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Jan 18 2018 03:07pm
Quote (dro94 @ Jan 18 2018 01:25pm)
Is Venezuela a shithole because a socialist is in charge or because it's a shithole country that has historically had totalitarian regimes?

1. Totalitarian regimes
2. CIA interference
3. OPEC price manipulation plus the United States becoming the largest oil producer in the world and driving the BBL cost down.

#3 is really the most critical to understand. Venezuela's economy is tied to oil. In fact, Venezuela sits on top of the worlds largest oil reserves at around 300 billion barrels. Right now the United States is the largest producer, but that's because of the type of oil we are producing here is cheaper to produce and cheaper to sell and we're trying to screw Russia, China, and Iran over. It's lighter, sweeter crude than the heavy, viscous Venezuelans reserves. Venezuela doesn't reach a break even point until the BBL reaches $78. And their break even was $100 just a few years ago. That's really high vs current pricing, but as we reach the end of all current EIA reserve estimates, bbl will climb back over $100 and Venezuela will become a massive producer. In fact, they will likely become the largest producer in the world about 25-30 years from now. The reason the CIA is funding fascist rebel groups and "protestors" is to topple the Chavist government and install a friendlier right-wing regime. That way all of our largest oil corporations will have unfettered access to the largest oil fields in the entire world. Right now, that is a right reserved to the national oil company. There is no doubt about it: Venezuela is on track to become a state capitalist transitioning to socialist economy raking in the largest oil profits on the planet in a couple of decades because their planned austerity now is going to have a massive payoff for them. That is, unless the United States and its oligarchs topple the Chavist government and allow our corporate vampires to drain the nation and its people of their own birthright.

Quote (PlasmaSnake101 @ Jan 18 2018 12:58pm)
This is why socialism survives. Because there is such a fluid definition of socialism all examples can be dismissed. The ideology is intentionally vague to avoid direct criticism.

Hm. No. Socialism has always been defined as workers owning the means of production/the dictatorship of the proletariat. Marxism has always been advocating in favor of capitalism to develop a nation, socialism to redistribute the wealth attained through the capitalist stage, to finally eliminating the state when mankind is ready to live communally in a post-scarcity world.

Capitalism is the term that has managed to survive through fluidity of definition. Right now, people think capitalism means individuals selling goods and services on the market. But that's not capitalism. Even socialism has an open market. Capitalism is specifically a person who controls money exploiting others through use of that money. But that's not how anyone talks about it anymore. It's shifted to mean everything we do on a daily basis and somehow to also mean freedom, even though it by definition means exploitation.

This post was edited by inkanddagger on Jan 18 2018 03:13pm
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Jan 18 2018 05:20pm
wonder if leevee believes the communist thing yet
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Jan 18 2018 05:56pm
Quote (Leevee @ 18 Jan 2018 21:35)
Did the workers own the means of production under Lenin?

they claimed as much 24/7 and praised their dictatorship of the proletariat, but in reality? of course not

hiding behind theoretical definitions when talking about reality is not an argument

you cant tell anyone that communism/socialism has not been attempted, lenin is one of the masterminds of that ideology
if he didnt attempt to do that in russia then what the hell has he been doing all the time?

Quote (inkanddagger @ 18 Jan 2018 22:07)
1. Totalitarian regimes
2. CIA interference
3. OPEC price manipulation plus the United States becoming the largest oil producer in the world and driving the BBL cost down.

#3 is really the most critical to understand. Venezuela's economy is tied to oil. In fact, Venezuela sits on top of the worlds largest oil reserves at around 300 billion barrels. Right now the United States is the largest producer, but that's because of the type of oil we are producing here is cheaper to produce and cheaper to sell and we're trying to screw Russia, China, and Iran over. It's lighter, sweeter crude than the heavy, viscous Venezuelans reserves. Venezuela doesn't reach a break even point until the BBL reaches $78. And their break even was $100 just a few years ago. That's really high vs current pricing, but as we reach the end of all current EIA reserve estimates, bbl will climb back over $100 and Venezuela will become a massive producer. In fact, they will likely become the largest producer in the world about 25-30 years from now. The reason the CIA is funding fascist rebel groups and "protestors" is to topple the Chavist government and install a friendlier right-wing regime. That way all of our largest oil corporations will have unfettered access to the largest oil fields in the entire world. Right now, that is a right reserved to the national oil company. There is no doubt about it: Venezuela is on track to become a state capitalist transitioning to socialist economy raking in the largest oil profits on the planet in a couple of decades because their planned austerity now is going to have a massive payoff for them. That is, unless the United States and its oligarchs topple the Chavist government and allow our corporate vampires to drain the nation and its people of their own birthright.

Hm. No. Socialism has always been defined as workers owning the means of production/the dictatorship of the proletariat. Marxism has always been advocating in favor of capitalism to develop a nation, socialism to redistribute the wealth attained through the capitalist stage, to finally eliminating the state when mankind is ready to live communally in a post-scarcity world.

Capitalism is the term that has managed to survive through fluidity of definition. Right now, people think capitalism means individuals selling goods and services on the market. But that's not capitalism. Even socialism has an open market. Capitalism is specifically a person who controls money exploiting others through use of that money. But that's not how anyone talks about it anymore. It's shifted to mean everything we do on a daily basis and somehow to also mean freedom, even though it by definition means exploitation.

planned austerity? i call it chaos

but since you seem to know a lot on the subject

how large is the influence of their mismanagement on the break even point? i have read more than once that the oil production there suffers from ineffectiveness and outdated technology

This post was edited by ampoo on Jan 18 2018 06:02pm
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Jan 18 2018 06:23pm
Quote (inkanddagger @ Jan 18 2018 05:07pm)
1. Totalitarian regimes
2. CIA interference
3. OPEC price manipulation plus the United States becoming the largest oil producer in the world and driving the BBL cost down.

#3 is really the most critical to understand. Venezuela's economy is tied to oil. In fact, Venezuela sits on top of the worlds largest oil reserves at around 300 billion barrels. Right now the United States is the largest producer, but that's because of the type of oil we are producing here is cheaper to produce and cheaper to sell and we're trying to screw Russia, China, and Iran over. It's lighter, sweeter crude than the heavy, viscous Venezuelans reserves. Venezuela doesn't reach a break even point until the BBL reaches $78. And their break even was $100 just a few years ago. That's really high vs current pricing, but as we reach the end of all current EIA reserve estimates, bbl will climb back over $100 and Venezuela will become a massive producer. In fact, they will likely become the largest producer in the world about 25-30 years from now. The reason the CIA is funding fascist rebel groups and "protestors" is to topple the Chavist government and install a friendlier right-wing regime. That way all of our largest oil corporations will have unfettered access to the largest oil fields in the entire world. Right now, that is a right reserved to the national oil company. There is no doubt about it: Venezuela is on track to become a state capitalist transitioning to socialist economy raking in the largest oil profits on the planet in a couple of decades because their planned austerity now is going to have a massive payoff for them. That is, unless the United States and its oligarchs topple the Chavist government and allow our corporate vampires to drain the nation and its people of their own birthright.

Hm. No. Socialism has always been defined as workers owning the means of production/the dictatorship of the proletariat. Marxism has always been advocating in favor of capitalism to develop a nation, socialism to redistribute the wealth attained through the capitalist stage, to finally eliminating the state when mankind is ready to live communally in a post-scarcity world.

Capitalism is the term that has managed to survive through fluidity of definition. Right now, people think capitalism means individuals selling goods and services on the market. But that's not capitalism. Even socialism has an open market. Capitalism is specifically a person who controls money exploiting others through use of that money. But that's not how anyone talks about it anymore. It's shifted to mean everything we do on a daily basis and somehow to also mean freedom, even though it by definition means exploitation.

The level of BS in this post is so disgusting, im not even going to bother replying.

To anybody who is not brainwashed, please save yourself 3 minutes of your life and ignore this guy's post.

So many lies, manipulation and BS in one post, Im actually wondering if this guy is legit or just a troll. So, Ill assume he is just trolling and move on. I recommend you do the same.

Quote (dro94 @ Jan 18 2018 04:25pm)
Is Venezuela a shithole because a socialist is in charge or because it's a shithole country that has historically had totalitarian regimes?

Actually, the Marcos Perez Jimenez Dictatorship in Venezuela between 1950 and 1958 were the Venezuelan golden years. It was after him that democratic socialists (59 until 99) and then hardcore communists (99 until present) that fucked up this country. Turned it from the switzerland of latin american, into the present shit hole.

This post was edited by Golden_Order on Jan 18 2018 06:35pm
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Jan 18 2018 07:08pm
Quote (inkanddagger @ Jan 18 2018 08:39pm)
Quote (Golden_Order @ Jan 18 2018 05:29pm)
Quote (inkanddagger @ Jan 18 2018 05:07pm)
1. Totalitarian regimes
2. CIA interference
3. OPEC price manipulation plus the United States becoming the largest oil producer in the world and driving the BBL cost down.

blah blah blah BS BS BS Lies lies lies etc

What a bunch of bullshit all thrown together in one post. You should be ashamed of yourself for vomiting lies and manipulation.

Prove that a single thing I wrote is false, you fucking shitscum.

Seems like the troll or manipulator is angry. Throwing insults and offenses because he has been called out for what he is.

1. Totalitarian regimes

You mean Marcos Perez Jimenez from 50 to 58?. Those were the golden years. Believe it or not, most of today's Venezuela's infraestructure was built during his dictatorship. It was a dictatorship but a positive one. Economic freedom and prosperity all over the country. If you worked and respected the law you had prosperity from your own work and everything was fine. Only the dirty communists and lazy socialists were in trouble during those years.

2. CIA interference

What destroyed Venezuela during the Chavez era (from 1999 to the present days) were the socialist policies implemented by the dirty communist Chavez and his mentor Fidel Castro.

There is a big shortage of food produced here because Chavez stole the lands from their owners "in the name of the people". We don't produce much because Chavez stole the industries and factories "In the name of the people". And also started regulating the prices of all products, which caused the remaining of the industries to go bankrupt and close doors. This was done purposely, Chavez wanted to be the only one producing all, to become total master of the country, but the communists were so corrupt and incompetent that all the lands they stole were damaged and abandoned, and all the industries/factories they stole went bankrupt and stopped producing. So, they then started importing food/products from other countries to get "comissions" from that, but even that got fucked up too because: they are so corrupt that they stole most of the money that was supposed to be used to import food and products, but then the dollars to import started dropping because they fucked up the oil industry (way before the fall of the oil prices in 2014-2015), then the fall of the oil prices put the final nail in the coffin.

and Venezuela will become a massive producer. In fact, they will likely become the largest producer in the world about 25-30 years from now

Under this socialist dictatorship, I dont think so. They destroyed PDVSA (the venezuelan oil industry) How did they manage to destroy PDVSA?. PDVSA used to be the #3 ranking oil industry in the world before Chavez took power. It was the only industry that the corrupt democratic socialists from 59 to 99 didnt totally put their hands on. So PDVSA was basically independent despite being a nationalized industry, it still ran like a private industry. So, it was very efficient and had a good production rating. But then Chavez came and put his dirty hands on it too and fucked it up. He fired all the experts, experienced managers, and high executives, etc etc, and replaced them with dumb retards that were mostly into politics with little to no knowledge on the oil industry. Chavez only wanted loyal people in PDVSA, he didnt care if they had no expertise and the know-how in the oil business. So, these lazy dumb mostly politicians he put in charge of PDVSA, guess what, fucked that up too. Oil production is way less than when Chavez took power. So, now we have less production and lower oil prices. And under Chavez oil became the only main income because he managed to destroy the rest of the industries with his socialist policies.

The reason the CIA is funding fascist rebel groups and "protestors"

The angry people with a lot of hunger in the streets are fascist rebels?. I hope you are trolling, otherwise you are one big manipulator, either way, shame on you!.

The real fascists are the colectivos (civilian thugs/criminals armed to the teeth under their control) and the national guard who shoot/kill/murder hungry people on the street to install fear and keep them under control. They dont care about the suffering and the hunger, all they care about is to stay in power. Wanna know why?. Because all the leadership of the socialist dictatorship has human right violations accusations and they are all wanted for drug trafficking. This has officialy become a narco-state. The biggest distributors of drug supported by the dictatorship. The drug is raised in Colombia and is freely transported to Venezuela and from Venezuela is distributed to the USA and Europe with no obstacles because Diosdado Cabello and Tarek El Aisami are the biggest drug lords in this continent. Pablo Escobar and el Chapo are babies compared to these two.

You have no freaking idea of what you are talking about. I invite you to come to Venezuela and try to live 3 months here and see how long you last. I bet you wouldnt last 1 month before returning to your lovely California.

Now go troll or manipulate somewhere else.

This post was edited by Golden_Order on Jan 18 2018 07:26pm
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Jan 18 2018 07:20pm
white American guy ink telling brown Venezuelan guy golden that what golden is going through isnt legit

typical american lefty democrat attempt at redefining reality.
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Jan 18 2018 07:34pm
Quote (excellence @ Jan 18 2018 09:20pm)
white American guy ink telling brown Venezuelan guy golden that what golden is going through isnt legit

typical american lefty democrat attempt at redefining reality.


Actually im white descendant of white spanish grand parents (not the brownish ones hehe ;) ... 25% of them were blonde and blue eyed, and the rest 75% were also white but with dark hair/eyes, so my characteristics are from the 75% part haha), but you are 100% right in your post. A guy who doesnt even live here and has never visited Venezuela pretending to know more about Venezuela than someone who lives here and is living this first hand.
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Jan 18 2018 07:37pm
Quote (Golden_Order @ Jan 18 2018 06:34pm)

Actually im white descendant of white spanish grand parents (not the brownish ones hehe ;) ... 25% of them were blonde and blue eyed, and the rest 75% were also white but with dark hair/eyes, so my characteristics are from the 75% part haha), but you are 100% right in your post. A guy who doesnt even live here and has never visited Venezuela pretending to know more about Venezuela than someone who lives here and is living this first hand.

Not surprising. A white supremacist fascist who pines for the glory days of right wing dictatorship.
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Jan 18 2018 07:41pm
Quote (inkanddagger @ Jan 18 2018 09:37pm)
Not surprising. A white supremacist fascist who pines for the glory days of right wing dictatorship.

Im not a white supremacist. Stop making shit up. Now, debate what I said in my previous post.
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Jan 18 2018 07:52pm
Quote (inkanddagger @ Jan 18 2018 05:37pm)
Not surprising. A white supremacist fascist who pines for the glory days of right wing dictatorship.

So because he's of a white descendant means he's a white supremacist fascist?

The fuck is going on here

This post was edited by JohnMiller92 on Jan 18 2018 07:52pm
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