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Jan 31 2008 06:38am
Updated Common Terms Used On D2jsp Forum And Battle.net

If you see one that should be added pm it to me

d2jsp Related

D2jsp - Diablo 2 Javascript Parser
Sig - Signature
Ava - Avatar
Acc - Account
Pass - Password
Fg - Forum Gold
Admin - Administrators (Njaguar - Paul)
Sm Senior Moderator(s)
Mod - Moderator(s)
Tm - Trade Moderator(s)
Jm - Junior Moderator(s)
Ta - Trade Assistant
Med - Mediator(s)
++ - Member++
TT - Trusted Tag
Rm Retired Moderator(s)

Forum/Internet Talk

Afk - Away From Keyboard
Atm - At The Moment
Bin Buy It Now
Brb - Be Right Back
Brt - Be Right There
Bs - Bullsh*t
Btw - By The Way
C/o- Current Offer
Diso - Desperately In Search Of
Gl - Good Luck
Gz - Congratz
Fg - Forum Gold
Ft - For Trade
Fyi- For Your Information
Idk - I don't know
Iirc - If I Recall / If I Remember Correctly
Imo - In My Opinion
Iso - In Search Of
K - Ok
Lmao - Laughing My Ass Off
Lmfao - Laughing My Fu*king Ass Off
Lol - Laughing Out Loud
Np - No Problem
NR - No Reply
Nt - No Thanks
Omg - Oh My God
Omfg - Oh My Fu*king God
Pc - Price Check
PoS - Piece Of Sh*t
Rofl - Rolling Over From Laughter
Stfu- Shut The Fu*k Up
Thx- Thanks
Ttyl - Talk To You Later
Ty - Thank You
W/e - Whatever
Wtf - What The Fu*k
Wug - What You Got?
Wuw - What You Want?
Yw - Your Welcome

Game Talk

Andy - Andariel
AR - Attack Rating
Baal Run - A game specified to kill baal's minions and/or baal himself.
Cain - Deckerd cain
C/i - Connection Interuppted
Cube - Horadric cube
Currency - The "money" of D2, most items are valued in currency. On east it happens to be 290 sc's
D - Diablo
Dmg - Damage
DR - Damage Reduce
Duri- Duriel
ED - Enhanced Damage
Faster r/w - Faster Run Walk Charms
Fhr - Faster Hit Recovery
Gg- Good Game
Ias - Increased Attack Speed
Izzy - Izual
Id - Identified
Leg - Wirt's Leg
LL - Life Leach
LLD - Low Level Dueling
Meph - Mephisto
Mfsc - Magic Find Small Charm
ML - ManaLeach
Mule - A character specifically made to hold spare items in his inventory and stash.
Ng - New Game
Nk - Naked Kill
Os - Open Sockets
PI - Physical immune
Pindle - Pindleskin
Pk - Player Killer
Rad - Radament
R/d - Realm Down
Scam - Term referring to tricking other players, out of items, or thier accounts.
Smiter - Paladin build based on the skill Smite.
Socs - Sockets
Sp - Single player
Spdc - Small Poison Damage Charm
staff- Staff of kings
Synergy - Passive bonuses recieved from points invested in certain skills.
Tanking - Getting up close to a monster, keeping it in place. Enduring many blows.
Tg - Town Guarding
Th - Town Hugging
Tp - Town POrtal
Unid - Unidentified
Viper - Claw Viper Temple
Wp - Way POint
Xpac - Diablo 2 Expansion Pack

Forum Trading


40/15 ias - 40 ED, IAS jewel, most of these are dupes.
40/15 Max/min - 40 ED 15 MAx damag/min damage, again dupes.
290 - 290 poison damage small charm
AR - Attack Rating
arach - Arachnid Sash
anni - Annihilus Small Charm
Bb - Balrog Blade
Bk ring - Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring
Botd- Breath of the Dying (runeword)
Cb - charged Bolt/Colossus Blade
Ccb - Cruel Colossus Blade
Ccboe - Cruel Colossus Blade of Evisceration
Ccboq - Cruel Colossus Blade of Quickness
Chips - Chipped Gem(s)
Coa - Crown Of Ages
CoH - Chains Of Honor (runeword)
doom - Doombringer / Runeword
eagle - Eaglehorn
Eth - Ethereal / Eth Rune
facets - Rainbow Facet Jewel
Fbb - Fury Balrog Blade
Ffk - Fury Fanged Knife
gaze - Vampire Gaze
GC - Grand charm
gf- Grandfather
gheeds - Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm
gores - Gorerider Boots
gris - Griswold's set peices
HoJ - Hands Of Justice (runeword)
homo - Homunculus
Hoto - Heart of the Oak (runeword)
hoz - Herald Of Zakarum
ik - Immortal King set peices
levi - Leviathan
ls - Lightsabre
maras - Mara's Kaleidoscope Amulet
Mat bow - Matriarchal Bow
mavs - Mavina's set peices
nats - Natalya's set peices
occy - Oculus
Pgem - Perfect Gem(s)
Pt - Perfect Topazed
Res - Resistance
Res All - Resist All
sc - Small charm
shaft - Shaftstop
Shako - Halequin crest Shako
silks - Silkweave Mesh Boots
Skiller - GC with +to a certain skill tree
Socs - Sockets
soj- Stone Of Jordan Ring
strings - String Of Ear Belt
ss - Stormshield
T-gods - Thundergods vigor
tals - Tal Rasha's set peices
treks - Sandstorm Trek Boots
trangs - Trang-Oul's set peices
travs / wt - War Traveler Boots
Unid - Unidentified
Valor - Arkaine's Valor Barlrog Skin
Waters - waterwalks
wf - Windforce
v1.07 VALOR - A poorly spawned 1.09 /1.10 valor, scammers try to sell off as novelty 1.07 items. Which don't exist.


ww - whirlwind
bo - battle orders
fanat - fanaticism
ts - thunder storm
valk- valkyrie
multi - multiple shot
woi - wake of inferno
wof - wake of fire
amp - amplify damage
wc - warcry
fo - frozen orb
tele - teleport
Bs - bonespear
foh - fist of heavens
hf - holy freeze
HS - Holy shield/Holy shock
CE - Corps explosion
BC - Battle command
BoS - Burst of speed
Fb- Fireball
Blizz - Blizzard, makers of D2, more commonly refered as the sorc skill.
Conc - Concentrate, a pally/barbarian skill
FA - Freezing arrow/Fire arrow, amazon skills


Hc - Hardcore
Hcl - Hardcore Ladder
sc - Softcore
scl - Softcore Ladder
Closed - Closed realms, characters are stored on battle.nets servers
Open - Players are stored on your computer, leaving you free to edit/hack them as seen fit.
Bugged item - An item with mods that it shouldn't have, created by a server glitch or a hack.
Popping - The loss of currently equipped items upon dying.
Leecher - Term used for a player who gains experience and possibly swipes items without
actually contributing to the battle.
Mule - A character specifically made to hold spare items in his inventory and stash.
PI - Physical immune
Rushing - Process of having a high level character get a low level one through the game.
Scam - Term referring to tricking other players, out of items, or thier accounts.
Synergy - Passive bonuses recieved from points invested in certain skills.
Smiter - Paladin build based on the skill Smite.
Currency - The "money" of D2, most items are valued in currency. On east it happens to be 290 sc's
Sp - Single player
Tanking - Getting up close to a monster, keeping it in place. Enduring many blows.
Baal Run - A game specified to kill baal's minions and/or baal himself.
Exp - Experience
Mf - Magic Find
Classic - Diablo 2 Regular
Pvp - Player Versus Player
Pvm - Player Versus Monster
Clvl- character Level
Mlvl - Monster Level
Ilvl - Item Level
Tc - Treasure Class
ITD - Ignore target defense
LLD - Low Level Dueling
Psn - Poison
Clean - This Means An Item Has Been Socketed.
Dirty - An Item That Has Been Socketed With Something, Usually Something Not Wanted.

Bosses/Areas In Game

andy - Andariel
duri- Duriel
rad - Radament
izzy - Izual
pindle - Pindleskin
meph - Mephisto
big d - Diablo
cain - Deckerd cain
cube - Horadric cube
staff- Staff of kings
Viper - claw viper temple


Barb - Barbarian
Sorc - Sorceress
Zon - Amazon
Pally - Paladin
Ass/Asn/Azn - Assassin
Necro/Nek - Necromancer
Avenger - A Paladin build relying on the skills Vengeance, Conviction and sometimes Fanaticism
Zoomancer/summoner - Nek using summons as it's main form of offense
Zookeeper - Druid using summons as part of it's offense
FoH'er - Paladin build specifying in conviction + FoH in PvP.
Trapper - Asn using traps as it'sm ain form of offense.
Shapeshifter/wolf druid - Druid relying on shapeshifting skills as it'smain form of offense
Bowazon - Zon using the bow as it's main form of offense
Charger/chargadin - Paladin build that relies on charge in PvP.
Zeal bug - When a Paladin using the Zeal skills misses with his first strike, none of the others hit the target.
Zealot - Paladin using zeal as his main for of offense.
Cookie cutter - Common builds, such as blizzard sorceresses.
Ranger - Paladin build using a bow.
Martyr - Paladin build which relies on the use of Sacrifice.

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