Here we go:
2x Dagger --> 350K Each
3x Mace --> 300K Each
Sword --> 300K
Spear --> 300K
Crossbow --> 400K
3x Bow --> 300K Each
2x 1H Xbow --> 250K Each
4x Pants --> 200K Each
6x Shoulders --> 200K Each
2x Chest --> 200K Each
2x Belt --> 150K Each
Helm --> 200K
3x Boots --> 200K Each
3x Gloves --> 200K Each
Quiver --> 150K
Ring --> 450K
Amu --> 450K
If you buy items in pack, you will get an HUGE discount.
This week I sold a total of more then 100 Ilvl63 unid items, and lots of people found good ones (I can give you link to topics, users, etc).
Everything was found from A2 to A4,
thanks posting in here.