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Mar 3 2008 03:08pm
It has come to my attention that many jsp'ers are not aware of how their sleep, eating habits, and lack of excercise
can affect your health, physically and mentally.I dont cover Exercise in this Guide because we all know that it results in only positive effects
So i have decided to make a guide to give you knowledge of these things.

Table of Contents.
1. Diet
2. Sleep
3. Depression
4. Conclusion

1. Diet
Well, when most people hear "diet" they think percisely "weight loss". But really, Diet is defined as:
the usual food and drink consumed by an organism. So you have to ask yourself this....What is my diet? Do i meet my Nutricial needs?
Im not going to sit here and tell you exactly what to eat, but i can make suggestions. Im sure all of you are familiar with the food pyramid.
Now, if you dont meet your nutricial needs, here are some things that can affect you!

1. Low energy/fatigue

Cause A low-carbohydrate weight-loss dlet could be the culprit. Skimping on carbs, the body's prime source of immediate fuel, may leave you physically tired and mentally sluggish. Not getting enough iron or water also may cause fatigue.

Solution: Eat plenty of complex carbs to stay energized and mentally sharp while still losing weight. Add iron-rich foods such as oatmeal and spinach, and drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

2. Feeling down/depressed

Cause Not getting enough omega-3 fats from fish or enough B vitamins, especially folic acid, vitamin A and vitamin B,
could make you feel down in the dumps or somewhat depressed.

Solution: Eat two to three weekly servings of fish to get your omega-3s and vitamin [B.sub.12] two dark-green leafies
or legumes a day for folic acid, and several foods rich in vitamin [B.sub.6] like bananas, whole grains, asparagus and legumes.

3. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Cause Consuming too little calcium and magnesium or too much sugar can exacerbate PMS symptoms like moodiness,
anxiety, crying spells, bloating, headaches add cravings. Also, eating too few calories may contribute to moodiness.

Solution: Cut back on sweets. Consume more calcium-rich foods like nonfat milk, yogurt and calcium-fortified soy products.
Eat more foods high in magnesium, including whole-grains, nuts and legumes, and eat sufficient calories.

4. Constant hunger

Cause You may be skipping breakfast or other meals; following a fad diet with too few ca lories, carbs and/or protein;
or skimping on fiber-rich foods. Or, you could be eating too many empty calories -- high/sugar/high-fat processed
stuff that fills you out but not up.

Solution: Spread your food intake evenly throughout the day, starting with breakfast. Combine a little protein and high fiber
(which together balance blood sugar and keep you full) with quality carbs at each meal and snack. Stay full on fewer calories
by eating lots of fiber- and water-packed foods like vegetables, fruit, broth-based soups and stews.

5. Bingeing and craving

Cause These problems are related to overly strict, prohibitive diets, skipping meals and snacking on sweet and/or fatty snacks.
Drinking too many caffeinated or alcoholic beverages also may aggravate food cravings.

Solution: Eat a balanced diet. Curb your sweet tooth with naturally sweet snacks like fresh fruit. To avoid feeling deprived,
enjoy small portions of favorite treats a few times a week. Don't drink more than three cups of coffee or one alcoholic beverage a day.

2. Sleep
I myself have problems with sleep, i always find myself playing CoD4 or D2 on school nights till midnight.
Here are some things that might affect you from loss of sleep.

1. Your Health
-Increased risks for depression
-Loss of Appetite

2. Your Work/School
-More likelihood of work errors
-impaired concentration (How do u do Baal runs without Concentration?)
-slowed reaction time (How can u pk with a slow reaction time? =p)
-poorer work performance

3. Your Home/School relationships
- Impatience
- Being cranky or irritable
- Bad sleep patterns can result in lost time with your family.

Solution: Turn your damn computer off at 11:00 tops, eat something, get your ass in bed. =)

If you’re dealing with a sleep deficit, these tips may help get you through a sluggish day:

-Eat breakfast. You’ll need the energy it provides.
-Avoid a “sugar rush.” You might get a lift from eating candies, cakes, and other high-sugar foods, but you’ll crash pretty quickly.
-Instead, eat meals and snacks that combine complex carbohydrates and protein.
-Move around. Stimulate your body by taking a brief walk outside or around the office; you’ll feel more alert.
-Vary your activities. Don’t focus on the same task for long periods of time.
-Get chilly. A surge of cold air might perk you up. Depending on the season, you could turn on the air conditioning, open a window, or take a brisk walk outside.

3. Depression
Why Do People Get Depressed?
There is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, environment, life events, Sleep, Diet,
and the way people react to things that happen in their lives.

Research shows that depression runs in families and that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for
them to get depressed. Not everyone who has the genetic makeup for depression gets depressed, though.
And many people who have no family history of depression have the condition. So although genes are one factor,
they aren't the single cause of depression.

Life Events
The death of a family member, friend, or pet can go beyond normal grief and sometimes lead to depression.
Other difficult life events, such as when parents divorce, separate, or remarry, can trigger depression.
Even events like moving or changing schools can be emotionally challenging enough that a person becomes depressed.

Family and Social Environment
For some people, a negative, stressful, or unhappy family atmosphere can affect their self-esteem and
lead to depression. This can also include high-stress living situations such as poverty; homelessness; and
violence in the family, relationships, or community.

Substance use and abuse also can cause chemical changes in the brain that affect mood — alcohol and some
drugs are known to have depressant effects. The negative social and personal consequences of substance
abuse also can lead to severe unhappiness and depression.

What Are the Symptoms of Depression?
Symptoms that people have when they're depressed can include:

-depressed mood or sadness most of the time (for what may seem like no reason)
-lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
-inability to enjoy things that used to bring pleasure
-withdrawal from friends and family
-irritability, anger, or anxiety
-inability to concentrate
-significant weight loss or gain
-significant change in sleep patterns (inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get up in the morning)
-feelings of guilt or worthlessness
-aches and pains (with no known medical cause)
-pessimism and indifference (not caring about anything in the present or future)
-thoughts of death or suicide

Solution: See a Doctor, Eat right, Get enough Sleep.

4. Conclusion
Eat Healthy
Get Sleep
And of course, Exercise.

Plz rate!!! Pm me anytime for indepth questions, or just post em. =)

This post was edited by AvatarAang on Mar 3 2008 03:11pm
Posts: 6,521
Joined: Jul 17 2007
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Mar 3 2008 04:25pm
I was actually expecting this to be shitty, but it's not a bad piece of work. Cool shit Mike. smile.gif
Posts: 25,940
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Mar 3 2008 04:33pm
not gona lie, this is a really nice guide
Posts: 3,491
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Mar 3 2008 05:50pm
Btw, this took me like.......Forever to make....=/
Hoping to get this stickied. =)

This post was edited by AvatarAang on Mar 3 2008 05:50pm
Posts: 11,146
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Mar 3 2008 07:45pm
Very nice guide bier.gif bier.gif
Retired Moderator
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Mar 3 2008 08:13pm
Added to the massive sticky!

Go thread, keep up the good work!
Posts: 3,491
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Mar 9 2008 10:24pm
Awww, come on guys, just skim through it.
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