorc pretty godly. First of all, it have 2 synergies, one is 4% other is 1%. So you can easily sacrifice the 1% one to get 95% es, that will be about 3-4k damage out of 30-40k.

Why getting 95% ES, is it really worthing it?

The 4% synergy of firewall is warmth, so maxing warmth will give you a godlike mana resplenish. That's also why you will go all energy and noting into life.

4.0 Skills

Skill, another important section, but it have already been discussed.

So by skill tree it would look like this:

Lighting skills
Telekinesis - 20
Energy shield - 15 (with regular prebuff, no gcs)
Others - 4

Cold skills

Fire skills
Firewall - 20
Fire mastery - 20
Warmth - 20
Inferno - 1
Other - 1

This build is done at 90

Either all inferno

or you get hydra
and rest inferno

4.1 ES faqs

Es is kinda complicated if you don't know anything about it, but i'm here to explain it to you!

Does resistance and damage reduce % works on ES?
No, these only work on health, so on the 5% damage it'll receive, so you wont matter much about resist or dr.
So if you have -100% resist, you will get 10% damage on hp instead of 5%, if you have 75% you will get 1.25%
ES works like if you had 0 resistance to that element, it fully take damages.

How does telekinesis works with ES? why maxing it?
When u have 0 telekinesis, each point of damage you receive you will get double the damage, each points added into telekinesis reduce that point of damage by 0,0625, so maxing it will result into receiving 1.25 less damage from the 2 point you had at 0 skill spent. That mean for each point of damage you get you will lose 0.75 mana.
With 95% es it will be 0.7125 mana lost. All of this mean that maxing telekinesis provide to ES a dr and resist of 25%.

For more informations about ES, you can go there http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=3448795

5.0 Gear

Now the fun and viable part.

Fcr/Fhr build
Damage build
No color means both build

3/20/2 Fire circlet - 10%/-10% faceted
Shako - 5%/-5% faceted

Enigma - You don't need resistance, and it give 2skills, frw, str, life, damage on mana

Arach - no other choice, skill, fcr, mana
I tried 24fhr/10fcr belt but you lose much mana from soj, and much damage, but it could always be a second option

Frostburn - All energy, 40% mana, anything better? no

30frw/10fhr crafted mana boots
Treks - If you cant afford, or want the fhr, poison res is always nice too for pure es with low resist

2skill 13%fcr crafter ammy with str, mana, life
2skill 20%fcr crafter ammy with str, mana, life
Note: you could only use a 20%fcr one, but they're always harder to find with good stats

Soj - mass mana, 1skill
FCR ring with str, mana, life
Second soj

30%/-30% sword - the negative resist is godly and add massive damage
Infinity - You lose about 3k damage, and gain -35% resist, but you must be close for it to have effect
Eschuta 25% fire
Orb +3Fire +3Firewall +3Mastery 20FCR 2Sockets - 10%/-10% faceted, godly damage, FCR, -10% res, a godly weapon

20%/-20% Monarch - Negative res is really important
Spirit - Fhr/Fcr mass mana

Cta + spirit

°°ES prebuff°°
+3 light amulet
+3 light circlet
+3 ES ormus
+9 ES memory
A second soj for damage build
+15 points = 95% es

For gcs, you can go with what u want
Frw gcs (like i said, you walk more than you teleport)
Vita gcs (more life is always good)
FHR gcs (if you dont like 30% BP)

Vita mana scs, only way to go


6.0 Overall Strategies

This picture that i made explain much about how firewall works

As you see, the spots to click to attack with firewall a same target make a circle between you and ennemy, so have that in mind and everything will be fine when you're dueling.

Firewall works same as blizzard, with higner damage and less -resistance. Only different things are that it hits more often (when you touch it) and it's easy to get out.

Name lock with firewall can be godly, if you name lock someone and he tele about 3 screens away, you will still make firewall on him. So if he decide to tele away to sit and cast, hes dead.

Remember to always precast ES, you're all energy so you will get owned fast if you ES with base gear, you will get about 85% es so you will die 3x faster.

Firewall can be stacked. You can stack about 2.5 firewalls together, making 1 wall doing about 100k damage per second. I say 2.5 because as you do the third one, the first one dissapear, but it doesnt dissapear instantly, it does from middle to extremity, same as they appear

Also, abuse you mana resplenish from maxed warmth, your mana can be fulled in about 10 second.

6.1 Specific Strategies

I will explain how to duel versus common classes, and common build, so things such as fire trap sin, fire druid, poison java zon etc, wont be explained. I won't explain it because you do about anything and they are basicly dead.

Build used will always be damage build, except if said otherwise
These strategy are mostly for gm dueling, but it can always apply to bm


Bow: Medium

Time to use hydra if you have it, if not its still alright. You're not max block, so if he spam arrows, get out of mini-map vision and come from somewhere he wouldn't have guessed, than you make a wall and tele away, it's normally an instant death, if so, he will run out, so fast come back and firewall again.

Java: Easy-Hard

They are pretty easy if they doesnt teleport, but light fury is still a pain, so its about same as bow zon, but they are alot slower, so it's alot easier. For telezon, stand into a firewall you made, wait for her to teleport on you, and dead.


Ghost: Hard

Thanks god claw block doesn't work with firewall. The problem with them isn't that they do damage, the problem is their resistance. You don't do much damage to them, but you will get them! All you have to do is to run into your wall, as she tele on you, you tele out and she ww into walls, she get hurt and you make another wall, either on you to repeat or on them. If you can, try to tele like that:

So that way she will get hurt the whole ww, works ofc on longuer ww

Trapper: Hard

They will obviously play defensive and mind blast the shit out of you, so you'll have to grab fhr/fcr gear. When she mb she will stays in position, so if you firewall her before she get you, either she die, or she will tele away, not mind blasting you. If trap damage is too heavy tele away and repeat until shes dead, otherwise keep her namelocked, and firewall the shit outta her

Hybrid: Medium-Hard

Not as hard as trapper, not as hard as ghost. Hybrid are normally trappers with umed claws, so openwounds. Either her trap damage is low and does high damage, either she does no physical damage and high trap damage. If her trap does no damage, treat as ghost, if they hurt and she try to melee you, tank her because only her open wound will damage you, so tanking or teleing away will result in same hp lost, so you make wall on you and wait.


Bone: Easy

With ES, magical damage is kinda bugged, and does less damage than they really would, works with hammers too. Necro normally have low fire resist, so these 2 combined means easy duel, you normally 1 hit kill a necro that doesnt wear hotspurs. If they do, you will still win cauz of mass - res. All you have to do is walk and cast firewall as they cast slow bone spirit, once you casted firewall they will tele away, you follow them and at same time all bone spirits will be left behind, and you repeat same thing. Be carefull they might use bone prison though, so be ready to tele.

Poison: Easy-Medium

Kinda same as bone, but their poison affect directly your hp, and at 1k you won't last long. They have to come close though to kill you, so simply spam firewall as you walk, and they will eventually tele in them.

Barb (they all use ww, so i won't do others): Medium

Ww barb

Barb is kinda like ghost, but weaker. They don't have annoying shadow and fade but does more damage. Once again, you have to cast firewall and walk into them, barb will tele and ww you, tele away and try to do same as sins.


Hammer: Easy

Like i said before, magic damage won't do as much damage as they would with ES. If you defeating a defensive hdin, tele close to him and firewall him, he will teleport away, keep him namelocked and job should be done. For offensive hdin you simple stack wall on you and they will tele on you, and almost instantly die.

Smiter: Hard

Most smiter will use fire resist and charge, so we will need to get FCR/FHR gear, but using this will make fire resist even stronger and even with fhr/fcr if charge gets you, you're kinda dead. The strategy although is to make wall and tele as it appear and the same way it does, and than hope the smiter synch into it. You could always play defensive with damage gear and go in a corner and stack firewall, thats what i do.

Foher: Easy

Foh normally walk, and stop to attack, so you simply namelock them and see them falling. Conviction or not, you're already low on resist, and using ES, so it doesnt matter.

Zealer: Easy

Low resist, normally instant death, dont get caught and you'll be fine.


Best way to duel svs is to spam some wall everywhere, they will end up teleing on one and getting fhr lock and die. This is specially effective versus 200fcr sorces

Lighting sorc: easy-Medium

Svs is always a matter of namelocking. Light sorc are powefull but slow, so the matter is to be faster than them at attacking. Good part on firewall is that it's not a missile, so if he namelocked, you can't miss. So namelock fast, shoot tele away, and you'll be fine.

Blizzard sorc: Medium

This duel is the most balanced duel. If you cast firewall you probly have a blizzard over your head. Blizzard wont hit often though so you can keep the namelock, and the other sorc cant. You can tank about 3-4 blizz hits. So the strategy is to tele away, make firewall while waiting for her, as she come you namelock her and walk.

Fireball sorc: Easy-Hard

This might be an easy duel if they are offensive, and might be hard too if they are defensive and all they do is spamming. You take them like zon, you tele away so they don't see you in mini-map, and come from somewhere she wont thing about. Once you broke to her, firewall her and probly instant death, or she will tele away, keep the namelock.

200Fcr sorces: easy

These can really be easy, 200fcr doesnt really have good gear, meaning that your damage are gg vs them. You simple cast firewall anywhere and let her tele in them, if she attack you, tele away and recast firewalls.


Wind druids: Medium-Hard

It can be hard if he have much heath and resist. Theres 2 way to duel them, either you stack firewall like with hammerdin or you run into your wall. If you stack and they doesnt have stacked resist they will die before you, otherwise you'll die. Other way to duel they is by walking into you firewall as i said. You walk into them and when he come close either he tele close or on you, if he tele on you he gets hurt, if he tele beside firewall on him. So it would be like that, firewall on ground, firewall on him, ground, him, ground, etc. You can also take FCR/FHR gear and stack firewall, he will tele on you and you tele away, he will either die or recast so you repeat thi over and do both strategies.

Shape druid: Easy-Medium

These doesnt tele, and normally walk fast, so best strategy would be to make a wall and walk into it, or make cross firewall, so have no other choice than to pass it. When crossing them, make sure the druid walk where it cross, does much more damage.

That's it for my build, i made this like a week or 2 ago, and decided to share it. I hope i will see more of these around soon ^^
It's a fun char that does great damage, and people arn't used to lose versus them, so they rage pretty easily and think they suck.

Have a good day!
Let me know any modification that you would bring to my build, or how i wrote it or how i made some sentences!

Thanks for reading
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May 15 2010 07:19pm
Nice guide but i think your suppose to put here : http://forums.d2jsp.org/forum.php?f=87
Posts: 9,449
Joined: Nov 6 2009
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May 15 2010 07:30pm
oh ty

reposted lol
Posts: 424
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May 15 2010 07:33pm
this looks sick

too bad im poor and dont pvp

i like how you explained how to cast fw with that picture

im a nub and never really used fw with a sorc before
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May 15 2010 08:07pm
Quote (watersmc @ May 15 2010 09:33pm)
this looks sick

too bad im poor and dont pvp

i like how you explained how to cast fw with that picture

im a nub and never really used fw with a sorc before

thanks ^^
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May 16 2010 02:07am
looks fun

always glad to see differend and newish ideas :)
Posts: 7,734
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May 16 2010 02:57am
interesting build,although i think a high end hybrid rabies druid would make short work of it(not that theres alot of good ones around atm)

rabies and venom is the kryptonite to es,most good ones will be running with 150ish+ frw and 150-200% stack.

8.5/10 for the guide(fixed typos would get you a better rate though)
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