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Oct 10 2010 12:27pm
I've been with my girlfriend since January of 09. We started living together in June of that year. Due to not getting a 4.0 her parents took her out of school and I had her move in with my family. She paid rent and did more than her fair share of work around the house. The only problem? My family is full of stuck up snobs. I don't feel a need to go too far into detail about them but they didn't like her. They assumed she was rude, and a bitch.**

** Reasoning behind this is that she got to know them all and after she moved in they stopped talking to her, even when she tried. So she stopped talking to them.

For me? I've never liked them. We've never really gotten along and I realized early on that I didn't like my family (Read, 9 years old or so). She got a job and everything was fine with us. We planned on getting our own apartment in January and being done with them. Well in October she started working Friday nights at the bar she worked at. She didn't have a car so I had to pick her up. She said she didn't like working them and it was only for that month. With my job, I worked every Saturday morning and had to get up at 6:30. I also had to pick her up at 4:30. I was so used to sleeping with her that I couldn't sleep alone so I got about an hour of sleep every Saturday morning before my 13 hour shift. Skip ahead, she lied and kept saying I'll stop next week, next week, next week. All the way until June.

Backtrack from that, though. She had plans with me that Halloween. Then they asked her to work. She took work instead. Some of the regulars who always sat in her section were pretty nice guys, I met them. One of the guys seemed too into her, though. I asked her about him, she said it was nothing and that they understand that I'm her boyfriend and wouldn't try anything. Okay, cool, arguement solved.

She has always been so secretive about her facebook like she's hiding a guy in there or some shit. No, I don't need to GO THROUGH it, but if she uses her laptop with it she turns completely opposite of me and closes it if I sit next to her when she's on it.

Well, one day curiosity got the best of me when I saw it opened still and she was at work. Messages? Oh, one from the guy I asked her about. Message read something like, "Ashley I can't take it, you look more beautiful every day I see you and I just can't take it. I'm glad you're working Halloween and can't wait to see a belly-dancer costume" (She didn't dress up as one, though). There was no reply from her, though.

That message was dated right before I asked about him. So I asked again. I asked her three times and she lied every time and said he had no interest in her. So I called her out. She cried and cried and said she was sorry.

Fast-forward to Christmas. We drove down to Florida to visit her family. We end up getting there and thing are great. I end up suggesting we move down there, instead. Towards the end of our stay with her family I notice she started to get really quiet like something was bothering her.

Well, that last June she went back down for a month and she told me her ex of 3 years lived down the street from her.

Well, we were in bed one night and I asked her what was wrong. She said she had things to tell me. Well, apparently her ex didn't live down the street, it was her next door neighbor. And the Mustang she said she bought and had in Florida that her parents had to sell to pay for her school, wasn't hers. It was actually her exs and she said she paid part of it.

So there's two more retarded lies that are pointless. Not counting the fact that the car lie ended up making like 6 other lies happen.

So we worked through it and she said she wouldn't lie anymore. Not at all.

We decided that we would move in May of 2010 to Florida. We did, but on MY money. She had a lot of bills and could have saved some money, but didn't. She moved down there and ended up owing me about $3,000 that she's paying back currently. Well after we got back we looked everywhere for jobs. Neither one of us could find one. Ended up basically running out of money at the end of June, so I called and got my old job back in Indiana and left Florida for a while so we wouldn't get evicted.

While back in Indiana, I found out that I wasn't able to get a job in FL because of my juvenile record carrying over to my adult record, even though my probation officer told me it wouldn't. Turns out one of my charges DID get filed as a felony so it carried over and I had to go through the expungement process to get it cleared

Things were getting rough because of how long I was gone. It was supposed to be one month but due to the complications with my record it ended up being nearly 4 months.

Well she started hanging out with her old friend, and then hung out with this guy named Kevin a few times.

She ended up getting pissed with me because I wouldn't fly her up for the weekend she had off from work. It would have cost nearly $550 after the airplane/Going out/Hotels because she had nowhere to stay. I was there to save money for us, and seeing as I got off work at 7:30-8 at night, I'd see her for like 8 hours for $500+?

We fought and fought and fought and I ended up coming home like two weeks ago from today.

When I got back she warned me that her job was really stressing her out and it was the middle of her workweek. Needless to say, after being away from eachother for 4 months, we didn't have sex. Which really made me wonder what was going on.

Well her one friend had rough shit going on and ended up moving in with us for a while. The day after I got there her friend was moving more stuff in. Her boyfriend and that Kevin guy were there. Well I went outside and met them then went back inside for a minute to get something. I come back outside and I see my girlfriend basically flirting with Kevin and see her giving him that look that girls give guys when they like them. It's a subconscious thing but if you've ever watched girls you KNOW the look I'm talking about, eyes and all.

Then she said she just started her period, which lasts like 3 days for her, at most.

So yeah, I get pretty ticked off and help her move stuff and that's about it. She then notices that something is wrong and I call her out on it. She denies everything and says I'm crazy. Well we end up going about our business and she talks about him here and there on random occasions, and it kind of pisses me off. Then she said that we were supposed to hang out with him over the weekend and he's cool and all this stuff but she was texting him more than she was talking to me all night.

So of course I get mad. Yeah I'm a fairly jealous guy sometimes but everyone is at times and this was just pissing me off because we haven't had sex and I've been back a week at that point, and she's making plans for us to hang out with another guy?

We get into a fight and she ends up saying she's just not going to talk to him anymore, period.

Couple days go by, we get into another fight. She told me she's changing her whole personality for me and everyone is noticing. Which I didn't see how, at all. We had an issue with one guy, that's it. She wanted me to do the dishes more and trust her more.

Dishes, fine. Trust? How? After all of her lies about a lot of little things and some big things... How can I really? After all of that it makes me wonder what kind of BIG lie is she hiding.

She said again, she's just not going to talk to him, ever.

Last night she had "girls night" with her friend that lives with us now. They ended up going out to a dance club. She knows I wanted to hang out with her and do something for us as a couple, but went anyways. So I was alone in a city that I don't know, with nobody I did know. Pretty irritating night.

I texted her and told her I hope she was having fun and she said they left and asked if I was having fun. Yeah, all alone on a Saturday night. Fun.

Where did they end up going? A bar. Who did they meet up with? Kevin and his friends.

Which was a pretty big lie then, considering she's never even talking to him again.

So I get pissed and she got upset and I ended up apologizing. I don't know why, when I didn't do anything wrong, she did.

She said she was coming home then. Then she said she's not, she's with her friends boyfriend and her. She then said she'll be home in a couple hours. So I text her at 3. No response. I call her. Nothing. I tried later, nothing. So now I'm worried. I call her friend, no response.

I tried for over an hour off and on and got nothing. At like 4:15 she calls and said her phone died. Which is a big lie because her charger was here. Plus her phone didn't go right to voicemail. So she lied to my face.

Then she said actually I'll be home tomorrow. I then asked her to please come home and that I needed her. I guess that didn't really matter so she didn't.

What the hell do I do here? All we're doing is fighting, and she's lying more and more and more.

I feel like I'm the only one caring anymore.. All I really want in my life right now is for this to work and it just isn't. She lied to me like 5 times last night alone and I consider it kind of fucked up that she'll go hang out with a guy I don't like that she said she wouldn't talk to anymore, rather her boyfriend that's all alone and is pretty depressed.

What would you do if you were me? Sorry this is so long but I felt that all of this background information was necessary for a valid response on whoever elses' end.

Thank you to those that actually read this...
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Oct 10 2010 12:39pm
easy answer... get rid of her, simple as that. I can't believe you put up with her shit/lies for so long, holy shit dude...
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Oct 10 2010 01:20pm
Quote (desmeris @ Oct 10 2010 01:39pm)
easy answer... get rid of her, simple as that. I can't believe you put up with her shit/lies for so long, holy shit dude...

It's so hard because she is ALL I want in my life right now, though...
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Oct 10 2010 01:32pm
Quote (DDadams @ Oct 10 2010 07:20pm)
It's so hard because she is ALL I want in my life right now, though...

well either put up with it and except all her lies or get rid of her
2 easy options that you are able to choose man.
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Oct 10 2010 01:45pm
Quote (desmeris @ Oct 10 2010 02:32pm)
well either put up with it and except all her lies or get rid of her
2 easy options that you are able to choose man.

She's home now and I basically put it on the table for her. I asked her if she loves me. She said yes. I told her if she loves me then she would want to work through this with me. I asked her if she'll work through this with me or not. She won't tell me any answer. She says she's too emotional to talk about it and she needs more space, still.

I don't think it should be a hard decision if you love someone... How long should I wait? Should I stay the night here and wait to see what happens later? Or should I just pack and go.

It's only a 13 hour drive and I've only been up since yesterday morning.. :/
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Oct 10 2010 01:51pm
Quote (DDadams @ Oct 10 2010 04:45pm)
She's home now and I basically put it on the table for her. I asked her if she loves me. She said yes. I told her if she loves me then she would want to work through this with me. I asked her if she'll work through this with me or not. She won't tell me any answer. She says she's too emotional to talk about it and she needs more space, still.

I don't think it should be a hard decision if you love someone... How long should I wait? Should I stay the night here and wait to see what happens later? Or should I just pack and go.

It's only a 13 hour drive and I've only been up since yesterday morning.. :/

Hey man, read the whole thing. I'm no stranger to shit like this...if I can put it simply, I would say think about whether you want to stay with her, because in my view, doing so will make this story you told us even longer.

This post was edited by Darkblue on Oct 10 2010 01:52pm
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Oct 10 2010 01:53pm
Quote (Darkblue @ Oct 10 2010 02:51pm)
Hey man, read the whole thing. I'm no stranger to shit like this...if I can put it simply, I would say think about whether you want to stay with her, because in my view, doing so will make this story you tell us even longer.

I just want things to get better because we're so good for eachother when things are good...
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Oct 10 2010 01:57pm
Quote (DDadams @ Oct 10 2010 04:53pm)
I just want things to get better because we're so good for eachother when things are good...

Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. But how often are you upset/pissed vs. how often you're happy?

PS. sorry to say as well but from what you said in that story, it strongly looks to me like she's cheating on you :/
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Oct 10 2010 02:00pm
Quote (Darkblue @ Oct 10 2010 02:57pm)
Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. But how often are you upset/pissed vs. how often you're happy?

PS. sorry to say as well but from what you said in that story, it strongly looks to me like she's cheating on you :/

I couldn't see her cheating, to be honest. I just couldn't, even in her worst.

Nowadays? We have maybe 2 bad days : 1 good....

The thing is, though, I KNOW it would be better than that if we could just wait. Once I have a job I know it'll be different.
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Oct 10 2010 02:04pm
Quote (DDadams @ Oct 10 2010 05:00pm)
I couldn't see her cheating, to be honest. I just couldn't, even in her worst.

Nowadays? We have maybe 2 bad days : 1 good....

The thing is, though, I KNOW it would be better than that if we could just wait. Once I have a job I know it'll be different.

And what if it isn't different later? We live in the present sir and presently you aren't happy

Sounds like you already made up your mind. I don't think anything that anyone here says will change that so I don't see the point

As much as I feel empathetic to your situation (just the general drama) I can't help you if you are in denial

This post was edited by Darkblue on Oct 10 2010 02:05pm
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