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Posts: 1,649
Joined: May 4 2004
Gold: 43,841.33
Dec 9 2009 02:23pm
Please donate forum gold to all the time, effort and creativity I have given, and impact I have made on the Melee Community and the Palapk Nation, which I pledge to continue doing. Proceeds will go toward the future development and expansion of the Palapk Nation (Including, but not limited to, event prizes, raffles and other Guild-related activities.).

"The Driving Force Behind the Melee Community, Which It Has Been Serving Since 2004"

Quick Recommendations: Please immediately track this topic for use by the Melee Community, present and future Palapk Nation members. It is, however, "not" recommended to quote this entire post. In fact, please do not do it. You may quote certain areas and portions of the post as a reference with any questions or comments you may have.

Lastly, please link this thread to your d2jsp signature/profile. This will tremendously help the Melee Community and Palapk Nation in more ways than one could imagine.

Announcement to All Palapk Nation Staff:

    When posting "Official" news and updates to this thread, please use an italic format with Times New Roman font. Also, make titles bold and size 14, headings size 10 and each the color darkgoldenrod. Text should be size 7 with the color gold as seen all throughout this post. To check if your work is correct, preview your post before posting.

—PreZident Brennon

An Introduction to the Palapk Nation

To those whom are already serving the great Melee Community by being part of it or those who are now considering to become part of it, consider joining the present and future driving force behind it all: The Palapk Nation Melee Guild. Please take the time to learn about the Palapk Nation, what it stands for, how it works and what it offers in terms of governance: branches, titles, positions, ranks and duties. And melee: Tournaments, Mini-Tournaments, Single Elimination Team Bets, Ladders, Bet Challenges and Side Bets, Battle Force Tournaments, King Events, Free-for-Alls, Classic Duels and other separate events sponsored by the Palapk Nation.). *Other beneficial options include power rushing, power gubering, power chaosing, power baaling and assistance where assistance can be given.

After taking the time to become enlightened about the Palapk Nation, if you have an interest in melee; have or consider building a future melee character (Zeal-Paladin, Concentrate-Barbarian, Fury-Druid or Jab-Amazon) and wish to join the Guild, go to the Guild main-page (Link above) and put in a request to join or just post in this thread with a request to join. If member slots are not yet available, they will be made available. A 50.00 forum gold member slot purchase will be required to secure your position within the Palapk Nation indefinitely. After submitting your request to join, you may either first send the 50.00 forum gold to me, PreZident Brennon, Vice PreZident Tyler, Chief of Staff Dave or Secretary of Membership Brandon, or you may just wait until you are contacted by one of the top staff members whom will request the 50.00 forum gold. At which time, you will be accepted into the Palapk Nation. If you would like to interview for a more active and demanding role, title, position or rank, you may PM one of the top staff members about it. Please note: these will require an additional rank purchase of 250.00 forum gold, which you can do yourself on the Guild main-page, for the official title, position or rank of your new role in the Guild.

Guild Statistics:
    National Anthem

    USEAST Non-Ladder

    Op Palapk_Nation

    Private Games
    PN/1, PN2/2, etc., and PNSETB/1, PNSETB2/2, etc.

    Game Difficulty

    Ventrilo Server
    To Be Announced
Mission Statement
The mission of the Palapk Nation is to provide a new, bold and universal approach to melee, in the eyes of the Melee Community, in which every member of the Guild has and plays an important role, including responsibilities in several different key positions and ranks that can and may affect the Melee Community and the Palapk Nation as a whole, that will increase new membership, activity, participation and much more interest in those who question or may have not considered the melee path ever before. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction may be aging, but we will not let it die.

Founding and Path
The Palapk Nation Melee Guild was officially founded on December 27, 2004 that arose as an independent Guild-Nation from the last entities of the original version 1.09 era Palapk Clan, in which the beginning of the Legit Melee Community was revolutionized and as we know it today.

The Palapk Nation is greatly modeled after the United States Government, but only in ways that could actually be used within the Guild as part of the Melee Community, such as having a government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

The Executive branch consists of the PreZidency (Replacing the s with a capitalized Z in the word president was my own design from the very beginning), Vice PreZidency, Chief of Staff, Cabinet, and the renowned P.N. Forces.

The Legislative Branch consists of the Palapk Nation Congress with both chambers included: The House of Representitives, which all new members make up, have the power to propose, debate and vote on anything concerning the Palapk Nation and melee. And once a bill, act, treaty or alliance is passed by the majority of the members, it moves onto the Palapk Nation Senate. A bill, act, treaty or alliance must pass a Senate vote before it is then passed on to the PreZident for final approval and may or may not be vetoed.

Last, but not least, the Judicial branch was included for the sole purpose of hearing cases that challenge or require interpretation of the legislation passed by the Palapk Nation Congress and approved by the PreZident. In other words, the Supreme Court may overrule or overturn a bill, act, treaty or alliance making them ineffective. The Supreme Court also hears appeals and appeal cases concerning the sentence of bans and banned members, pretty much the same way it works in the United States Supreme Court, but only in a way that can actually be used within the Palapk Nation or melee.

The Executive Branch of the Palapk Nation Government

The Executive Office of the PreZident of the Palapk Nation:
    PreZident—Founder, owner and leader whom runs the Guild. Signs or vetoes new bills, acts, treaties or alliances concerning the Guild or melee that must first pass a majority vote in the House of Representatives Chamber of the Palapk Nation Congress (Which all members make up), which is then moved onto the Palapk Nation Senate Chamber of the Palapk Nation Congress that must pass a final vote before being moved on to the PreZident for final approval. Also the Commander-in-Chief of the Palapk Nation Forces.
Cabinet Rank Members:
    Vice PreZident—Second-in-command whom serves as PreZident in the PreZident's absence, in which five days (120 hours) of no contact is made with the Palapk Nation. Therefore, taking up the responsibilities as the PreZident of the Palapk Nation until their return. Also, serves as PreZident of the Senate (Of the Senate Chamber of the Palapk Nation Congress), whom is responsible for overseeing Senate sessions. In the event of a tie-vote in the Palapk Nation Senate, the Vice PreZident makes the final decision whether or not a bill, act, treaty or alliance moves on to the PreZident for final approval. Also a Senior Advisor to the PreZident.

    Chief of Staff—Oversees the PreZident's Cabinet: Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Guild Security and Secretary of Membership. Makes sure the Cabinet upholds their tasks and responsibilities while also making sure they remain active at the same time. Also a Senior Advisor to the PreZident.
The PreZident's Cabinet:
    Secretary of Guild—Head Secretary of the Cabinet whom is responsible for seeking, upholding and negotiating relations with other clans, guilds and other organizational entities. Also responsible for keeping the rest of the Cabinet on track and focused with their duties.

    Secretary of Defense—Head of the Palapk Nation Forces which include: the P.N. Army, P.N. Navy, P.N. Marines, P.N. Air Force, P.N. National Guard, P.N. Coast Guard, P.N. PreZidential Elite Guard and the P.N. Militia. Responsible for maintaining the Official Palapk Nation Forces Thread and also tasked with assigning eight very active and reputable members whom show initiative as well as determination as the Commanders (Top Generals/Fleet Admirals) of each of the eight P.N. Forces. Must first make sure Commanders are first a member of the Palapk Nation whom can be found on the main member list page of the Guild before assigning them their rank. Will also be responsible for making sure the Commander of each Force understands that they are to make a "separate" thread titled "The P.N. (Force Name)" and that they must "link" their own Force thread to the Official Palapk Nation Forces thread. Coordinates Battle Force Tournaments with the Secretary of Melee between the Palapk Nation Forces in a tournament-style event to determine Force superiority and preparedness against other guild challenges or enemy/caster attacks against D2X-made P.N. games (lol).

    Secretary of Melee—Manages and hosts all Palapk Nation melee events including: Tournaments, Mini-Tournaments, Single Elimination Team Bets, Ladders, Bet Challenges and Side Bets, Battle Force Tournaments (Coordinated with the Secretary of Defense.), King Events, Free-for-Alls and Classic Duels. Describes all rules in relation to a particular melee event before beginning. Chooses additional "Referees" when needed and makes all final decisions on any rules that are broken either purposefully or accidentally with associated penalties.

    Attorney General—Head of the Palapk Nation Department of Justice. Submits inquiries to the Palapk Nation Congress on any member of the Palapk Nation that unjustly and unlawfully uses the power of their title, position or rank to benefit themselves or another without due process (Abuse of power), or any other law or rule that may have been broken. In which case, the Speaker of the House, of the House of Representatives Chamber of the Palapk Nation Congress, will either accept or deny a grievance submitted by the Attorney General. If accepted, a vote in the House of Representatives will determine if the grievance reaches the Palapk Nation Senate, in which a trial by the Senate Chamber of the Palapk Nation Congress will hear the testimony of the Attorney General and/or a witness called upon. The defendant will then be given a chance to call upon a person, guild or non-guild related to defend them or they may choose to defend themselves. If there is a tie in the senate verdict, the Vice PreZident must decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. At which time, the Chief Justice of the Palapk Nation Supreme Court will read a sentence ranging from a list of violations. †See bottom of post for the list of violations, recommended penalties and sentences.

    Only the Attorney General of the Palapk Nation has the authority to prosecute any member of the Executive Branch of the Palapk Nation Government and no one else.

    Secretary of Education—Tasked with teaching new members of the Guild about the Palapk Nation and melee in general. Creates guides on several different melee builds, strategies and skill tables. Understands and educates members about all Palapk Nation melee events including Tournaments, Mini-Tournaments, Single Elimination Team Bets, Ladders, Bet Challenges and Side Bets, Battle Force Tournaments, King Events, Free-for-Alls and Classic Duels including all rules associated with each of them.

    Secretary of Guild Security—Responsible for the overall security of the Palapk Nation Guild, channel and D2X-side games that may deal with BMing and casters. Must also slow, stop and report any misconduct inside Palapk Nation-related threads and topics throughout d2jsp.

    Secretary of Membership—Responsible for reviewing new requests for Guild membership while also noting if the requester, at minimum, has a passion for melee or is willing to build a melee character. Must also make sure the requester has 20% or less warn, a decent reputation and decent join date. Will also be tasked with determining an inactivity limit in which a member will fall in rank, but not be removed from the Guild.
The Palapk Nation Forces
Upon request by new members, they may choose a P.N. Force and rank on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Secretary of Defense is responsible for maintaining the Official Palapk Nation Forces Thread and also tasked with assigning eight very active and reputable members whom show initiative as well as determination as the Commanders (Top Generals/Fleet Admirals) of each of the eight P.N. Forces. The Secretary of Defense must first make sure Commanders are first a member of the Palapk Nation whom can be found on the main member list page of the Guild before assigning them their rank. The Secretary of Defense will also be responsible for making sure the Commander of each Force understands that they are to make a "separate" thread titled "The P.N. (Force Name)" and that they must "link" their own Force thread to the Official Palapk Nation Forces thread. The Commander of each Force is responsible for maintaining their own Force; they must make good judgement calls, and just like the Secretary of Defense, Commanders must first make sure that new requesters to join their Force are first a member of the Palapk Nation (Have already paid the 50.00 forum gold member slot fee) whom can be found on the main member list page of the Guild before assigning them their ranks. Commanders must update or (Re-post) their Force and newly-occupied list of ranks with updated information including: their first name, d2jsp name and their D2X account name. It is recommended that the Commander of each force also use a code format to have the ability to click and "link" to the member's d2jsp profile. These new P.N. Force threads created by their Commanders will be linked to and from the Official Palapk Nation Forces Thread. Whereas, the Official Palapk Nation Forces thread will be linked to and from this Official Palapk Nation News and Updates thread. Commanders may also choose a theme song for their Force as found throughout the four main Palapk Nation threads throughout d2jsp. Palapk Nation Battle Force Tournaments (Or BFTs!—lol) will follow in the future. Also, if the member occupying a rank would like to "purchase" a rank on the main Palapk Nation Guild member list and have their P.N. force rank added there as well, they may do so.

The Legislative Branch of the Palapk Nation Government

The Palapk Nation Congress (With House and Senate Chambers):
    The House of Representatives
    All new members of the Palapk Nation automatically assume the rank of Palapk Nation Congressman or Congresswoman. The Guild's unique style of having every member essentially part of the government ensures that every single person in the Guild has and plays an effective and important role with almost limitless opportunities and outcomes concerning Guild and melee policy.

    Speaker of the House—Responsible for accepting or denying a piece of legislation (A proposed bill, act, treaty or alliance) before it can be voted on by the House of Representatives. Also responsible for accepting or denying a grievance proposed by the Attorney General or other member of the Guild before it can be voted on by the House of Representatives. Must strongly consider the seriousness of such proposals or grievances so that the Palapk Nation legislative system does not get clogged up with unimportant matters. Must also keep the House active and make sure Congressmen and Congresswoman know when to begin debating and voting on new legislation or grievances inside the Official Palapk Nation Congress Thread.

    Palapk Nation Congressmen/Congresswomen—Make up the House of Representatives Chamber of the Palapk Nation Congress. May propose, debate and vote on new legislation proposed by themselves or another member of the Guild that must first be passed in a majority vote before such a bill, act, treaty or alliance can move onto the Palapk Nation Senate for a final vote. In a tie vote, the Speaker of the House must cast the final-deciding vote. Such proposals, debates and voting will take place in a separate Official Palapk Nation Congress Thread. Will also be responsible for voting whether or not a grievance proposed by the Attorney General or any other member of the Guild will move onto the Palapk Nation Senate for a trial.

    The Palapk Nation Senate
    PreZident of the Senate—The Vice PreZident of the Palapk Nation is also known as the PreZident of the Senate. The one single duty the PreZident of the Senate has: is to oversee the Palapk Nation Senate (Part of the Official Palapk Nation Congress Thread), making sure new bills, acts, treaties and alliances are properly voted on by the four Palapk Nation Senators. Lastly, must cast the final-deciding vote if there is a tie-vote among the four Palapk Nation Senators before the piece of legislation is passed on to the PreZident for final approval.

    PreZident pro tempore—Serves in the absence of the PreZident of the Senate, in which three days (72 hours) of no contact with the Senate is made. Therefore, taking up the responsibilities as the PreZident of Senate until their return.

    Palapk Nation Senator—A total of four Senators make up the Palapk Nation Senate. This number may increase to eight in the future. They will be responsible for making final-deciding votes on legislation that passes the House. If passed, the legislation will then move to the PreZident for final approval or veto. They will also be responsible for conducting a trial against any member of the Palapk Nation in which a grievance was brought against them that was first accepted by the Speaker of the House and passed by the House of Representatives. In the event of this happening, a vote will commence for a final verdict on the member. In a tie vote, the Vice PreZident must cast the final-deciding vote. If found guilty, the Chief Justice of the Palapk Nation Supreme Court must decide on whether or not to give any penalties or sentences against the member ranging from possible fines, suspension from melee events to being banned/exiled.

This post was edited by PreZident Brennon on Dec 9 2009 02:28pm
Posts: 1,649
Joined: May 4 2004
Gold: 43,841.33
Dec 9 2009 02:24pm
The Judicial Branch of the Palapk Nation Government

The Palapk Nation Supreme Court
Hears cases that require interpretation of the legislation passed by the Congress and approved by the PreZident. In other words, the Supreme Court may overrule or overturn a bill, act, treaty or alliance making it ineffective. The Supreme Court also hears appeals and appeal cases concerning the rejection of membership and the removal of a member. Also, penalties such as fines and sentences of suspension from melee events, suspension from the Guild and bans. For more information, please visit the Official Palapk Nation Supreme Court Thread.
    Chief Justice—Oversees the Palapk Nation Supreme Court and its four Associate Justices. This number may increase to eight in the future. Responsible for initiating a vote on any appeal of legislation that was passed by the Congress and approved by the PreZident. This will determine whether or not the piece of legislation (Bill, act, treaty or alliance) will remain effective or ineffective. A majority vote of the four Associate Justices will determine whether or not an appeal succeeds or fails in the Supreme Court. In the event of a tie-vote, the Chief Justice must cast the final-deciding vote. The Chief Justice is also responsible for judging a senate trial against any successfully grievanced member of the Palapk Nation that first passed the House. The Chief Justice must decide whether to enforce any penalties or sentences ranging from fines, suspension from melee events to bans/exile.

    Associate Justice—A total of four Associate Justices and one Chief Justice make up the Palapk Nation Supreme Court. This number may increase to eight in the future. Responsible for voting on any appeal of legislation that was passed by the Congress and approved by the PreZident. This will determine whether or not the piece of legislation (Bill, act, treaty or alliance) will remain effective or ineffective. A majority vote of the four Associate Justices will determine whether or not an appeal succeeds or fails in the Supreme Court. In the event of a tie-vote, the Chief Justice must cast the final-deciding vote. Also hears appeal cases from members that were sentenced to bans/exile and those that may have been banned or exiled long ago and wish to return to the Guild.

Palapk Nation Melee Events

    1. The Palapk Nation Melee Tournament
    2. The Palapk Nation Mini-Tournament
    3. The Palapk Nation Single Elimination Team Bet™
    4. The Palapk Nation Melee Ladder
    5. The Palapk Nation Melee Bet Challenge and Side Bets
    6. The Palapk Nation Battle Force Tournament™
    7. The Palapk Nation King Event™
    8. The Palapk Nation Free-for-All
    9. The Palapk Nation Classic Duel

Common Palapk Nation Melee Event Rules:
    Bad Manner (Code BM):

    BM1. Do not commit acts of bad manner.
    BM2. Do not angle (Both must be parallel to town).
    BM3. Do not buff.
    BM4. Do not pre-cast.
    BM5. Do not use poison.
    BM6. Do not use slow.
    BM7. Do not enchant.
    BM8. Do not smite.
    BM9. Do not charge.
    BM10. Do not jump.
    BM11. Do not pot.
    BM12. Do not run.
    BM13. Do not use whirlwind.
    BM14. Do not knock-back.
    BM15. Do not use items that emit auras which affect player versus player (PvP) and cause physical and/or elemental damage.
    BM16. Do not emit the holy freeze aura.
    BM17. Do not change gear more than once before dueling in any event. (Changing gear is allowed only once before every duel.)

1. The Palapk Nation Melee Tournament
At present, melee tournaments are scheduled every Monday at 7:05 PM EST and players are requested to join the official channel Op Palapk_Nation a little early with their melee characters. This event is open to the entire Melee Community and not only Palapk Nation members. Prizes sometimes include small, medium or large amounts of forum gold for first, second and third places, respectively. At 7:05 PM EST, the Secretary of Melee will describe the rules associated with the event before assigning the maximum number of players for each game to be made (To balance out the players in each game) and will personally choose a second or third "Referee" for each additional game needed. Games will be made as follows: PNT/(Password), PNT2/(Password), etc. Once inside the game, the Secretary of Melee or Referee will ask all players to hostile each other and move just outside of town. At this time, they will be asked to "bunch-up" close to each other for a free-for-all (FFA) which will decide the brackets for each player. Players must then return just inside town until called upon to duel in a best of 10 kills and win by two kills (First to six kills and win by two kills) match or "set." Duels will commence until there remains only two players left in the game, at which point, they will advance and be asked to return to the channel Op Palapk_Nation until called upon to join the final game: PNTFinals/(Password). Certain situations may require a "bye" and/or "double elimination" to occur within a game due to an odd numbers of players. The last player standing at the start of a game during a free-for-all wins the "bye" which automatically advances them to the next round. Double elimination commences when there remain an "odd" number of players left in a game which must duel two other players alternatively until one player eventually loses two sets of duels "twice." In double elimination, a player may still lose one set of duels, but still be able to advance if one of the other players loses two sets of duels first. Sometimes, but rarely, each of the three players will have lost one set of duels, having each dueled one another at least once. At this time, a "point-system" will be initiated and the total sores of wins and losses of each duel by each player will be added up and the player with the least amount of wins is defeated leaving the other two players to advance in the finals. The winner of the tournament will receive a forum gold prize and recognition in the channel Op Palapk_Nation as the "Defending Champion." The results of first, second and third places will also be posted in the Palapk Nation Tournament Results Thread.
    Palapk Nation Melee Tournament Rules:

    1. No exiles are allowed to be used against non-Zeal players, such as Concentrate-Barbarians, Fury-Druids and Jab-Amazons.
    2. No running.
    3. You must say go at the same time and the go must still be up when contact is made.
    4. If you miss-click, the duel will still continue because it would be your own fault and it happens more often than anything else. Plus, it has been found that a small percentage of players do it on purpose in hopes of a re-duel fearing they are going to lose.
2. The Palapk Nation Mini-Tournament
The Mini-Tournament functions the same way as the Tournament shown above with the same rules, except that it is usually initiated as an "on-the-spot" event. Sometimes in PN/1 when the game is full or near-full, someone will propsoe to the rest of the players that they would like to initiate a Mini-Tournament. These events are usually quick and very fun, which can also be spiced-up by having every player bet or wager an agreed amount of forum gold to be awarded to the winner by each player—A possibility of multiplying the wager by seven times in a full-game; a generous prize.

3. The Palapk Nation Single Elimination Team Bet™—Created by PreZident Brennon
Single Elimination Team Bets are by far one of the most popular melee events in the Melee Community. As the name suggests, this type of event almost always requires the players to wager or bet an amount of forum gold agreed upon by all players (Usually 10.00 to 100.00 forum gold, but sometimes 100.00 + forum gold is wagered by the Melee Community's elite players). A Single Elimination Team Bet (SETB) involves four, six or eight players for a two vs. two, three vs. three or four vs. four bet. Players must not party-up in a SETB because while in a single elimination duel, multiple auras would give a winning team an advantage over the losing team. So, to begin the SETB, all players will actually have a free-for-all (FFA) and the last player alive (Now the number one Captain), will have won the opportunity of choosing the first player in the game to be on their team. The only exception is that the number one Captain may not choose the number two Captain (The last player to die in the FFA). At which time, the number two Captain will have the opportunity of choosing their own first teammate. This will occur until all players that participated in the FFA are part of a team. The number one Captain who had won the FFA will have received the honor of knowing whom the number two Captain will be sending to duel first against the number one Captain's team. At which point, each Captain's strategies of sending which player to duel whom will help determine the final outcome of the SETB. When dueling, it's especially important to keep in mind that there is absolutely "no healing" in SETBs. After a player wins a duel, they must continue dueling the next opponent chosen by the opposing Captain until they die or manage to do the impossible of "sweeping" all (Sometimes four) opponents without dying. (It happens.) The general idea is to defeat all members of the opposing team with at least one player still alive on the winning team, which will then earn the winning team one "point". To actually completely "win" a SETB, a team must "earn" or win three points. Therefore, the first team to score three points first, wins the SETB and the forum gold that was wagered. It's best to choose a "pay-buddy" on the opposing team so that if you win or lose, you know who will be sending you the forum gold you won or to whom you will be sending the forum gold you lost.

    Palapk Nation Single Elimination Team Bet Rules:

    [I]Any rules that are broken which affect dueling will disqualify a player for that round only. One point earned by a team equals one round. The disqualified player may join the next round.

    1. No healing during a single round.
    2. No partying.
    3. No exile shields are allowed to be used against non-Zeal players such as Concentrate-Barbarians, Fury-Druids and Jab-Amazons.
    4. No running.
    5. If a player is still tapped after they win a duel, they must continue and duel the next player of the other team if needed.
    6. No jumping.
    7. After a player says, "Go," both players must walk toward each other without stopping until contact is made. This is to eliminate the possibility of unfair shifting.
    8. Once a player FFAs, they FULLY agree to participate in the SETB and finish it all the way through to the end until one team wins three points.
    9. No player is allowed to leave during an active SETB.
    10. If a player drops due to time out, that player has three minutes to return. If that player does not return within three minutes, that player becomes disqualified for that current round.

4. The Palapk Nation Melee Ladder
The Palapk Nation Melee Ladder is currently in development as a planned future and permanent event with details to follow. Stay tuned for updates.

5. The Palapk Nation Melee Bet Challenge and Side Bets
This is the most common and frequent type of bet that occurs when a melee player challenges another melee player to an "agreed" amount of forum gold in a single round of first to six wins. Palapk Nation rules require a "win by two" amount (Example: 6-4 or 7-5). I had a single bet challenge score go all the way up to 20-18 due to the win by two rules, finally securing a victory against Chief of Staff Dave. In the future, I plan to develop a way to increase and gather melee players into one area just for melee bet challenges and side bets so that those members of the Melee Community who really enjoy turning normal duels into interesting and exciting duels because of forum gold being on the line. And just because two elite melee players may be betting forum gold like high-rollers doesn't mean those players that don't have a lot of forum gold can't make side bets against other melee players for much less forum gold. If you're new to melee or your melee character isn't performing like you would like it to, but you have an idea of which melee players may have a good chance of winning against others, making small side bets of forum gold on such players believing they have a good chance of winning may be another good way of starting to build up forum gold. In the future, you can count on seeing the "sponsoring" of melee players in big melee events which is more than likely to continue to revolutionize the Melee Community into the future. Continue to stay tuned for updates on this event as well.

6. The Palapk Nation Battle Force Tournament™—Created by PreZident Brennon
Palapk Nation Battle Force Tournaments (Also called SEFTs—Single Elimination Force Tournaments™) will operate pretty much the same way the above-mentioned Single Elimination Team Bet does, except that there are predetermined teams: The Palapk Nation Forces which consists of the P.N. Army, P.N. Navy, P.N. Air Force, P.N. Marines, P.N. National Guard, P.N. Coast Guard, P.N. PreZidential Elite Guard and P.N. Militia. Once the Palapk Nation Forces begin to fill their ranks with a minimum of two, three or four occupied ranks in each force, we can begin to schedule Battle Force Tournaments or SEFTs. And once each force begins to fill their ranks a lot more, they can send four of their bravest melee heroes to face-off against the brave melee heroes of the other P.N. Forces with one of two different types of schedules: One setup like a western conference and eastern conference (With four teams in each Conference) or completely random schedules. Due to the sheer size of this event, the Force that ultimately secures victory will receive great recognition throughout the Palapk Nation, a trophy with a generous prize that may either include forum gold or valuable items. Plus, the M.V.P. of the entire P.N. Forces will receive a well-earned promotion into one of the branches of government.

7. The Palapk Nation King Event™—Created by PreZident Brennon
The King Event is probably one of the most difficult events for melee players to succeed in, yet one of the most fun as it is challenging. King is usually played with three or more players. The more players the less chance of winning. Developed with the concept of "King of the Mountain" in mind, the goal in the King event is to kill as many opponents as you can in a row without dying. A free-for-all (FFA) will determine which player duels another first. There is absolutely no healing. You receive one point per kill and your score "resets" to zero with each death you receive. Once you die, it will be another player's turn to have a shot at becoming King. The catch is, only the player that manages receive and keep the "high-score" is "crowned King" for as long as that player keeps the high-score. When a player manages to "tie" the King's high-score in kills without dying, the King is "dethroned" leaving no King in place. There is a five minute time-limit with up to three periods for a total of 15 minutes per King Event. During the first period, if a player keeps his high-score (The King) until the end of the first period, that player and King wins the event. If there is a tie for the high-score and the time-limit runs out for the first period, the second period will begin with another five minutes. This process of dueling will continue until either (1) someone manages to keep their high-score when the five minute time-limit runs out for a single period to win as King or (2) until at the end of the third and final period if no one is presently crowned King, a tie is the outcome. However, there is one way to win while being crowned King before any time-limit is up and that is...to win five kills in a row without dying which is an automatic win that is very rare, but possible. I've done it myself and seen it happen. To add more fun, interest and excitement to the King Event, try betting forum gold in which the "winner takes all!"

8. The Palapk Nation Free-for-All
The Free-for-All is one of the simpler, but fun events to participate in. All it requires is a minimum of three players that can be played up to eight players. To initiate an FFA, all players must "bunch up" or get close to each other, at which time, one of the players will count down: 3...2...1...Go! This is when all players will simultaneously "attack" randomly against one-another until only one player is left standing. Players are urged not to "shift" during an FFA because it is very unfair which may allow one player to be "sandwiched"—A situation where two players essentially "gang-up" on one player, in which two players are "ranged" or out-of-reach of one another, but still attack the player in the middle; usually killing them very fast. Not only is shifting illegal, but also very detectable because when a player is killed and one of the attackers fail to reposition closer to the rest of the battling group, that player is either shifting or continuing to "name-lock" the player closest to them. Name-locking is "only" considered unfair when one or more players fail to engage all other players at the same time and instead assists in a gang-up against one or more players. There are several ways to experiment with this event to improve the quality of it: such as having the first player to win three or five free-for-alls first, be considered the winner. And of course, my favorite, the ever-intoxicating bet or wager, in which the "winner takes all!"

9. The Palapk Nation Classic Duel
The Classic Duel is where it all began: it's what made melee what it is today, why we're all still here and what paved the way for the ever-expanding Melee Community and its most renowned participants to develop and create severeal new ideas and events that started with a single clash between two melee characters in one of the earliest patches of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Almost 24 hours a day and seven days a week you will find this most basic event occuring in the game PN/1 of D2X. Usually, PN/1 will become filled with eight melee players (At which point, the game PN2/2 will be made) and as time and dueling progresses, someone will essentially propose that everyone participate in either of the following: a Mini-Tournament, SETB, King Event or FFA. This on-the-spot type of event participation is more typical of occuring than the scheduling of such events. Although, such scheduling of these events will be made in the future as the Palapk Nation continues to develop and expand.

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© 2004-2010 Palapk Nation. All rights reserved.

This post was edited by PreZident Brennon on Dec 9 2009 02:50pm
Posts: 20,916
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Dec 9 2009 03:20pm

Wow must have taken you some time to do this Bren Very good Job :)
Posts: 20,916
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Dec 9 2009 03:21pm
I wasn`t even sure we had a guild chat spot on jsp here this is cool :)
Posts: 3,656
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Dec 9 2009 03:21pm
Most impressive!!!
Well thoughtout, well written and user friendly :cheers:
Posts: 22,035
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Dec 9 2009 03:23pm
Nice, grats on your guild chat! ;)
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Dec 9 2009 03:35pm
Quote (Darkken @ Dec 9 2009 02:21pm)
Most impressive!!!
Well thoughtout, well written and user friendly :cheers:

That XD
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Dec 9 2009 03:40pm
Thanks, guys. It was giving me fits, but I poured my heart into it and that's the result. B)

This will help everyone learn about what exactly the Palapk Nation is and what it stands for. Now that everyone can see all the different titles, ranks & positions, I'm hoping we can get them filled asap and get the P.N. fully functioning again; like proposing new bills and voting on them. Things like that which could help the Melee Community press on where everyone can get involved in the process of making or changing Melee Community & Guild polices!
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Dec 9 2009 03:43pm
very nice :thumbsup:
Posts: 13,324
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Dec 9 2009 04:37pm
This should be a standard for melee duel
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