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Aug 16 2016 07:17pm
Quote (Master_Zappy @ Aug 16 2016 05:20pm)
I dont think just straight massive funding to schools is the panacea to fix the problem, sure it'll help in some regards, but much of it falls under the purview "lead a horse to water but cant make it drink", and of bad or neglectful parenting , and in the black community (not exclusively, but far higher than any other demographic) that's largely a single mothers issue (and increased mental health issues, education fulfillment, crime-drug addiction etc ). In newark a few years ago they just threw 200 million (100m from faced-book fonder m. zuckerberg and 100m matched) into the schools and realized little to no metric improvements there.

I'd like to see less funding (I want to say no taxation for schools, but dont want to come off as an asshole or rehash the social contract arguments) for schools and better allocation of the resources it does receive, along with more parental investment into their kids education they chose to have. I know that when People pay for something they tend to value it more, getting govt out of education and putting the responsibility on parents and their local community could improve this value and the quality of education.

I think the way Canada does their public funding of education is a smarter way to do it then how we do it here in the states. The Canadian way evenly distributes money to schools and districts which levels the playing field and prevents huge disparities between schools. I personally take the libertarian position on education, but insomuch as we have public edu I think the Canadian way makes sense.

Canada’s Approach to School Funding
The Adoption of Provincial Control of Education Funding


I just see one sector thats consistently had bad funding until when 60s 70s 80s 90s today? in some places.

you cant pump more money into one sector and less in another an expect equal results, a generation and a half from jim crow laws a stones throw away from mostly illiterate property. Lets be honest this stuff isnt studied by pumping in cash and expecting dividends. Its a multi-generational game with large amounts of money to fix. Lets stop acting like it can be solved cheaply or fairly, it can only be managed in that way. If you call it a loss sure go ahead and make a level playing field. Or pump a lot into and turn a 100-150 year transition into a 50-100 year transition to whats eventually coming.

I think it needs to be a state decision with limited federal oversight. I miss the days when we could just mock Alabama and Missouri from our high seats.
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Aug 23 2016 03:09pm
Quote (majorblood @ 23 Aug 2016 16:48)

white cis scum comitting hate crimes on other white men, lashing out with their inner self hatred as a weapon.
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