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Feb 24 2018 11:35am
I notice that we only have a Libby Guide for MLD, and there is nothing for Charge | Smiter | Zealer | VT. Thus, this is the blueprint for what will later be a guide covering each of these builds. Looking for any / all support | advise and all contributions are more then welcome. So without further ado:

Smiter Guide

Smiters are very popular @ HLD but without teleport or the insane damage of Grief, they are not common @ MLD or @ LLD. Without a ranged attack they lack the flexibility of alot of builds which is why most players prefer a Hybrid version, like a VT ( FoH | Smite). However, a pure Smiter is still a formidable opponent.
Smiters are relatively easy to make and equip. They are not overly reliant on rares, (20Ias Gloves, a Stat ring and possibly a rare amulet) and the staple weapon can be self made (Oath)

Raven 250/20
String 15/15
Rare: 1xx ar 15 str 15 dex 90mana + Adds
Gloves: 20ias 9 str 15 dex +Adds
Spirit ST
3/100 amulet or Rare (2PC 60 life 90 mana + Adds)

A note on Gores+Gulli Combo: Deadly Strike does not work with Smite. It does however work with Charge and the additional mods on these 2 items are sufficient for them to be generally preferred over alternate items.
If you can live without Open wounds ( Say, your weapon has Open Wounds) and Crushing Blow, and want more Life, then WWs 65 and a 3PC 100 Life (or Rare) Circlet would be viable alternatives.


Weapon choises are:

Oath Naga
Oath Knout
Rose Brand Flail of Quickness [3PC 40ias x2 Um ]
Jewellers Flail of Quickness [40ias x4 Um ]
Rare 4xx ed Eth Repl + Ias 2 Sox Weapon [ the ideal here would be a 450ed 30ias eth repl 2 sox Naga ]
[ i will update IAS requirements in a subsequent post, unless someone wants to do it for me ].

Since you are a pure Smiter its should be Oath + Zaka on 1st Slot and Spirit + Flail on 2nd Slot.


x10 1PC | 30 Life
x10 20 |17's (Life| Mana)

I don't see any other charm combination as being better | viable.

With Anya fixed and Duels in Normal (along with Spirit | Zaka being the only realistic shield choices) You will already have 75 all res right there. You dont need 20|5's charms.
While its true you need alot of Cold Resistance ( the Aim is 250 ) this can be achieved with little loss in damage|stats by having cold resistance as an additional mod on your rare items or via using stash 20/11's and replacing a couple of skillers (dont replace the 20/17's).

10 Skillers - Without Grief, you need all the +skills you can get. Minor differences in damage usually determine which Smiter will win in a mirror match.
10 20|17's - Without BO, you need all the mana you can get (but not at the expense of losing damage). You cannot replace the mana charms for resistance - mana is what will keep you moving (i.e. alive) in longer duels.

Smite - Max
Holy Shield - Max
Medi - 1 Point
Vigor - 1 Point
Fana - All remaining Points

Your aim should be something like : 1500 Life | 500 Mana | 1.9K Smite | Maxed Resistances with Ability to Stack | 45DR. You will have over 11K defence automatically (not that defence is used much @ MLD).

This post was edited by ferdia on Feb 24 2018 11:55am
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Feb 24 2018 11:56am
Char should look a bit like this:

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Mar 1 2018 01:18pm
Charge Guide

Chargers are superstrong at MLD, capable of 1 hitting an ES Sorc [ 1K life 2K mana ] and low life builds. However, being reliant on only 1 form of attack, the build is limiting, and thus, they are not common. Similar to a Smiter, (i.e. no ranged attack) they lack the flexibility of alot of builds which is why most players prefer a Hybrid version, like a VT ( FoH | Smite) or a Libby (Charge | Hammer). However, a pure Charger is still a formidable opponent. Similar to Smiters, Chargers are relatively easy to make and equip. They are not overly reliant on rares, (a Stat ring and possibly a rare amulet) and the staple weapon can be self made (Oath in a small crescent)

GoreRiders | WWs
Raven 250/20
String 15/15
Rare: 1xx ar 15 str 15 dex 90mana + Adds
Gloves: Frosts | IK | Rare
Spirit ST
Shaftstop | Dusk ED/All res
3/100 amulet or a 100/120 amulet or a Rare (2PC 60 life 90 mana + Adds)


Weapon choises are:

Oath Small Cresent or Better [ Rare ].

on 2nd slot I would recommend a HS Switch [ since for PvP purposes you generally only use 1 side ].


x40 3/20/20

I see no other charm combination as being better.
With the non requirement of IAS on gloves, Frosts allows you to use pure damage rather then life/mana charms [ since you kind of want as much mana as you can get without sacrificing damage ].


Charge- Max
Vigor - Max
1 Point Medi
Might - all remaining Points

Your aim should be something like : 1800 Life | 800 Mana | 10K Charge | Maxed Resistances with Ability to Stack | 45DR. You will have somewhere around 4-5K defence

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 1 2018 01:30pm
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Mar 1 2018 02:12pm
Inb4 v/t
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Mar 2 2018 05:32am
Quote (ferdia @ Feb 24 2018 06:35pm)

[ i will update IAS requirements in a subsequent post, unless someone wants to do it for me ].

Smite, lvl 11 fana (9 + 2 from spirit/zaka)

Flail bps: 0/10/42
Attack speed: 8/7/6

(As an aside, if you had +2 pala off skills (lvl 13 fana) you could hit the max ias bp without needing 20ias on your gloves - would it be worth considering 2 po sks and frosts ever to free up space for cold res scs?)

Small Crescent bps: 0/15/39/89
Attack speed: 9/8/7/6

(Ias on gloves does nothing for a cheeky smite with your oath)
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Mar 2 2018 07:59am
For the Small Crescent breakpoint, players can actually go for the 89ias breakpoint via the following setup:

Oath SC [ 50ias ] IK Gloves + Boots [ 25ias ] and x1 15ias | adds jewel. This is a viable option vs Bowa's in particular.
Obviously the 39% breakpoint is going to be the most realistic on a rare weapon, as the IAS won't be comparable to Oath's.

The other alternative is Oath Naga [ Better Range, less damage ] which only requires 63% IAS to attain breakpoint
(attained via Oath + IAS Gloves, or even Oath + Ias Jewel). alot of options there.

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 2 2018 08:03am
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Mar 3 2018 03:18am
Quote (ferdia @ Mar 2 2018 05:59am)
For the Small Crescent breakpoint, players can actually go for the 89ias breakpoint via the following setup:
Oath SC [ 50ias ] IK Gloves + Boots [ 25ias ] and x1 15ias | adds jewel. This is a viable option vs Bowa's in particular.
Obviously the 39% breakpoint is going to be the most realistic on a rare weapon, as the IAS won't be comparable to Oath's.

The other alternative is Oath Naga [ Better Range, less damage ] which only requires 63% IAS to attain breakpoint
(attained via Oath + IAS Gloves, or even Oath + Ias Jewel). alot of options there.

I love this guide fer but I must say if you use the bold setup. Which most palas would due to oath sc being the best. You then can't use 80fr (ww) vs fb and you can't use Gore either for the cb/ow.
Are you sure maxing smite is better then maxing fana? I'm sure I used to max fana first for the massive ias. I haven't had a smiter for years so can't remember the damage difference. Maybe you can test or Frank can calc?
Something in my head is saying (I'm probably wrong my memory is terrible): lvl 22 fana, 20ias gloves, 15ias jewel in 1 item +oath sc would achieve the 89ias bp. Can you or frank check?
If this works without to much damage lost then this would be the way to go. It frees up all stashed items.

This post was edited by chum on Mar 3 2018 03:20am
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Mar 3 2018 05:24am
WW only give 80 fire res and its simply not enough vs ESFB'er, which is why either Inferno / Nokozan is preferred. i.e. on a Smiter / Zealer / Charger, WW should not feature (in favour of Gores or the relevant setup for IAS | Resistances.
As IK boots / Gores / Inferno can be easily swapped, it also removes the issue associated with the 15 dex on the WW's

Obviously the higher the fana the better (for TvT), I will check that IAS BP.
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Mar 3 2018 05:37am
Quote (ferdia @ Mar 3 2018 03:24am)
WW only give 80 fire res and its simply not enough vs ESFB'er, which is why either Inferno / Nokozan is preferred. i.e. on a Smiter / Zealer / Charger, WW should not feature (in favour of Gores or the relevant setup for IAS | Resistances.
As IK boots / Gores / Inferno can be easily swapped, it also removes the issue associated with the 15 dex on the WW's

Obviously the higher the fana the better (for TvT), I will check that IAS BP.

oh you have changed the rules since last time i checked. Max reiss was 80 on paladins, now we can use 85 yay... must mule some inferno's to tvter
ok in that case its the same arguement, dont use ik otherwise you drop a frame when using inferno.

ye let me know regarding the ias (fana thing)

on a side note, never use noko on any paladin, the dmg and life lost isnt worth it.

edit: seems you havent changed the rules re: fire resis on paladins.... i must have had a wierd dream. i still iso inferno on tvter ^^

This post was edited by chum on Mar 3 2018 05:40am
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Mar 3 2018 05:40am
tVter is a libby, it only applies to melee builds (i.e. Libby and VT are stuck with 80!) - its been like that for at least 3 years (we just have not seen pure smiters/ chargers / zealers in this time frame).

This post was edited by ferdia on Mar 3 2018 05:43am
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