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Jul 30 2008 04:13pm
User Groups
A guide by ALightInTheDark

Color Choosing by: Shak

Special Thanks to Balakai

Special Thanks to Lajo

Special Thanks to: The General Help Community

This is my guide to user groups, not only will it explain the user groups to you, but it will also give you a brief explanation of the trader tags.

Section 1 - User Groups
Section 2 - Trader Tags
Section 3 - FAQ

Section 1 - User Groups

This section describes all user groups, from lowest to highest

User Group: Validating
The validating group is this:
Somebody with a validating user group tag are unable to essentially do anything on d2jsp, until they validate their account VIA email to prove they are not a bot. It may also be caused by a bad email address, or a common problem: Using hotmail or yahoo!

User Group: Banned
The Banned group:
The Banned user group are people who have no access to d2jsp. They have been banned for a reason.

User Group: Member
The Member group:
These are the people who have joined D2jsp as normal members.They have rights to post ,and guild, all rights of a normal member. The priviledges and rights are based upon the level of the users warn.

User Group: Members++
The members++ group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=26
Members++ are the helping hands for anybody ranked higher. They have ability to edit their own posts for an extended period of time. They are also able to close their own topics. On top of that, they have a larger PM boxes. The member++ can close topics in the general help section and certain sub-forums.

User Group: Trade Assistant
The Trade Assistant group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=28
Trade Assistants Inform Trade Moderators about issues. They take care of violations as well as act as Mediators for trades, although mediating is not required of them. The trade assistants can close topics in the trading grounds.

User Group: Trade Moderator
The Trade Moderator group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=25
They have the power to Warn, Close, Move, Delete, Trash etc. posts in the Trade forums.Jr.Moderators and Trade Moderators have about the same powers, more or less, it's just a factor of where they have the powers.

User Group: Junior Moderator
The Junior Moderator group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=20
The extended arms of the Moderators. Warning/Closing threads,Trashing/Moving powers etc. They can also suspend. They are able to help with common things in d2jsp or will be able to give you a name of a person who will. Jr.Moderators and Trade Moderators have about the same powers, more or less, it's just a factor of where they have the powers.

User Group: Moderator
The Moderator group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=11
They have the same powers as Junior Moderator but a few more. You should listen to and respect the moderators decisions, not argue with them.

User Group: Senior Moderator
The Senior Moderator group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=30
They have all powers of all lower ranks, along with some admin powers. Whether or not there presence is known, they are there. If they speak, you better listen.

User Group: Administrator
The Admin group: http://forums.d2jsp.org/index.php?act=groups&g=4
Njaguar and Gary. They have all powers, they run the site. Do not overload them with pms, as they are very busy. Respect and listen to them especially.

Section 2 - Trader Tags

There are 4 Trader tags, as well as 2 forum gold tags.

they are explained here:

Scammer Tag
Trusted Tag
Mediator Tag
Not Rated

Note: Trusted is just as "trusted" as mediator, but mediators are given a different tag because they are usually available for mediating.

As for the forum gold tags, you can be normal forum gold tagged (use of forum gold
Locked forum gold tags, which means you have scammed. You may get unlocked by paying back your scam.

Section 3 - FAQ

What is a Trusted?
Well, this may answer your question

What is a Mediator?
A mediator is the same thing as trusted, just they mediate trades as well

How can I get a Trusted Tag
Try Here

Why am I Locked?
Try asking here

How Can I get unlocked?
Read and Follow this guide

How does one get a locked tag?
Well, to get a locked tag, you would have to scam which is against the rules, and you would get scammer tag along with it.

How Can I switch between Mediator and Trusted Once I have gotten tagged?
You can pm a person of high authority (moderator+) to change your tag

How can I move up in user ranks?
To move above members, you must first recieve a trusted tag, or mediator. Then as you progress through d2jsp, you will gain higher user group status.

If I'm a member and I'm looking for warn removed, what do I do?
The new warning system is fully explained here:

Hope this guide helped.

This post was edited by Balakai on Nov 27 2008 07:15am
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