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Dec 18 2017 04:11pm
They already mentioned. i dont care about names, if its all one realm, fantastic.
Sorc 24
Druid (except fissure) 24

bowa frw capped, no str bug for bowa.

this is all 18.

This post was edited by ferdia on Dec 18 2017 04:16pm
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Dec 18 2017 04:23pm
Quote (ferdia @ Dec 18 2017 03:51pm)
see my edit :)

There was a 2nd Amp bow recently i saw. no idea who got it. The point is those rules are favouring the itemlamer, when the tournaments should give people a "relatively" equal oppertunity to win.
If 2 Bowa's are dueling and 1 has 10 repl and the other has 25, and both are of the same skill, the one with 25 will win more duels. the community is not big enough any more for new players to catch up "i.e. ability to find those insane items in this day and age".
The same applies to Amp Bows.

Note: No Bowa has won a 30 tournament on EU.

I think boosted had that insane ed circlet for his bowa. i was very jealous.

i quite agree, i disliked the shop level perfect 6 mod items when they dropped and i dislike them all the same today. the only one of my chars that has any of them is my all rare barb, who never duels anyone.

nagas / double bows / circs / etc are OP and id be happy if they were all gone off the realms.

perhaps amp bows just werent around in good enough shape for us to make rules for them. for the longest time u had to choose:

1. robo build with higher FPA and better dmg

2. sub par rare bow with lower FPA and worse dmg

its only very recently that the BIS bow dropped. Sircyclops mf'd one, not sure if james got that one or another.

disclaimer, not trying to defend amp on bows being allowed still, just explaining why they were never banned

Quote (ferdia @ Dec 18 2017 04:11pm)
They already mentioned. i dont care about names, if its all one realm, fantastic.
Sorc 24
Druid (except fissure) 24

bowa frw capped, no str bug for bowa.

this is all 18.

well let me ask you this, is there a cap on the # of entrants per person?

if not why not just allow 24 sorcs and shapers, then crown only the 18 victor if it proves too OP. no reason to even do extensive testing, let the tourney be the testing.

no one was going to enter an 18 sorc or shaper anyways.

This post was edited by thesnipa on Dec 18 2017 04:25pm
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Dec 18 2017 04:28pm
Quote (ferdia @ Dec 18 2017 10:11pm)
They already mentioned. i dont care about names, if its all one realm, fantastic.
Sorc 24
Druid (except fissure) 24


We could just make it very simple and make a poll on whether to allow druid and sorc on 24 or not to actually see what the people that will play thinks.

If the majority of the active players wants to try sorc and druid on 24 then so be it, and if not then we can just move on.
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Dec 18 2017 04:49pm
Quote (bonnerf2 @ Dec 18 2017 11:37am)
First point - wholesale changes to bowas and paladins will not work. You would kill off a lot of interest. Also, Ive always thought of 18s as more of a fun TvT bracket that didn't have the competitive edge of 30s or 49s (and didnt have as many of the falling outs either).

On tournament winners - Can't speak for mr_n1 and his wins, but Sa_Se winning 3 on the trot is not surprising. Great player on a very strong class with the realms best setup. Give that to Twinsen on a ESFB @ lvl30 and you would have the same result for example. I don't recall a lot of strong zeal/charge in there either which would be the biggest killer of a bowa too. Riox was very close with a 5-4 in the last tour perhaps? My thought - I wouldn't use this solely as the basis for rule changes.

On amazons - 50frw and no bugged frw and you could possibly move assassins up to #2 class perhaps. I know tiger strikers for example were near impossible for me without bugged frw and 71frw. The bugged frw is more of an issue than the total amount though. 7frw gc is up to 45 life lost, a big chunk of a bowa at 18. My thought - if you are to tweak, try removing str bugged cthons first (maybe cthons entirely if must as the stamina is a huge part of beating assassins too).

On paladins - this is where most of the chit chat has been in recent 18 rule discussions. Its a toss up between the current no charging with might/conc and allow 1pt might & charge but allow charging with aura. My build is a 1pt charge 1pt might build (with no aura - it doesnt add much damage with 1 pt) and I kill most chars pretty easily on a standard setup. Gets ~1k zeal and 1k charge with 50% ds. [PRO]doesnt require gear changes to try, just a token. Means pala/pala and pala/bowa teams in tvt are not so op as the might provided is much lower. [CON] Arguments against this are that 1pt charge/might can wreak havoc on libbys and smiters charge damage (libby and smiters are essentially weak chargers to begin) although they dont have the same up front damage. Also allowing no charge with aura is easy to monitor and also lets you read paladins charge easier when you see the aura switched off. Paladins will complain their charge has been nerfed too much. Imo this will mean bowas pick up more rounds off chargers (but no str bug on bowa might mean they lose more to assassins in turn). My thought - try 1pt zeal & charge on zealots.

On 24s - May need practice and tweaking, but [PRO] should improve build diversity a lot at least for casters. [CON] May end up with chars that are very tanky (60life rolls on gear for example) in a bracket where the damage to life ratio is low on most chars. Attack rating could come into play especially if people go for 40def jewels. Charms could be op on some builds (e.g. 3max 15life scs, 15life 12mana scs) - possibly only allow level18 inventory could help. My thoughts - easiest rule change would be to allow sorcs and druids to lvl24 but only with a lvl18 inventory/jewels.

Closing points: Fewer rules is better than too many rules. Tokens are better than gear changes. TvT is better than 1v1 and is what 18s has mostly been about and is exactly where you see the build variety (e.g. I love my fire bow pala in tvt but would never dream of it for a tour).

/e Or we could try a tour with no zealots or bowas. Most active people in the last tour have an alt char, or could get access to one.

they would do no dmg why dont we just host a tour with 1 skill max

Quote (bonnerf2 @ Dec 18 2017 04:00pm)
3 - I beat James' charger with my ranger.


u beat mungers drunk ass while he was using my pally
never have u beat me on that pos
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Dec 18 2017 04:52pm
Lets just test it in some fun tvts. Probably premature worrying about it until its tried a bit.

PS - 18 fireball sorcs can be awesome in tvt.

/e James, they still do more melee and more ranged damage than any other class with that setup. Happy to duel any other pala with mine :)

This post was edited by bonnerf2 on Dec 18 2017 04:53pm
Posts: 16,497
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Dec 18 2017 04:55pm
Quote (bonnerf2 @ Dec 18 2017 05:52pm)
Lets just test it in some fun tvts. Probably premature worrying about it until its tried a bit.

PS - 18 fireball sorcs can be awesome in tvt.

/e James, they still do more melee and more ranged damage than any other class with that setup. Happy to duel any other pala with mine :)

low lvl duel son
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Dec 18 2017 04:56pm
Quote (bonnerf2 @ Dec 18 2017 04:52pm)
Lets just test it in some fun tvts. Probably premature worrying about it until its tried a bit.

PS - 18 fireball sorcs can be awesome in tvt.

/e James, they still do more melee and more ranged damage than any other class with that setup. Happy to duel any other pala with mine :)

LAMARA is building a 24 nado dudu last i checked!

sorcs u have 1-2 of those as well dont u?
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Dec 18 2017 04:58pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Dec 18 2017 05:56pm)
LAMARA is building a 24 nado dudu last i checked!

sorcs u have 1-2 of those as well dont u?

east is dead now snipa
time to move euro
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Dec 18 2017 05:02pm
Quote (Riox @ Dec 18 2017 04:58pm)
east is dead now snipa
time to move euro

well ahead of you. if this latest change of 24s is allowed i will be on the next tour.

already have 2-3 chars in the process of being sold here on east. wont bother giving away or selling 24s, no one wants anyways.
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Dec 18 2017 06:13pm
Summon nec at 24 too?
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