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Posts: 41,841
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Sep 29 2012 01:19pm
I was reading Bow's WT and said, why not, let's install d2 after 7 years.

I was originally not going to do a thread, because I'm lazy, but my schedule opened up unexpectedly.

We will be starting from mid-act 1 nightmare. Don't worry, nothing exciting happened in normal except me transmuting runes and farming gem shrines next to CP wp.

Please feel free to guess where I will die, winner gets to become the oracle.

Meph nearly 2 hit me.
I nearly died 4 times in flayer jungle being mobbed by dolls.
I didn't know what evil urns did, and yet I keep clicking them. (my neighbors probably heard my girlish scream)


Always p8, hc of course.
Reruns allowed, p1 reruns for countess.
No mods or ladder runewords.

  • Hell Baal
  • Survive entering viper 2 for amulet. :)
  • Find a high rune
  • Make a faith bow
  • Acquire an amazon torch, if I can find some way.
  • Level 94+

Let's begin. :D I am a fa/immo pure bowa, might reskill to ice maiden later if I find drop hax. :evil:

This is her skill allocation so far (1 point in dodge/avoid/crit) + stats.

I'm prepared to farm countess for years. Peace, Honor, Radiance, Edge, are all ready. I have a handful of crafts once I stock up on thul/amn runes, too.

The stashed gear is +mf stuff I may or may not charsi, as going back to normal rerolls my maps.

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 01:38pm
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Sep 29 2012 01:25pm
I'll show off her gear now.

I found this beauty on my way to baal.

Everything is pretty blah.

My merc is rocking an undead crown, a "malice" polearm, and a really cute 200 armor 30pr armor for andy.

"Zephyr" in a plain stag bow.
Hsarus boots.
23FR/11MF gloves (waiting to shop +20 ias ones for ias bp)
2os 1.5 life per level (2x "topaz") armor
71ar/4%LL/7lr/24pr/2mdr + 62ar/2%ML/22fr/14mf matching rings, so good.

Then the game decided I should have continued my sorceress...

Really, game?

Then I had a major FUUU ... imagine this with +ama and the ability to socket 30lr or 30fr. :( :( :(

I'll try and knock out a couple bosses today, and finish my runewords.

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 01:29pm
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Sep 29 2012 01:59pm
Nice! Haven't seen an Immo zon in awhile! Interesting stuff :thumbsup:
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Sep 29 2012 02:20pm
Quote (Belarathon @ Sep 29 2012 01:59pm)
Nice!  Haven't seen an Immo zon in awhile!  Interesting stuff  :thumbsup:

Well it's not the most original choice, but this is my first walk.
Crushing during 1.09-1.10 was good practice for throwing fire at doorways, too. :lol:

Decided I was 40+ so why not try an imbue before I go to NM.

Charsi was much nicer to me when I entered nightmare though! +1 more ias bp. :D

I lost den, sorry.

But here is Straferaven, took me nearly 10 minutes of chasing her around to try and stab her. Mostly because my merc kept trying to get himself killed by zombies.

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Sep 29 2012 02:23pm
On the way to her, I also met my first triple unique pack, whom proceeded to almost kill my merc and I. One of them was mana burn, so anything that hit me drained all of my orb.

I really hope I find peace soon, need that valk lol

Rakanishu got the ol' 1-immo.

Of course... :rofl:
I had to break out the wand for him, he wasn't taking much damage.

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 02:25pm
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Sep 29 2012 02:48pm
These will do nicely alongside my frw charms, until I badly need FR, which by then I'll have found aldurs? :rolleyes:

ermagerd, 100+ ed / 20ias replacement for zephyr!?

The moment of truth...

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Sep 29 2012 03:18pm
Time to countess run for a thul to cube!


This is the best countess map, ever. 3 rogues + 3-5 chests outside to pop as well.

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 03:42pm
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Sep 29 2012 04:22pm
2/3 for Peace!

Not sure wtf I'll do with the Dol rune, probably make a Passion or something if my damage starts to suck.


TIL Edge is a ladder RW. :rofl:

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 04:40pm
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Sep 29 2012 10:29pm
TIL I learned insight is also a ladder rw, lol. Rolled a pike, mf'd even more, rolled an insight > charsi gets a gemmed pike and I am a fucking idiot.

Bit of an update...

I cleaned up my poor stash a bit. I was down to not carrying tps because I couldn't fit the last rune I was mfing for.

As I found out insight is a ladder RW, my merc is gonna need some LL. So I rolled him a new armor, attempt #2 will do fine!

End game bow? YES. This will last me until I get a Hand of Justice in a +skills base.
Not sure if I want to shael + up it in Hell, or not. As I don't have infinity, all I have for immunes is a LR wand.

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 10:39pm
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Sep 29 2012 11:57pm
Smith amped my merc and 1 hit him.

Shit drops, go figure.
I also just realized I forgot to quest bug her. :wallbash:

Gave Rada the nith treatment, just pierce popped his entire army and killed him.

Going slower, but going well. REALLY going to need to stop finding 3 socket polearms, as my merc can barely survive even with pots+hf aura.
And for reasons unknown to me, when my valkyrie from Peace summons, she dies after taking any damage. Including immo arrow's aoe, apparently? wtf?

This post was edited by Airwaves on Sep 29 2012 11:59pm
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