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Posts: 68,223
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Feb 25 2013 07:38pm
First of all, this is not the BEST monk pvp guide. I’m just trying to share my pvp experience. No I’m not like #1 monk in the server or anything.
There are so many monks on our server that are very gg geared and pvp extremely well.

My gears are pretty good but not like WOW WTF GG MONK gears. I’m pretty sure 6% crit chance Mempo worths more than all my gears total.

So, please do not just say, don’t act like you know something about this. I won’t reply to those posts, I’ll just report them.

And no, I won’t videograph my pvp footages and post them here. I don’t know how to do it. I tried couple programs but I’m so dumb that I can’t make it to work.
And I have a fking beautiful wealthy wife and have a full time job.

Don’t have 10 hours per day to sit around computer to do all these.

Again, I’m just trying to share my experience with my monk friends.

Some basics:

1. Shift/Tclap on the target will tele you instead of just running. You can do this every 1.5-2 seconds, so do that when you are chasing someone who is far away but in the screen.

2. SSS / Serenity are the only skills that can negate / remove the DOT dmg.

3. Bell hits 3 times: initial / follow up / straightline

4. Dashing strike and Shift/Tclap: if you dash to the target and press shift/tclap, you will Tclap him right after you dash to him.

5. LOH/Lifesteal: Don’t worry about these. It doesn’t work well.

6. For all classes, timing of the skills is the most important. Then kiting/juking ability is the second most important.

7. Stacking ehp like a stupid fatass is not going to help you win. Maybe versus noobs, but no, not against good ones. We are monks. We hit hard and fast. Our burst dmg is probably the highest. So, go balanced in stats or a little bit more dps heavier than ehp.

8. I don’t like Near Death Experience. If you are losing the fight with this passive, it’s much better to take other passive that actually help you during the fight. This passive does NOT help you in fight. It’s just a little cushion, that’s it.

9. Always have at least +3 spirit regen.

Don’t get mad when some people call you a pussy for kiting sometimes as a monk. They probably are just mad that they can’t kill you with their GG chars.

Barbs can stack ehp + lps without caring about the dmg.

Wizs can just stack dmg and tele around the map like a kulle story.

DHs can be invi for 90% of the pvp time around the map.

WDs have bears/dogs/zombies/pigs/chickens in his pocket all the time.

Who cares when you kite for some situations. Just laugh it off when people blame your playstyle. Don’t go crazy fallen maniac on them. That will just make you look like you have small balls. Just be cool.

When you lose, don’t pull out stupid excuses. Compliment them.
When you win, don’t be disrespectful. Just say good duels.

After all, it’s a fucking computer game.


Strategies based on my personal experience:

Vs WDs

Important: If you can play well, use Skorn / If not, fat rare shield or stormshield / Balanced set up / +1500 lps

The timing of using the skills is the most important thing for versus WDs. If you are very tanky, you can probably take some hits and haunt dot dmg. But will need to bell him for more to kill the WD. If you are glass cannon-ish, you will be able to 1-2 bell him but will be pretty hard to continue the fight for longer period of time. So, it’s important find your balance of ehp and dps. You can do this by gear set up AND can play with passive/mantra choices. There’s no single build that work well against WDs. It all depends on your playstyle and their playstyle.

When you engage them with Tclap or Dashing, blind them if you have it, if not bell him & his skeleton friends. You have to look at his char closely because he WILL pop spirit and run away. If you blind him, you can see the sparkling on his head when he runs away. If you don’t have blind, you can guesstimate where he’s going.

And a cool thing is that if you have high dmg output, you can actually bell the spirited body to destroy it. This makes their body pop out from the spirit form. If he’s not too far away, simply tclap and bell or tele sss.


Vs Wizs

Important: Tanky enough to not get 1-2 shotted by the stormarmor / Skorn if you can kill him in 1 engagement / if not, 1h+shield set up / Bell SOJ or litany or rare with all kinds of rainbow stats

You basically have to get on their face and drop the bell. The cool thing about the bell is that it hits 3 times. So, their passive that let them live once gets pretty trashed because my bell’s initial hit gets off their buff and the follow up bell dmg kill them. Also, their illusions usually get trashed by bell too. So, that’s that.
If they are still alive after the engagement, tele sss.

You can initiate the fight with tele sss, if you like that style more.

If you have fleet footed with beacon or ytar, you can kite some seconds to get the skills back and repeat.

But usually, when I played some good Wizs, the single engagement kills them. If you are sure you can kill them in a single engagement, you can get swap your Inna’s helm for higher all res / armor one for more ehp. Because you don’t need spirit regen.

Oh yeah, if they use a lot of stuff to snare / slow / stun you…. Use Pacifism. Problem solved.


Vs DHs

For kiting DHs

Important: high block chance stormshield (cc) / heavy ehp gear set up

Chase him / Land the exploding palm is your mission. Haha You just gotta use the Dashing to chase well and somehow land a palm.

The important thing for DHs is that they can get out of blind by ss-ing. BUT if they have used ss and get blinded, they won’t be able to get it off even for legacy nats users. It’s your job to chase him / blind him after he used ss / palm or bell him.

If your skills are all on cd, you gotta kite. Hug the walls/trees. You can avoid getting him by doing this. Good DHs can sneak up on you from a full screen away. So, hiding behind something won’t be a good idea. Keep moving.

For tanky spec DHs

Important: Rare shield with nice stats with cc / dps heavy gear set up

Bell the mfkers.

Some top tanky ones are super tanky with the healing sentry. This DH that I play sometimes can tank my sss/2 bells on overawe. That’s some crazy shit.

You can use palm 12% more dmg / blind 30% / overawe bonus / wall of light / tele sss to bring them down.




Vs Barbs

Important: +1500 life per second / dual wield (EF + AZ fist or Sky splitter) / Bell SOJ

+1500 lps will let you keep on fighting the barb as long as they don’t land a crit rend. You can totally tell the difference since the crit rend will hurt you really hard. When you get crit rend, quickly serenity and kite. Don’t get crit rend again when you are serenity-ed because that will probably kill you. You can use sss to negate the crit rend dmg if you don’t have serenity and got crit rended.

Chase the barb/Bell him continuously/keep hitting him for spirit regen/lock him against the wall or something and bell more with FoT-ing.

The ‘ideal’ situation would be he used his ignore pain already. You got blind/sss stun/almost full spirit.

Sss stun him first / put the overawe bonus / bell him 2-3 times (3-4 seconds) / right before he pops out of the stun, blind him / overawe bonus / bell him more

That’s like 5-7 seconds of free hitting. If he’s almost dead, chase him. If somehow he’s not down, kite a little for the cds to be up.

Some barbs use the shouting skill that slows us by 30%. Even with fleet +24%, you can chase you pretty well. You have to learn how to juke and kite. And you can use the bell to knock them back, so use that if you are really low on hp and have the serenity on cd.


Vs Monks

Important: Skorn with fat dex&vital stats / Palm SOJ / Timing of blind/sss/serenity
Basically, you just have to palm him somehow and fight or kite. The most important thing for monk versus monk is though the timing of blind/sss/serenity.
You ALWAYS should have serenity to absorb sss. Do NOT waste that. If you wasted it, you better be good at juking around the corners. Be around the walls. Don’t be wondering around the open area because tele sss WILL most likely kill you.

Having too much ehp or dmg is not the important thing for monk vs monk. Don’t get scared because the other monk has shitload of life/armor/res or shitload of dps. It’s all about timing/pathing. The gearing isn’t too much of an issue.
Play more / learn how to taunt other monk to waste his skills on stupid shits.


This post was edited by jinshin85 on Feb 25 2013 07:55pm
Posts: 7,868
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Feb 25 2013 07:50pm
Sticky imo, gg job bro, ill track this!
Posts: 4,692
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Feb 25 2013 08:27pm
Good info! Tracked.
Posts: 3,290
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Feb 25 2013 08:32pm
very good , definitely will follow this.
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Feb 25 2013 08:34pm
good to know , i needed this :thumbsup:
Posts: 2,385
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Feb 25 2013 08:44pm
Good job Bro ... awesome write up.

Posts: 68,223
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Feb 25 2013 09:34pm
Thanks guys! Lets share some experiences!

Throw any questions about monk pvp if you have any! :)
Posts: 45,835
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Feb 25 2013 09:36pm
I really enjoy my large health / ehp pool. I think it is a benefit, but yes like you said the dps and burst damage is a huge factor.

Going to start working on boosting dps on my monk soon. Huge ehp / regen barbs are an issue if I can't put down enough damage quick enough.
Posts: 12,710
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Feb 25 2013 09:40pm
finally someone puts out a decent pvp guide!

great job man

+5 fg

if someone can add budget pvp gear (what to look for, and how to improve it), i'd be ecstatic
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Feb 25 2013 09:50pm
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